Chapter 3

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6 months passed after the shocking news. Jinsoul was doing much better, a lot better. Though Granny Kim's store is being taken over, Jinsoul didn't really mind because she had Sooyoung who memorised her recipes by hard because she wanted to impress her. The will and everything in it was pretty much settled. Sooyoung and Jinsoul went back to Granny Kim's apartment and cleaned the place up. They did not know what to do with the house so they decided to pack everything that they knew Granny Kim wanted them to keep stated in another letter, and sold the rest. The money they had acquired was more than they could handle so they called a trusty friend of theirs who so happens to be returning from Hong Kong this week. Her girlfriend, Haseul was exceptionally excited. The first day upon ViVi's arrival, she spent it with her girlfriend of course, but Jinsoul needed a friend more than ever because she was lost, a little confused and feeling a little reckless so she needed her less crazy friend to help her. They met in a coffee shop without Sooyoung and Haseul as Jinsoul took out the documents and some other things.

" Wow, so she gave you a whole fortune but you don't know what to do with it ? "

" That's partially the reason but yes. "

" Okay, so what do you have planned ? "

" I was planning to get just a loft in South Korea. "

" Alright, you like to keep it simple. Is Sooyoung fine with it ? "

" Yeah, she said that she would want to spend the money on other important things. "

" Okay and more plans ? "

" I plan to travel the world with Sooyoung because it was Granny Kim's dream. "

" Stop right there, have you asked Sooyoung about this ? "

" She has always mentioned traveling because she doesn't like staying in one place all the time. "

" Okay. "

" I have something else to show you. "

Jinsoul takes out the maroon velvet box. ViVi gasped.

" No way, don't tell me you're going to propose. "

" I... I do. "

" Okay when exactly ? "

" Erm in a year and a half ? We're graduating soon, so on our graduation night I plan to propose. "

" You're crazy, you know that ? "

" That's why I need you to help me. "

" Alright, but I'm only spending my time with you today to do this, I have a sulky girlfriend to go back to. "

Jinsoul laughed at ViVi's statement and started planning for everything including a back up plan because Jinsoul has lived enough to know that things just don't go as planned sometimes. While Jinsoul and ViVi planned, clueless Sooyoung was on her desktop typing down all the recipes she had learned from Granny Kim. She had wanted to make a compilation for some time but she did not have time to do so. Now that Jinsoul was out, she had some time to make a recipe book. When she had finished jotting down four recipes, she heard the turning of door knobs and a tall girl who had a duffel bag sling across her shoulder walked into the room.

" Hey baby, what are you doing ? "

" You know, just writing down the recipes that Granny Kim had passed to me. "

" Ahhhh, okay okay, I'm glad you're writing it down. "

" So, what did you do with ViVi ? "

" Oh we just caught up, drank some coffee and went a lil window shopping. "

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