Chapter 5

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Third POV: LoGaN

He didn't know what was happening. After finding out he had turned into wrath some how his vision had gone blurry. A orange haze had covered it and he quickly hid when the sides and Thomas arrived back in his room.

Hearing Remus calling him wrath angered him. He wasn't wrath! He's logic! At this point Logan had no clue what he was doing and his body seemed to move and talk on it's own. Like the anger clouded his sense of logic. He didn't want to tell at the sides or insult them. Logan wanted to apologise and make a compromise and work their problems out calmly. That wasn't how things were going. his uncontrollable rage made him shift into some sort of fire breathing demon. At this point he couldn't see, all he could hear were the yells of the sides and Thomas. Logan listened in distress trying to will himself to stop. But he didn't. So he gave up and waited for it to be over.

Third POV: Thomas and the sides.

"What the fuc-"
"Again? Is this gonna become a thing now or.." Janus yelled. Currently everything was... Horrible. Logan had transformed into a demon of rage and was fighting Roman and Virgil. Virgil busted out some spider legs and is trying to calm him down by crawling to his ears. Roman was yelling while warding off the fire. What was Thomas doing? Sitting there in shock. This was not what he expected. No body knew how to calm Logan down.
"Logan! Calm down!" Thomas yelled hoping to get through to him.
"I'm gonna kill him!" Remus yelled jumping up with his mace in hand. Usually he would tell him to stop, but Logan wasn't real. So... Patton just looked at him, terrified.
"Should we stop him?" He asked, Thomas just shook his head.
"The sides can't die, so maybe its for the best?" He really didn't know, but so far nothing had worked.

Remus used Romans head as leverage as he launched towards Logan who was busy getting Virgil off him. Janus's snakes wrapped around his legs making the demon trip and fall to the ground. Remus faltered losing his momentum, he fell to the ground landing a hit on Logans stomach. Which only kept him on the ground for longer. Roman ran up and pressed his sword to his neck.
"Sorry," he muttered before slicing his neck. Logan let out a scream of pain as his body evaporated into vapor. There was no blood of course, but it did still pain their hearts to see Logan being reduced to this state. Everyone ran up to check on the side, there he was. Absolutely out on the ground with his blue tie back around his neck.
"Logan!" Patton rushed forward smothering him in hugs. The poor dude wasn't even able to get up before being tackled by hugs.
"Uhhh, ok." Logans voice came out very muffled and confused. He knew what happened of course, but he didn't expect hugs.
"Listen Logan" Thomas pulled away looking into his deep blue eyes. "I'm terribly sorry for ignoring you. It was very wrong and I should have never done it."
"Oh, thanks-" Logan started.
"Wait, not finished." He raised his eyebrow. "I learned that logic is actually very important and I have to listen to you just as much as I do with my emotions. You are very important Logan and we all love you. Don't forget that!" Thomas stated proudly a large grin on his face. The sides quickly agreed as Logan just sat there awkwardly, before tears started pouring down his face.
"Uh, nice, oh, apologizes. Stupid eye water.." Logan muttered wiping at the tears. Roman stifled a laugh,
"Eye water?" Remus laughed falling onto his back. Logan just stuttered excuses his face red. Janus rose up and gave a quick look around.
"How about we go back," Janus said smoothing down his clothes.
"Is it too cold?" Logan asked finally regaining himself from his emotions.
"Yeah, but not as bad." Virgil muttered standing up with a smile.
"Alright, back we go." Thomas thought back to his living room, as they all sank out.

Third POV

"Now Thomas, it is very important that you distance yourself from your work once in awhile to get some proper sleep. Overexerting yourself will figuratively burn you out." Logan stated, a little surprised that the two stopped talking to listen. Thomas nodded,
"But, we need to get the work done! Whats a little less sleep?" Roman countered. Logan shook his head,
"Sure, but that little less sleep may ruin Thomas's sleep schedule. It could also form a habit of working past the time he should go to bed. We shouldn't stay up too late doing work too often. Unless, the work is due that night and you need to finish it. Otherwise, it can wait." Roman sighed and silently agreed.
"You're right, I shouldn't overwork myself into the night. Plus none of the work has due dates, we're not in school. Thanks Logan, and you too Roman. I think I'll go to sleep now and stop working." Thomas closed his laptop and set it aside.
"As much as I value your work, your health is far more important." Logan walked over and put Thoma's phone further away. "That includes, not scrolling through Tumblr before bed." Thomas flopped onto the bed and groaned.
"Ok, ok." Roman rolled his eyes,
"Your like his mom Logan." He teased before sinking out.
"Wa- I am not!" He sputtered shaking his head. He adjusted his tie readying to sink out too.
"Uh, wait." Thomas stopped Logan who gave him a puzzled look. "You, doing alright?" He turned toward Thomas giving him a small smile.
"I am doing well. I do appreciate you guys listening to me more, it makes me feel.... Happy." Logan scoffed, "look at me saying, feel." He sunk out with a smile as Thomas pulled his blankets over him.

Damn, his imagination is a bit too real.

Authors notes: whew! Done. Each chapter was about a thousand words so I hope you guys enjoyed the story! I kinda made this like a sander sides episode with the inclusion of Thomas. Because I feel that would be best instead of only the sides being part of the problem and solving it. And if anyone's wondering, Logan's secondary function was rage. So temporarily that function took over when he became more wrath then logic. Hmmm, I wonder what the other sides secondary function is?

Anyways, I'm out! See ya!

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