Chapter 2: Logan's Room

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Third POV

     Thomas felt himself rise up into a room. He opened his eyes and looked around. It was exactly as Virgil had described. Lots of books lined shelves some even in piles. Papers plastered on the walls each having different bits of information. The room had some sort of blue tint to it along with a large chalk board behind him with words scribbled on it. The most noticable thing about it was definitely the temperature. They were not lying when they said it was cold. Thomas huffed a breath that came out like smoke. The chill was slightly uncomfortable but he could bare with it.
     "It is fairly cold in here. How does Logan deal with this?" He asked.
      "Maybe he just doesn't notice." Virgil suggested rubbing his arms as he looked around.
      "Hey look at that! Isn't that neat." Patton exclaimed looking behind Thomas. "The chalk board shows your thoughts." Oh he's right. Currently displayed on it was 'cold'. It then shifted and turned into 'chalk board'.
      "Okay, can we stop stalling and find Logan already!" Roman yelled peeking behind Virgil up the stairs. "hey nerd!"
     "Oh, and you think that will make him come?" Janus huffed.
      "Salutations everyone." Logan popped up besides Janus lifting a hand as a greeting. "What are you doing in my room? Is there another dilemma that I'm not aware of?" Logan said stiffly, he didn't seem too comfortable with everyone in his room.
      "I honestly can't believe that summoned you, are you fucking kidding me-" Janus hissed as Roman smugly smiled.
      "Language! Hi Logan!" Patton waved as he waved back.
      "Shut the small talk let's get to the goddamn point." Thomas snapped his anger appearently back. Logan blinked at his sudden out burst before looking away suddenly interested in the book on the floor.
     "Well, our problem is Thomas's random anger and slight lack of rationality." Virgil gestured to him who was now glaring at the board behind him. 'anger' was displayed on it.
     "Oh. Well, emotions aren't my thing.... So, I don't quite know." Logan said avoiding their eyes.
     "Sure..." Janus muttered he quickly glared at the snake.
      "Great, we came here for no reason. Can we leave now?" Roman said impatiently his lips forming a frown. Patton nodded, not liking being in the room either. Did the temperature drop or was it his imagination?
      "Are you kidding me? He's obviously lying and clearly knows something." Janus snapped as Logan stayed neutral. Thomas stopped glared at the board and turned to meet his eyes. Logans eye twitched in annoyance at the deceitful side's persistence.
      "I assure you that I know nothing. So if you could please leave." He could feel a tiny bit frustrated. He didn't want to talk to them, they wouldn't listen to what he had to say anyways.
      "Come on calculator! Spill the beans!" Roman exclaimed still wanting to leave. The room seemed to drop in temperature. At this point Thomas was shivering.
      "Did you not hear me-" Logan started before being interrupted.
      "I doubt he knows Janus, let's just leave." Patton added smiling nervously. Thomas clenched his fist as Logan appeared to do the same.
     "Why is this place so goddamn cold!" Thomas snapped as he growled at the chill.
     "It's because logic is seen as-" Logan started,
     "I practically feel no anxiety, this isn't good Thomas. Let's ignore the snake and leave." Virgil stated hunching over. Janus sighed and shook his head muttering.
     "Could you-" Logan said.
      "You guys are pathetic. You'll be fine it's just a bit of cold." Said Janus who in turn also shivered.
      "Can Logan make it a little warmer?" Patton asked as Logan just stared at him flatly.
      "Honestly, could you-" Logan started once more,
     "Is that even possible? What's even the point of a cold room, to suffer?" Roman questioned. Sparks of conversation started, most consisting of people complaining about the room and Janus trying to convince them to stay. Logan stayed silent his teeth clenched and shoulder slightly shaking.

     He was tired of constantly being ignored. They ignored the facts he gave out and now they just talk over
him when he tries to answer their questions. He even did them a favor of not appearing when they wanted him to, seeing as his input wouldn't even be heard.

     The arguing grew louder adding Thomas to the mix who was angrily yelling about something. He can't take this, he's done. Done being ignored.

     "Could you SHUT UP AND LISTEN FOR ONE FUCKING MINUTE?" Logan yelled everyone going silent at the sudden voice. "Honestly! You never seem to listen to me, ever! IT'S FUCKING RIDICULOUS AND I'M TIRED OF IT." The sides looked at him, shocked. They had never seen him so... Angry. "Oh look now you've shut up. Okay, so you listen to a bit of yelling huh!?" He sneered.
      "Your the cause of Thomas's anger..." Virgil muttered, Logan glared and huffed a breath of annoyance.
     "Sure. Guess you don't care unless I effect Thomas. Good to know." Logan said as he look down at his shoes.
     "That's not true-" Patton started.
     "Falsehood." Logan muttered. "I'm done Thomas. I'm done being all kind and waiting to speak. If you listen and ignore me then I'll make it impossible to not."
     "What...." Janus breathed as he shifted away from him.
      "You'll hear me all right." Logan lifted his head to see two bright orange eyes replacing his blue ones. A orange tie now took its place of his old one. Before anyone could say anything, they were kicked out of the room. The only sight they saw before they left was cracks forming along the walls and the chalk board with one word on it.


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