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Aashna's POV:

A few weeks went by pretty well, I avoided Neil as much as possible, my heart broke to see him to come towards me but I had to keep myself strong, what he did to me wasn't correct!, Karan Khanna tries to flirt with me a lot and we usually have night walks together, I never imagined he would even know my name!

Sanket has been a great guy, laughing and joking around, we arent friends though, he would still prank me and annoy me and be pissed off when I am with Karan for no reason, Rohan and Kabir have been good to me, Kabir take my side whenever me and Sanket are in any stupid arguement.

Today was the last day, then we have a long week break wherein we can go home! From Monday we were allowed to leave and i was excited to go back home

We were chilling in our room, playing video games with Kabir and Rohan and Shruti! Yep, from a few days Shruti has been with us for quite some long and she and Rohan are getting along very well!

"Okay guys, i am having a weekend party at my farmhouse and you all are invited" Kabir said

"But you have told this only to us! How would others know?" Shruti said

"If he would climb on the dining table and shout it out" i joked

"Well thats a brilliant idea" Kabir said

"Whattt!" I exclaimed

I shouldn't have said that, lunch was round the corner, I instantly regretted what I said.

"gosh Kabir" I said

we all laughed and as everyone left, I went to my room to catch up on somethings, Sanket however came to my room and started distracting me, he was staring at me continuously

"what?" I asked after getting annoyed from him staring at me too long

"you know nerd, I have seen you change, during this few weeks, I saw a side of you that I never saw, you are not what you show people, you are like a puzzle" he said

"Sanket, I wasn't like this right from the start, during these years of my life, I have seen so much, I was mature from a young age, I didn't enjoy my childhood, it kind of was lost, I had so many problems in my life, that now I don't trust anybody to see the real me, I trusted Neil and you saw how that went, and that's what I fear"I said

"I understand" he sighed

"lets not talk about it, are you coming to the party?" he asked changing the topic real quick

"umm, No" I said, "I would rather finish up my assignments and projects"

"you are a nerd" he laughed

"you are coming!" he ordered

"you cant order me! Who am I to you anyways?" I said not realising the awkward tension it created at that moment . We both stood quiet, we didn't have an answer to this.

"you are my Nerd" he said breaking the cold ice

I liked it when he said 'my nerd', umm no no no no no, shove that thought off right there!

"you are probably gonna drink and pass out, what am I supposed to do?" I said

"you don't drink?" he asked

"nope" I said

"damn nerd, grow up" he laughed again

gosh, I have started to like that smile, that laugh, but why does he laugh so much? Aashna stop obsessing over him ughh.

"I will come on one condition" I said

"I love it when you are dominating" he smirked

"you wont drink in the party" I said

"why?" he asked "what's a party without alcohol?" he said

"then you go ahead" I said

"nerd, fine i wont, but do you care explaining?" he said softly making me sit on my own bed

"not all alcohol are bad you know, some are really good for your body" he said in the calm tone

"I know it, certain drinks do help your body to improve digestion, or your heart etc, but do you think there would be those drinks in the party. Of course not" I said

"you know, my dad died due to alcohol addiction, liver failure, I have seen him coming home drunk,and i used to hide inside my closet, afraid of what he might just do to me or my mom..." I said

I don't know why I opened up to him so quickly, I never do so, not even to shruti, I didn't tell her these things as well, but I stopped half way, when I realised! I looked at him, he was looking at me for stopping half way , he just gave me a warm genuine smile

"wherever you are ready" he said and I smiled

"so that's why I don't want anyone who is close to me to drink" I said in a low voice and he gave me a tight hug

his hugs were magical, I wanted to stay in those tight arms forever! What are you thinking Aashna! Stop obsessing over him

"I am sorry" I said as I wiped my tears, I don't know when they streamed down my eyes

"hey, its okay, you don't need to be sorry" he said wiping my tears

"so what are you gonna wear?" he said opening my closet

"I will figure that out" I said hastily as I saw his hands were going to open my underwear drawer, he smirked

we went down for Lunch, and Kabir didn't forget what he had to do, he stood up on the dining table in the center and screamed "party at my farmhouse tonight, you all invited" he said and everyone started screaming

we ate our lunch and I took shruti with me, I was confused!

"what do I wear shruts?" I said opening my closet confused

I am this kind of girl who has a really nice body, but forgets about the fact that she has a body and wears oversized tees and hoodies, but my dresses collections even though I have never worn them just like to buy them was by far the best one!

"oh my gosh, babe wear anything you will look sexy" she said


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QOTD: suggest some good movies to watch ya!

Teaser; drunk confessions

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