Chapter 1: Who's to Blame?

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Third POV

     Thump! Thomas had fell off the bed. Guess sleeping on the edge wasn't the best idea. He groaned and slowly got up sparing a look at the clock. 5 pm. Alright, not bad. He still felt mad, even more mad then before his nap. Thomas clenched his jaw and stormed down to the kitchen. He was for sure going to interrogate the sides about this. The unexplained anger annoyed him, adding even more anger on his anger. Which didn't make much sense.

     He opened the fridge and grabbed some cold leftover pizza. He didn't feel like cooking something, even if he had all the ingredients and time to do so. Sure, it would be healthier for him, but why does that matter. Thomas angrily ate the pizza, maybe putting too much force onto biting down and chewing. Gosh he was so mad, it seemed to boil in his head.

     "Okay, enough is enough." Thomas marched to the living room still eating his pizza. "Patton, Roman." He summoned the two emotions. They were probably the cause of this stupid anger. Patton popped up Roman following behind.
     "Hey kiddo! What's going on?" Patton gave a small smile staring at him devouring his pizza.
      "Did you bring us here just to angrily eat some pizza?" Roman sassed crossing his arms.
      "Okay. Which one of you are mad, because I've been feeling frustrated all the time for no reason and I'm getting sick of it." Thomas snapped. Patton widened his eyes in surprise and Roman just put an offended hand over his chest.
     "Well, I'm not angry. I'm just fine." Patton said, still looking rather concerned for the state of Thomas's pizza. "You might want to slow down, you don't want to kill the sausage twice." Patton joked. Thomas groaned and threw the pizza at the wall, it surprisingly stuck.
       "Oh... Well I'm not mad padre. I'm actually quite well, had a little talk with the emo and all...." Roman muttered the last part seemingly embarrassed.
     "You called?"
     "AHHh! Don't do that you spooky spider!" Roman screeched. Virgil tiredly looked at the pizza stuck to the wall.
     "First of all, bad nickname. Second all, what's with the pizza Thomas?" He pointed a finger accusingly at the emo,
     "Are you the cause of my frustration!!" Thomas yelled his hair slightly messy.
     "Woah, calm down. Can't believe I'm saying that." Virgil muttered. "I'm just fine, I mean, I'm not happy about our new addition known as evil snake boi. But otherwise...."
     "Snake boi..." Patton whispered, he probably liked the nickname. Thomas gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. He was so goddamn mad and the sides, or at least the emotional ones had no idea!
      "So you're telling me none of you are the cause?" They all nodded looking at him with worry. "That's not possible! It's you, I know it's you Patton!" Thomas snapped as he looked at him in fear.
     "What, no. Your being a bit unreasonable kiddo. Just calm down-"
      "Oh please! You're my emotions are you not?!" Thomas got closer to the side as Roman and Virgil looked at each other wondering if they should stop him.
     "I mean, yeah-"
     "So, if I get rid of you the anger will be gone-" Thomas said now infront of Patton as he just looked very confused.
      "Woah! Take a chill pill Terminator!" Roman interrupted not wanting Thomas to scare Patton more. Janus had by then arrived using one of his many hands to bring Thomas back to his place. Virgil had hissed at his appearance before quickly stopping himself muttering an apology.
     "As much as I love watching you yell at Patton, I'm gonna have to stop you there." Janus hissed sarcastically. Thomas breathed in and out trying to ease the anger. The frustration slowly faded a little to the tiny nagging it was before.
     "Sorry about that Patton, I was being very irrational and kinda stupid." He muttered giving a sheepish smile.
     "It's okay. You were just mad, anger can sometimes make you do some bad things." Patton reassured. He let out a sigh of relief knowing he had not hurt the side.

     Virgil squinted suspiciously at Thomas, why was he so mad? There had to be some reason. Was Thomas stuck with these random outburst of anger? Would this effect his life? His friendships? Virgil shook off the thoughts and focused on the present. Now was not the time to freak out.
     "Hmmm, irrational huh?" Janus mused a hand on his chin. "Maybe we should ask Logan on that, he is your logical side after all." Oh, right, Logan. He had completely forgot about him. He wasn't the most vocal side.
     "But, isn't logic's area, not emotion. And last time I checked, anger is an emotion. Have you seen Inside out?" Roman argued and Thomas had to agree. Logan wasn't the best at emotions, he didn't even have them.
      "Well no duh Roman. But we might as well ask, unless you want to summon your wonderful brother." Janus snapped, Roman just gave up and agreed.
     "Great! Let's add Logan to the conversation!" Patton said happily. Thomas summoned Logan, or at least tried to.
     "What the-" he tried again and again to no avail. "He's not coming up, did he duck out? Is he gonna fade out and die?" Thomas worried. When did Logan suddenly hate them?
     "Please Thomas, you think Logan would leave you behind with no logic?" Janus rolled his eyes.
     "Yes?" He sighed and shook his head.
      "How does he do this." Janus muttered quite enough for no one to hear.
     "What should we do? We can't just leave Thomas with this unpredictable anger." Virgil stated shifting around in his place.
     "Simple. We go to his room and check on him." Janus said crossing his arms. Patton looked away not entirely comfortable with the idea.
     "I don't know.... His room is kind of, how do I say it..." Patton said quietly, Roman was quick to jump in.
     "As cold as the freezer section in a store!" He grinned proudly at the comparison.
      "Yeah... It's also kinda apathetic in a way and overwhelming." He shivered at the thought of it. The more emotional sides didn't really like Logans room, it always felt off. Maybe Logan felt the same way about their rooms.
     "Last time I went in there books were everywhere and papers were posted  on almost every wall. It was oddly organized but not..." Virgil inputted also shivering as he thought about it.
      "Is it really that bad?" Thomas asked, now worried if he should even go there. Janus shrugged,
     "For me, not really. Trust me Thomas, it won't be that bad. Plus you need to find some solution to this problem and Logan is kind of your guy for that." He sighed and nodded.
     "Alright. We'll go and see if Logan knows what going on." He really wanted to have this be over. The anger could already be felt growing slightly.
     "Think of your logic and knowledge Thomas and we may arrive there." He closed his eyes and followed Janus's instructions.
      "God I hope we won't stay long." Roman muttered as he started to sink out.
      "You're telling me." Virgil commented.
      "Don't be rude guys." Patton chided.
      "You are so brave, wow. I know the cold is so bad..." Janus teased as they all sunk out along with Thomas.

      Hopefully Logan had the answer.

Authors note: this may or may not be a reason to write Logans room. I just really want to okay?

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