Chapter 4

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A year and a half passed and now Jinsoul and Sooyoung were one week away from graduating. As it was the last week, the university gave the graduates a week to go back home and relax. Sooyoung and Jinsoul had to part and went back to their house with their stuff from school. When Jinsoul was at the main gate, her little cousin ran to her and gave her a hug.

" I miss you Jindolie. "

" I miss you too kiddo. Now what do you say I carry you back to the house and greet everyone ? "

" YEAHHH ! "

Jinsoul grabbed the excited kid and went home with the small kid hanging on her back. When Mrs Jung had turned around and saw her daughter, she gasped. It has been a while since Jinsoul had seen her mom and she missed her, so much. Her cousin got off her back as Jinsoul and Mrs Jung shared a hug and Jinsoul just melted in her mother's embrace. No matter who people saw her as, she knew she would always be her mother's little girl. After hugging for a while, her mother threw her many questions.

" Are you excited for graduation ? What do you plan to do ? Will you cook for dinner ? Any boyfriend- "

" Mom, relax. You have seven days to ask me whatever you want to ask, I will be staying here for the next few days. "

" Okay great, but answer my questions. "

" Alright before that, I need to tell you something. "

" Oh, is it good news ? "

" I guess it is for me. "

" Okay spill it. "

" So, I'm planning to propose on the day of my graduation. "

" Wait Jinsoul, propose ? You have a boyfriend ? "

" No mommy, I have a girlfriend, and you're going to love her. She makes me so happy and I really want you to meet her. We have been dating for more than three years and I'm ready to settle down with her. I know it may sound reckless but I really love her, more than anything in this world. "

Jinsoul's mom didn't say anything. However, slowly but surely, a tear dropped, little by little and her mother was breaking down. Jinsoul knew this wasn't going to end well. Jinsoul took some tissues as she sat beside her mother and placed one arm around her shoulders.

" I'm sorry mama, I'm sorry I made you upset, or disappointed, but I really love her, I really do- "

" Hush my child. "

Her mother was now looking up as she looked into her daughter's eyes, she took the tissue from Jinsoul's hand and wiped her tears. After that, she went back to staring at her daughter.

" I'm not mad, I could never be mad at you, you are my little girl and I love you, so much. There's no way I'll be disappointed in you. You're my little bundle of joy, and you're the best thing that happened to me. Like I said, I will always be your number one supporter, always, I'm your mother, how can I not love you for you ? You're my daughter, and I accept who you choose to love as long as she treats you right. "

When Jinsoul had heard what her mother had said, she smiled, immediately melting in her mother's embrace, there's just something you will never figure out like a mother's love for her child. So her mother and her spend the entire evening discussing about her plans for the proposal and her graduation and how everything will unfold. Meanwhile, Sooyoung was at home with her mom screaming at her.

" You retained a year ? And you didn't bother to tell us ? "

" .... "

" How long were you planning to keep this from us ? "

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