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Aashna's POV:

"Fine, my dad works in business, so usually he has to travel to various places for work" he said casually

"And this affects you?" I said concerned

"No, things have stopped affecting me" he said

"Now my question, what happened between you and Ava?"

"Oh that, simply said i found my boyfriend cheating on me with her, who was then my best friend and when i confronted them, Ava got on me as if i cheated with her boyfriend. Basically thats it! So i dont trust anyone now" i said "and then later in school she used to bully me so that affected me mentally and broke me down" i added before he could ask about it

"You dont trust me?" He asked and looked at me

"Sanket it isnt that I dont, i do trust you, but deep down i have now made it as if everyone who i trust will leave me one day" i said looking at him

"I wont" he smiled

"Now tell me how's things between you and Karan" he said

That made me realise, I hadn't seen his messages from yesterday and we had a movie date at 7

"Oh fuck" i said and opened my louie and saw 100 messages and 30 missed calls from Karan

"I am so sorry babe, i dont know how my louie went on silent, plan on na?" I replied

"Yaa babe, its okay, i will pick you up at 7" he said

Sanket and I then cycled back to our respective homes and i told my mom who was at home apparently at 6 pm, god knows why!

"Maa, i am going to get ready, i have to go for a movie" i said

I wore my outfit and did a light makeup and went downstairs

I wore my outfit and did a light makeup and went downstairs

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"I will be back mom soon" i said

"Hey hey you never told me you got a date" my mom said and i smiled

"Umm a boyfriend" i said and showed her my ring finger

"Oh my gosh ash" she said "i am so happy for you, enjoy" she said and i left outside

A car pulled up and right on time, the windows rolled down and i saw Karan sitting there, i smiled and opened the door to the seat on the other side

"Hottest girl" he said and i blushed

"You ready?" He held my hand and i nodded and the car zoomed off

***After the movie****

"That was not a good choice" he scratched the back of his neck

"Seriously" i agreed, the worst rom com ever

Later that night i go back and lay on my bed as i opened my louie to check my messages, for the first time to my surprise Sanket was very active today!


Me: summary please! I cant read 500 messages

Rohan: then stay active nerds

Shruts: hahaha ikr what are you doing anyways

Sanket: probably smooching someone

Me: hey!!

Sanket: what am i lying?

Me: yess

Kabir: oh god, why do you always argue over text

Me: shhh kabir

Sanket: shh kabir

Kabir: oh gosh, you guys are also doing jinx like rohan and shruti

Rohan: hey that was because we think alike

Kabir: why am i here? Stuck up with these two couples

Me: wait i am not a couple! Get that clear

Rohan: someone is jealous

Me: wait what? Jealous of what?

Shruts: shut up rohan

Rohan : butttt...

Me: ugh i am out of here! Shruts call me

I texted that and Shruti called me and i told her everything about the date and how it was difficult to spend those 2 hours in the movie theatre watching cheesy romance, she told me that she would come over tomorrow

I probably wondered why Sanket and Karan don't get along and why is Sanket like this! The phone buzzed and Kabir texted for a night stay tomorrow at his place and everyone agreed, it was only going to be us 5 and we would have fun


I got ready to go to Karan's house which is way too far to walk or cycle, i had to take my car! So i just wore a long comfortable tshirt dress and paired it up with my denim jacket and took an oversized hoodie and some pj for the night

After ensuring that i have kept all my essentials, i zipped my bag and decided to leave, as i stepped outside i saw Neil who was doing jogging but stopped as he saw me outside

"Hey" he said as he came near me

"umm please stop right there" i said "i am in no mood to talk to you" i closed my cars back door

"Please, you have stop ignoring me!" He said "dont you miss me?" He sighed

I did miss him, i did feel an empty space but i cant tell him, i cant show him that i need him

"No" i said bluntly looking down

"You are lying" he said and held my hand and i looked up shocked at his behaviour

"Look i am really sorry i messed up and i shouldn't have but i really really want us to be back to normal" he said looking into my eyes

"You really think i am going to forgive you, for backstabbing me?" I said as i tried to get my arms off of him

"You have changed" he said "this isnt you"

Yes i have, i am more stronger and better

"Well then i have changed for better, now let me go" i said as his grip firmed and I struggled

"Not until you accept my apology" he said

"You are... you are hurting me" i said as i could feel the pain

"Bro she said NO" I heard a voice and i turned around to see...
cliffhanger! Guess the person!

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter and how the story is going on so far! I hope its getting more interesting and not boring

QOTD: if you had to choose one song to listen the rest of your life what would it be?

Teaser: things happen during the stay

Do comment any changes, suggestions, ideas, advice, feedback! I am open to all, i love reading and responding to your comments

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A KISS IN THE RAIN [COMPLETED] ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now