Chapter 14

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Mew: (stares at the two disgusted)

Gulf: (tries to get up but falls again going inside a stall Muttering incoherent things)

Mew: (goes to Gulf stands him up and sees his face) "are you drunk?" (Smells his mouth doesn't smell like alcohol sees his dilated pupils) "are you high?"

Champ: "aaah it explains a lot"

Mew: "you just shut up. I'll deal with you later"

Mild: (shakes his head. Goes to help Mew carry Gulf)

Mew: (Mild helps him carry Gulf on his back, Gulf is still muttering gibberish)

Mild: "I know it's not the right time but what the hell did you do to him that he became messed up like this?"

Mew: "you're right it's not the right time."

Mild: "he can't go to class like this"

Mew: "I know. Please cover for us. I'm bringing him home"

Mild: "sure"

Mew: (takes Gulf to his apartment and wait for him to wake up)

Gulf: (wakes up feeling dazed looking) "where the hell am I?"

Gulf: (wakes up feeling dazed looking) "where the hell am I?"

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Mew: (hands him a cup of water)

Gulf: (realising its Mew's apartment) "ooh"

Mew: "what's wrong with you. You doing drugs now?"

Gulf: "why do you care?"

Mew: "because I love you"

Gulf: (laughs)

Mew: (mad) "why are you doing this?"

Gulf: "people change"

Mew: "that's not called change. You're destroying yourself. The whole week you've been sleeping in class. You come late. You don't do your schoolwork"

Gulf: (lowly) "you destroyed me"

Mew: "what was that?"

Gulf: "no I'm sorry I didn't mean to trouble you I'll just go"

Mew: "please tell me what's wrong."

Gulf: "nothing is wrong I've just been feeling wrong. But I'll deal."

Mew: "do you remember what happened before I saw you?"

Gulf: "no"

Mew: "you might wanna apologize to your friend he saw you making out with Champ"

Taming Gulf: MewGulfWhere stories live. Discover now