who would be most likely to...

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charcharbinks started a new conversation.

charcharbinks: hey guys!

Amy S: Hi Charles

Amy S: Any new and exciting cases over there?

Rex Buckingham: NooOOO! its so boring here!! 

Rex Buckingham: Amy come save me

charcharbinks: (quiet fan panic)

Amy S: (um okay Charles, go off) Where's Captain Holt or Terry?

Rex Buckingham: they actually have a COOL case! so they're out investigating mob bosses or whatever.. :((

Amy S: oh wow! that sounds so cool!

Amy S: I mean, sounds so totally boring! I mean, mob bosses? Please. So boring 

Amy S: (ohmigod that case sounds so cool)

Gina Spagayti: hey what if we ask each other weird questions until we get so embarrassed we can never look at each other ever again.

Gina Spagayti: or something like that

Gina Spagayti: I totally dont want to not ever see you guys ever again :)

Amy S: I'm somewhat concerned by the 'never look at each other again' part,

Amy S: but I'm down for some weird questions. or at least some questions.

Amy S: Mac is down for his nap, so I should have a good 2 hours.

Gina Spagayti: I dont think it'll take that long :)

charcharbinks: I have a question! can I start?

Amy S: does it have anything to do with Jake and my sex life? or our personal life in general?

chacharbinks: uh well-

Gina Spagayti: whatever, we all know it does pertain 100% to amy and jakes sex life

Gina Spagayti: who would be most likely to pick someone up at a funeral?

Bisexualitea: charles

Rex Buckingham: Charles

Amy S: Charles

charcharbinks: come on guys! I would not!

Rex Buckingham: you picked up a girl once on her way to jail!

charcharbinks: I mean ok! but she was my one true love!

charcharbinks: and she was innocent!

Rex Buckingham: ok but you didn't know that for sure at the time

charcharbinks: ok fine.

charcharbinks: I guess the answer is Charles.

charcharbinks: the only true believer of love in this loveless precinct.

Bisexualitea: bahah! u are so not the only true believer of love in this 'loveless precinct'

charcharbinks: so are you a believer of love rosa?

Bisexualitea: no. love is stupid.

Gina Spagayti: (she so is a believer of love. and other things[; )

Gina Spagayti: ok lets move on from the existentialism that is questioning whether or not to believe in love.

Gina Spagayti: who do we think would have the weirdest phobia?

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