Chapter 3: Evaluation

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Third POV

     Thomas rose back into his own living room, the sides following each rising with force. Logan seemed to have shoved them back rather rudely. He no longer felt the anger eating at him, finding himself more shocked then mad. He seemed to be back to normal, as normal as he can be. What had even happened to him? Why did it say wrath on the board? He was so confused.
     "What... Happened?" Patton asked tentatively his eyes some what glossy. Roman was just silent, staring at the ground like he was trying to pick a fight with it. Virgil had his hood on fidgeting with the stings nervously. Janus seemed to be the only one relatively calm, even if his hands shook slightly. Not enough for anyone to notice of course.
      "What's going on here gloom tards?" Remus popped up behind the TV grinning mischievously. He had a knife in his hand covered in blood, Thomas decided to ignore that. His grin quickly faded to a smile of small concern for the lack of reaction to his presence. Remus had quicky noticed Logans lack of presence. It was kind of odd without him here when he arrived, usually reassuring the sides that he couldn't cause any harm. "Uhh, where's the nerd? Is he too busy doing office work again?" The reactions from them did not ease him, it just cause him to worry more. Not that he cared for the prick. Ok, maybe he cared a little, but still.
     "He, turned orange, and got mad." Roman spoke in a sad tone. Remus looked even more confused,
     "What?" He asked, Virgil sunk more into his hoodie.
     "We went to Logans room to find the cause of Thomas's random anger, and Logan got angry." Roman muttered not wanting to talk about it.
     "How'd you make him angry? He's practically always calm, like the flow of a river, made of blood." Thomas cringed at the image, of course. Remus cackled but everyone just stayed silent. "Wow, ok. Why don't you guys talk to him?"
     "I mean, we could. Thomas?" Patton asked looking up at him.
     "Sure, I guess. we have to fix this before it gets out of hand." Thomas replied not so sure about his answer. Janus looked at him,
     "I'm not sure if this will go well..." He stated and Thomas just nodded sadly. Seeing Logan so mad had hurt him, knowing that he hurt him made him feel absolutely horrible. Things had to be fixed, they had to resolve things with Logan and apologize.

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