Chapter 1

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Warning: If you haven't read the first book, please do so before reading this book !

It was the end of the third year of university. Jinsoul had two more years of school left as she decided to take on another major. Sooyoung on the other hand unfortunately retained a year so both will so happen to graduate at the same time. The tall couple were one year into their relationship and they were going strong. The school has no idea about this lowkey relationship surprisingly which was a good thing because having a partner of the same gender was not really open to South Korea's culture. Jinsoul is still helping out at Granny Kim's and Sooyoung on the other hand has decided to work harder for her minor because that was the reason why she retained. Fortunately for Sooyoung and Jinsoul, they had an opportunity to switch roommates because ViVi had a job offer in Hong Kong. Sad to say, Haseul slopped in the room a lot when she realised her girlfriend will not be here for her for the next few years. However ViVi promised to come back. The two had recently become girlfriends and this news was exciting for their friends and even themselves.

On a fine morning, Jinsoul and Sooyoung were walking in the hallways together when a lady in a suit and a briefcase appeared in front of the locker together with the principal. The couple were confused but still walked that direction.

" You must be Miss Jinsoul. I am Kang Seulgi, but you can just call me Seulgi. I have some things to discuss with you privately, would that be okay ? "

Jinsoul looked at Seulgi and the principal, Miss Bae before turning her head to look at her girlfriend. Sooyoung gave a slight nod before Miss Bae and Seulgi escorted Jinsoul to the principal's office. It didn't feel right that her girlfriend would not be here with her to hear the news but she had to stay low. When they arrived at the office, Miss Bae sat down and offered a seat to Jinsoul. When they were both seated and collected, Seulgi took out a file from her briefcase.

" I believe this belongs to you. "

Jinsoul was puzzled at the sight of the blue transparent file. She took it from Seulgi's hands and opened it, reading the documents in it. She didn't get one bit which Miss Kang figured, so she took out a brown envelope and handed it to Jinsoul. When Jinsoul tore open the envelope, she read the letter's contents. Her mouth was left agape, she wanted to run out of the office, she wanted to be in her girlfriend's embrace, but she couldn't. It took everything in Jinsoul to stay in the office and not cry. Miss Bae and Miss Kang offered Jinsoul some tissues but she assured the two older ladies that she was fine.

Dear Jinsoul,

You have worked for me for so long, never once accepting a single cent. I don't have any kids, so you're the only person I could think of. If this letter reaches you, it means I did not live to accomplish my dream. I treat you as a grandchild, you're so loved by granny. Somehow, the past year, you always had a big smile on your face. I believe you have met someone who makes you happy. I hope you use this money wisely, I would want you to live my dream, but you have yours and it would be selfish of me to ask you to do it. Granny loves you and she's watching you from heaven, from now on, I will always be with you. Now the rings you see in there, it was meant for my kids, but unfortunately, I don't have a kid. Jinsoul, Granny sees how filial you are, make someone happy with those. Stay happy, stay healthy.

-Granny Kim

" Jinsoul, Miss Kim Jiwoo has left her entire fortune for you. Her house, her car, her assets and this. "

Miss Kang took out a red velvet box and passed it to Jinsoul. After briefing the latter, Jinsoul could go off. She walked, every step she took, it was faster than the previous. When she saw her worried girlfriend, she crashed into her arms as she cried on her shoulders. Sooyoung didn't know what had happened but she knew that her girlfriend was in a bad position. She decided to make a decision and asked Jinsoul.

" Let's skip today, you need it. "

Jinsoul didn't want Sooyoung to skip class for her. She didn't want her to lose out in class. But she needed a day to process things which Miss Bae did grant her a week to rest. She hummed in response as Sooyoung carried Jinsoul's stuff back to their dorms. When they reached the dorm, Jinsoul quickly changed out and curled up in bed. Meanwhile, Sooyoung had to make a call to Miss Bae to tell her that she had to miss class because Jinsoul was feeling unwell. Miss Bae understood and gave her three days to help Jinsoul. After the phone call, Sooyoung who had already changed into something comfortable got in bed together with Jinsoul and cuddled her.

" Baby, you know you can tell me anything right ? "

" ... "

" If you need anything, you can just tell me alright ? "

" Babe... "

" Hush, it's okay you don't have to say it. Whenever you are ready hun. "

Jinsoul nodded as she turned around and rested her head on Sooyoung's chest. Her eyes grew heavy from all that crying and drifted off to sleep. After an hour, Jinsoul was still asleep. However Sooyoung had received a message from Miss Bae while scrolling through instagram. It was regarding her make up lessons and a little information about what had happened. It was vague but she was glad that Miss Bae decided to respect Jinsoul's privacy. She looked at her girlfriend's peaceful untroubled face as she  moved a few strands of hair away from her face, tucking them behind Jinsoul's ears as she gently stroke Jinsoul's face.

I'm with you till the end.

Author's note:

Hello I'm back with book two and it might take some time but I was really excited to release the sequel to this book because they are so cute :)) Hope you enjoy this book and tell me what you think of it so far.

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