Chapter 6

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Sooyoung was dressed up comfortably with a green bomber jacket over her white t-shirt paired with ripped jeans and plain sneakers. She sat outside the steps of her home looking through her phone as she waited for Jinsoul to arrive. Jinsoul arrived shortly after in her bike helmet and a checkered blazer and a black crop top. She lifted her face shield as she put one foot on the ground before calling her girlfriend over.

" You look amazing. "

" Says my uber. "

" Here, your helmet. "

" It's nice. "

" Specially customised for you. "

" You're the best. "

" Hop on and hold on tight. "

Jinsoul sped up as she passed by many cars. Sooyoung on the other hand was holding on tightly to Jinsoul, leaning onto her, she looked at the sky tinted with a mixture of orange and pink, it was beautiful. As time went by, they've reached a secluded area. When Jinsoul had parked, she took out her helmet as she got off her bike while helping her girlfriend off her bike. She took out a blindfold for Sooyoung to put on which made Sooyoung suspect that Jinsoul was up to something. She put the blindfold on, Jinsoul grabbed her hand and pulled her slowly to an unknown spot. Then Jinsoul had come to a stop and asked Sooyoung to wait where she was while she had to prepare something. Sooyoung stood still, she was alone because Jinsoul had let go of her hand and now she was in the middle of nowhere, her heart started beating faster as she got scared. However, the thumping of her heart stopped when she heard Jinsoul's voice.

" Sooyoung ah, take out your blindfold. "

Sooyoung did as she was told, the darkness was eating her. When she saw what was in front of her, she gasped, two hands covering her mouth as her jaws dropped, she was impressed, amused and touched. Two rows of battery powered candle lights were lighting up the path way to a certain tree house that had been decorated with fairy lights. She saw Jinsoul at the top leaning down slightly as she motioned for Sooyoung to come up and join her. When Sooyoung climbed up to see the tree house, there was a table with food and cushions so that they could be as comfortable as they wanted to be. Sooyoung went to the balcony and wrapped her arms around the jet black haired lady in front of her.

" Thank you. "

" You don't have to thank me. I just want to be separated from reality today, from the world, I want to look at you only and celebrate our university journey together. "

" Well, I must be lucky to have you. "

Jinsoul turned her head around as her arms were now around Sooyoung's neck, she rubbed her nose against Sooyoung's for a while. Then they decided to eat the food Jinsoul made. Having a girlfriend who cooks was definitely an advantage especially since Jinsoul's creations were always top notch. Jinsoul had made sliced beef and roasted duck which she had placed it on top of sushi rice, it tasted heavenly. After having a couple cups of wine, Jinsoul stretched out her hand for her girlfriend to take as they slow danced on the balcony.

You don't know, babe

When you hold me

And kiss me slowly

It's the sweetest thing

And it don't change

If I had it my way

You would know that you are

You're the coffee that I need in the morning

You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring

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