Soft Purple

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Her cheeks lit up with soft purple

as she choked on her words.

Not knowing what exactly to say,

she knew it must not be hateful.

She was taught better than destruction,

so instead of red,

she painted herself soft purple.

It's more of a comforting color she thought,

and others seemed to think so, too.

Nearer and nearer,

the crowd is all she ever drew.

Of the broken, the lost,

the damaged and the hurting,

all connected to her so profound.

The shade of lilac mixed with

violet pigment,

her heart was filled with highs and lows

that each person who found her,

could lay among and doze.

So comforting,

she was.

Her soft purple glows.

She loves each as her own,

and all that they are afraid of

and hurt by,

only she knows.

How the world needs a soft purple soul,

is how she needs the world

to ease up and only allow

their softer colors to be what shows.

Soft purple -

when you fall down,

in her heart,

you rose.

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