Chapter 2

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When Jinsoul woke up, it was time for dinner. She wanted to stay in the warm embrace of her girlfriend's but Sooyoung had felt Jinsoul's shuffle on the bed and her eyes fluttered rather quickly as she checked on her girlfriend.

" I'm hungry... "

" Ramen ? "

" Please... "

Sooyoung smiled a little before kissing her girlfriend's forehead. She got out of bed and went to the kitchen. She took out two bowls and poured hot water in it. She turned on the stove and started making ramen when she felt a pair of arms snaked around her waist.

" Baby, why don't you just stay in bed ? I'm almost done... "

" I need to feel you... "

" But I need to cook your noodles. Do you want soggy noodles ? "

" No..."

" Okay, be a good girl and just take a seat. I will be done in a minute. "

Jinsoul removed her hands and went to take the cutleries before resting her down on the table. Sooyoung gave a heads up to Jinsoul so that she could put the piping hot bowl of noodles on the table. When Sooyoung had put it down, she sat beside Jinsoul as she stared at her playing with her noodles.

" Baby ? "

" Yeah ? "

" Why aren't you eating ? "

" I don't feel hungry... "

" Babe, just eat five mouthfuls, I will finish the rest for you. "

Jinsoul pouted. She felt bad for making Sooyoung cook. She just felt lost, she lost Granny Kim, the nicest person ever, and here she was, eating ramen, clueless on her next step. But she knew that Granny Kim would want her to eat, so she took up the chopsticks and slurped the whole bowl of noodles within five minutes which shocked Sooyoung.

" Are you feeling better ? "

" Yeah, thanks Sooyoung. "

" No, it's my duty as your girlfriend. "

" And I'm glad that I have you. "

Jinsoul smiled slightly as she helped Sooyoung clean up after dinner. The two spent the night just cuddling and humming before the both fell asleep. The next three days were the same cycle with Jinsoul crying, Sooyoung trying to make her eat and then helping her fall asleep. When Sooyoung had to return back to class, Jinsoul stayed in her room, looking at the file again. It was definitely more than she had imagined. She was sad again, Granny Kim passed away without fulfilling her dreams. So it was decided on that day that Jinsoul would help fulfill it on her behalf. She also wanted to tell Sooyoung about what had happened. Jinsoul decided that it was time to get out of bed and cook something for Sooyoung when she returned back to the dorm. She cooked Sooyoung's favourite food, tteokbokki, seafood tteokbokki to be exact. She waited for five minutes before she heard footsteps and the shaking of keys. Sooyoung was greeted with the smell of tteokbokki and she immediately threw her bag on the floor and walked to the kitchen to see Jinsoul seated down with her cutleries.

" Hey honey. "

" You cooked today ? "

" Yeah, I did. I was feeling a little better, just a little, and I wanted to show you my appreciation for taking care of me, and maybe an apology, for not telling you this earlier... "

" What is it baby ? You're scaring me. "

Jinsoul grasped her hand together as Sooyoung approached her slowly and held her hand.

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