Chapter 7

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Sooyoung was especially nervous because she rarely brought Jinsoul home, and she didn't know if her parents would be open to her having a fiancee. It was an hour before Jinsoul would come over to her house. Sooyoung was occupying herself by packing her things into some carton boxes because she had already made plans to move in with Jinsoul for the time being because she didn't wanna be apart from her girlfriend. When she had packed three boxes of essential things she wanted to bring along with her, one big backpack and a duffel bag of things, she laid on her bed as she scrolled through her phone, waiting for time to pass by. She sent a quick message to Jinsoul telling her that she needed help to bring some things to her car. An hour passed really quickly and soon, Sooyoung could hear the familiar tune of the doorbell ringing. When Sooyoung had run out to get it, she was too late, her father was at the door. Jinsoul was dressed up nicely today and even brought some dessert on the way.

" Hi Mr Ha, Thank you for having me over for dinner. "

" No mention, come on in, Sooyoung is upstairs...whoop, would you look at that, Sooyoung is excited to see her friend. "

Jinsoul tilted her head as she saw a panicked Sooyoung hiding behind the wall.


She thought to herself. She went up to Sooyoung's room as they quickly took the things Sooyoung had packed to Sooyoung's car while her mother was distracted with the cooking and her dad helped out. The walk to the car was pretty long so Sooyoung, being the caring girlfriend she was, took boxes and her backpack while Jinsoul held one and slinged the duffel bag across her shoulders.

" You were that excited ? "

" Shut up. "

Jinsoul giggled as Sooyoung blushed like crazy. After a seven minute walk, they had reached Sooyoung's car and loaded everything in there. Thankfully, Sooyoung had told Jinsoul about her crazy plan so she didn't ride her motorcycle here to Sooyoung's house. On the way back for dinner, the sound of thunder roaring could be heard, flashes of lightning could be seen which made the 97 liners brisk walk back to the house. At the doorstep, before Sooyoung stepped in, she wanted to calm her nerves, so she pulled Jinsoul to her and kissed her for a good 20 seconds before hugging her. Jinsoul was a little worried for Sooyoung so she hugged her back.

" It's okay Sooyoung, you're safe. "

" I...I guess, just...just hold my hand under the table please. "

" I will. "

Jinsoul got out of Sooyoung's embrace before walking back into the house. The table was laid neatly with a set of shiny silverware on the table and four glasses of wine cups on the table. Jinsoul went to the kitchen to help Mrs Ha out. Mr Ha and Sooyoung however were having their own little private conversation.

" You have a really pretty friend. "

" Yeah, she's the prettiest in the whole campus. "

" Why haven't you brought her home before ? "

" I did, once or twice so you barely see her. "

" That's true. Let's head out. "

Jinsoul and Mrs Ha were about to sit down when the father and daughter pair had arrived. Sooyoung took her seat beside Jinsoul and they dug in. Jinsoul loved homecook food especially with kimchi. Jinsoul was eating halfway when Mr Ha decided to get to know more about Jinsoul.

" So I heard that you are the school's top chef, so have there been any restaurants hiring you ? "

" There is this five star hiring in France and another two Michellin starred restaurants who have offered me a place in their kitchen but I'm considering first because that would mean I have to leave my family. "

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