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Aashna's POV:

"Achha atleast lemme know you are okay?" I said and even thought there was no reply, i was hoping that he was okay, i had never seen him like this, what do i do? I sat outside his door

"Achha atleast answer in yes or no? Just two questions" i said

"Hmm" i heard a small reply, even he was sitting beside the door that means and he was okay. My heart felt a relief as if a huge stone with lifted off my chest by just hearing that small hum.

"Are you okay?" I asked and for a few seconds i again got no reply

"yes" a feeble voice said and i took a sigh of relief but then i felt sad because i knew he wasnt okay

"Have you had anything since morning?" I asked "no" came the response a little while after

What's the problem with people getting angry and taking out there anger on food! I never got this!

"Okay i am getting you food okay and you have to open the door" i said and again there was no response the two questions were over! Adamant much!

I go to the kitchen and look for some food, i saw some pizza that was kept from yesterday so I quickly microwave it and go to his room

"Sanket! Here have your food" i said and there was no response

"Look things don't work like this, at least let me know whats wrong? Maybe i can help" i said

"No you cant help me" he shouts angrily making me flinch

"I am not leaving until you open the door, open the door sanket please" i said again sternly

I sat there for like half and hour but the door didn't open, i was losing my patience but i had to stay calm, i got a text from Rohan saying if i need any help and i told him everything is okay, he can do his work, Thats when a plan struck me

"Fine if you aint opening the door right now, i am quitting MAD5 forever" i said angrily and got up

"I am giving you a last chance, enough is enough, since so long i am asking you calmly that let me in but you stubborn ass, now i count till five and if you dont open the door then i am leaving this room, this band and breaking our friendship" i said angrily

I stepped a Little back to let him feel that i have left, for like two minutes the door didnt open and i was praying for him to open the door and after a while the door finally opened and i went in

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I said "you know everyone is so worried" and stopped suddenly

I looked at him, he looked broken, vulnerable, sad! Oh poor soul

"Sanket" i said in a soft voice and he didn't reply he was just looking down, i made him sit on the bed and sat next to him

"Whats wrong?" I said "you're not the one who feels guilty after a fight" i tried to cheer him up, i kept my hand on his hands

"Do you want to share anything?" I asked so that he would talk to me and stop keeping things within him

"No i dont, because whenever i do, people leave, you will too, like you said! And i dont want to beg people to stay" he said angrily and got up from the bed

"Achha okay, i am sorry for saying that but you wont open the door, what other option did i have? I am sorry, i won't leave you i promise" i said and tried to calm him down and made him sit again on the bed

"Look at me" i said and he looked up, eyes red looking as if they want to cry but sanket isn't allowing them to

"Tell me what happened! I also tell you, thats what friends are for" i said

A KISS IN THE RAIN [COMPLETED] ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now