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james had never been a coffee guy. in fact, he hadnt ever really enjoyed hot drinks. they always seemed to leave his throat feeling burnt and raw. still, if it meant he could spend time with alex, he would drink all the coffee in the world. james just wanted to be with him.

the starbucks was pretty empty when he arrived, so it didnt take very long to notice the small, slumped figure in the corner. a wide smile was prominent on his face.

"hey. you getting anything?"
"just a tea, please. though i dont think itll be even half as good as the one you made me. that was banging." his eyes were lit up. he looked happy. james could get addicted to it.

it wasnt long before the drinks were ready. the pair sat in silence for a while, simply soaking up the others nervous glances and red cheeks. both thought it was cute. neither of them said it.

"so. tell me about you, james."
"theres not much to tell, alex. im 23, im severely starved of human touch and i love pasta. that good?"
"perfect. well, james, im alex. im 21, i am extremely needy, especially in the human touch department and i also love pasta."
"sounds like we're a pretty great match, alex."
"i guess we are, james."

he loved that. the way his name rolled off alexs tongue. it sounded heavenly, like honey on a warm summers day. his name had seemed so unimportant, so boring, but hearing it from alex made it his favourite part of himself. he might never be able to hold alex again like he did that night, or dry his tears and tell him that everythings okay. he might never get to know alex more than this, a friend of a friend. he might never get to tell him how much he cares for him. but he knew that no matter what, alex would always have his name. even if its just a broken memory or if its something he praises, he will always have 'james'.

and he thought that was nice.

"just going t'bathroom."
"mmkay. ill be here."

the younger boy was gone, for a little while at least. james occupied himself on his phone, trying to keep his feelings at bay. there was just something so captivating about him. he could begin talking about absolutely anything and james would be hooked on his every word.

and yet, he found himself second-guessing his thoughts.

this wasnt normal.

he shouldnt be feeling this about another guy.

he wasnt in love with alex.

he wasnt in love with alex.

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