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Sanket's POV:
I moved slowly trying not to wake her up, but i failed and she woke up
"Good morning" she said as she yawned and stretched and i smiled
"Good morning" i replied back

She tied her hair up in a messy bun as she got up and started looking at the clothes she had to wear! , she kept her clothes out and looked at me

"What?" She said
"What?" I replied
"I am gonna go to the washroom" "so move" she replied as she took her towel and went near the washroom

"Ohh no no no madam, i am going first" i said and blocked her way and was about to get in when she fainted and i went rushing towards her, her eyes were open very little and she pointed to a drawer to get something

"Here right?" I said

Wait! How does she know where i keep the first aid? How can i fall for this!?

"Yaa now just wait" she said and i looked back after my realisation and she was laughing as she pranked me, i ran towards her but she closed the bathroom door and inside i could hear her laugh

"Not fair" i said and pouted and went to Divya's room to get ready, thankfully the weather was good, the air was cold and the clouds covered the sky as if it was about to rain, i had the entire day planned

Soon after i went down and saw divya munching on the family pack icecream
"Wow, that was not your breakfast" i said as i hated having junk for breakfast but the irony was that i myself had Nutella pancakes most of the times (lol)

"Shut up, mom has gone for work, she will be home late, she has told you to take care of aashna! Which i know you will anyways" she said as she munched

"Yaa yaa, but this girl does take a lot of time to get ready" i groaned as i sat next to her

"I want a bite" i told divya who looked at me from up to down

"No" she said on my face

"Hey! First off RUDE and second off, i got you these yesterday, I deserve the entire box but i am still asking for a bite" i said

"Well i know how big your bite is" she said and took the spoon and dug it inside the box and gave me a tiny bit

"Here you go mr deserved" she said and i looked her annoyed

"Keep to yourself, loser" i said and thats when i hear the footsteps of someone coming down! I wanted to see aashna and there she was wearing denim shorts , white sneakers and a white tank crop top and my black tucker jacket, she was rollling the sleevs upwards as she was me and I couldn't just help but adore her

"Keep to yourself, loser" i said and thats when i hear the footsteps of someone coming down! I wanted to see aashna and there she was wearing denim shorts , white sneakers and a white tank crop top and my black tucker jacket, she was rollling the ...

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"How do i look?" She said

"Well coincidence, Sanket also has the same jacket that you wore as a jacket" my idiot sissy said and Aashna laughed

"Well its his" she said and it me go lala over her "I didn't plan according to the weather, so i was feeling a little cold so i took his jacket" she said and i smiled

"Lets go" i said and she held my hand and we both left

I sat in the car and she sat next to me

"Well can we go home for once" she said

"Why?" I wondered and asked

"Well i want you to meet someone" she said and i didnt need to ask more, it could be one guy, her brother

"Cool" i said and we drove off to her place

She got down quickly and rung the bell, while i closed my door and clicked the car keys to lock the car and went near her

A wheatish skin guy opened the door and aashna hugged her, he was wearing her a black nike hoodie with the logo flashing and matching joggers

A wheatish skin guy opened the door and aashna hugged her, he was wearing her a black nike hoodie with the logo flashing and matching joggers

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"Bro, i want you to meet..." she was about to say and thats when i saw him and realised it was MANAV (now this is MANAV😂)

"Thats sanket" he said and i smiled and came forward for a bro hug

"Hey manav, long time bro" i said and aashna was looking shocked

"Well you both know each other" she said and we laughed

"Yaa, bad boys tend to know each other lol" manav said and aashna hit him

"Both of you arent bad boys" she said and we both laughed

"Well your outfit aashna, the jacket is too loose plus it isnt mine so who is the lucky guy?" Manav said

"Well thats Sanket's" she said shyly and manav looked at me

"Ohh so you two are dating" he came close to me but aashna stopped him

"No we are not" she said

"As of now" i added

"Btw, i was just kidding aashna" he said "anyways you two go for date and i will see you later tonight"

"Its not date" we both said in unison shyly

"Yaa yaa i know! You cant fool me, now you two lovie dovies get the fuck out of here" he joked and we went outside in the car and went to the most usual place we would go, to the cliff side, we parked the car a little far away and then jumped over and went to the cliffside, this time aashna willingly sat ahead allowing her legs to fall down

"Do you really wanna do this?" She said and i took a deep breath

She afterall asked the right thing, was i ready? Is it too early? Should i wait more?

"Yes" i said after a while "so what do you wanna know?" I ask and i could see her hesitate

"Whatever you will ask, i will answer honestly" i said and held her hand

"Okay so tell me about your family, like your dad and everything" she said and i sighed

"Okay, so me, mom and dad were very happy like i was very much pampered, i got everything i wanted and i wasnt denied anything, I recieved a lot of love from both, we had family nights to dinner dates and everything, we were just like a normal family but..."
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter and how the story is going on so far

We are close to the end now😭

QOTD: if you had to change one thing in life what would it be?
(PS: i would ask zayn to not leave one direction and that they still stick together! BEST BOY BAND😭
And also bring back SSR! That would be the first one)

Teaser: sanket's past unveiled

Do comment any changes, suggestions , feedback, ideas etc i am open to all and i love to read and respond to your comments

Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the chapter and want more chapters


A KISS IN THE RAIN [COMPLETED] ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now