Chapter 5

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Just as everyone started turning their heads, the doors of the hall got pushed open. With a figure catching her breath as her hands were on her knees, gripping tightly, she managed to utter,

" I'm here Miss Bae, I'm here. "

The crowd cheered as Jinsoul made her way to the stage.

" Hi everyone, I'm sorry for being late, I was caught up due to a car accident that had happened, but do not worry, I am okay. Now, it is an absolute honour to be able to stand here and take the pride in me being the valedictorian, because I think everyone here has put in a lot of effort to have come so far and graduate together. But what sets us apart, is what I have, a wonderful girlfriend. "

At the mention of having a girlfriend, the crowd gasped, but the students never stopped encouraging her.

" I've met an amazing, talented young lady that has supported me and walked through with me every highs and lows in this school, and I love her, I love her more than anything else, thank you for supporting me always, in my journey as a chef, a culinary art student, I have definitely learned about patience, and failure. When things fail, you don't give up even if you want to, because if you give up, you fail yourself. You're already halfway to where you want to go, you just need a push, and some determination, and I did it. I've lost people who mattered to me, and sadly, I can't thank her on this podium because she has passed, but I know she is watching from heaven. To all graduates, I will end this long boring speech by acknowledging your hard work and encouraging you on your future endeavours in life. May you find true happiness, peace out. "

Jinsoul walked to the other end of the stage as she received her scroll and walked down. Now, it was Sooyoung's turn to walk up the stage. However, the principal stopped her as she was taking the scroll. She took a microphone and began talking.

" Miss Ha Sooyoung, you did not just graduate, you are also awarded with a business opportunity with a renown company who is very interested in you. Congratulations. "

Sooyoung was dumbfounded but grabbed the certificate and smiled at her. She walked to her girlfriend who was waiting for her at the back as they walked out hand in hand.

" I would like you to meet somebody. "

Jinsoul covers Sooyoung's eyes as her mother walks up to Sooyoung.

" Oh gosh, please don't scare me. "

Jinsoul giggled as she let go off her hands and revealed a slightly older lady. Not many wrinkles were seen, and she was tall. She had big pupils and her hair was tied down.

" Hi Sooyoung, I've heard all about you. I'm Jinsoul's mother. "

" Oh, Mrs Jung, it's a pleasure to meet you. "

" You don't have to be so formal with me my dear, just treat me like a friend. "

" I will try, no promises. "

" HAHA. So anyways, I just wanted to take a walk with you while Jinsoul is taking some pictures with her friends, or would you like me to wait for you as well ? "

" What do you mean ? "

" Your friends at the back seem to want to take a picture with you. "

Sooyoung turned back to see Haseul and Jinsoul's friends waving at her. She smiled and nodded her head before she went over to take a couple of pictures. She was going to meet her friends later that week so she thought she would just talk to Mrs Jung first. She hurried over as she removed the uncomfortable cap and walked with Mrs Jung.

" I would like to thank you Sooyoung. "

" Thank me ? "

" Yeah, Jinsoul has more colour on her face, she's not as grumpy or cold as she used to be, and she's definitely happier. The whole week that she has been back, she wouldn't stop talking about you, so I thought I would like to meet you. "

" You're not mad ? "

" Why would I be mad ? You make my daughter so happy, and that's the only I want for her in life, to be happy. "

" And thank you for giving birth to such a wonderful child. She's been a huge blessing to me and I just, I love her, too much. "

" You think so ? "

" Yeah, I know so. "

" HAHA, I like you already, now let's head back before Jinsoul starts questioning me whether I gave you a hard time or not. "

" Alright. I also have some things to ask Jinsoul. "

They walked back and when Sooyoung's eyes laid on Jinsoul, she quickly pulled her away and hugged her, really tightly.

" Woah, you alright ? Did my mom give you a hard time ? "

" No, it's nothing to do with her, I was just...I was worried about you. "

" Hey, I'm here alright ? "

" What happened on the way here ? "

" So, I was on the way to school when I witnessed an accident, and I knew that graduation could wait because we're dealing with life and death, so I quickly parked my car and went out and helped those who were injured. I took first aid as a culinary student so I could do the simple stuff, but I waited with the victims for the ambulance, and when they arrived, I left quickly. I wanted to change but I had no time so I just put on the gown and graduation hat. "

Sooyoung moved the gown away to see blood stains on her girlfriend's shirt. She hugged her tightly again before Jinsoul hugged back.

" I'm glad you are okay. "

" I'm glad I am too. I wouldn't want to see this beautiful person in front of me cry anyway. "

" Cheesy. "

" But you love it. "

" I love you. "

" I love you too. "

" You're the best thing that has happened to me. "

" I could say the same. So I was thinking... "

" Yeah ? "

" Do you have any plans tonight ? "

" Yeah I do. "

" Wait what ? With who ? I thought I asked you to keep today free. "

" Yeah, but I kinda have a date with this really hot raven hair girl who always wears a biker's jacket and has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. She's slightly shorter than me but I can deal with that. "

Jinsoul opened her mouth before shaking her head in disbelief.

" I can't believe you said that I'm shorter than you. "

" But you are, it's a fact baby. "

" I hate that it's true. "

" So what time am I picking you up ? "

" You mean what time am I picking you up ? "

" Hey ! Just so you know, I came to school on a bike, and before you say a bicycle, no, I bought a Harley davidson 2020 cruiser softail slim. "

" Wow, denim black I presume. "

" Yes. "

" That's hot, and sexy. "

" Like you. So what time do you think you will be ready ? "

" 6 ? "

" I'll be there, oh and wear something comfortable. "

" Alright babe, see you later. " 

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