Part 7

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"Um...can I massage your bum, Miss?" she asked, figuring she should get permission just like her owner had done.

That was another great thing about Miss Kara; she was really careful to make Ashley comfortable. Sometimes too careful -- Ashley wouldn't have minded if her Governess was more forceful -- but that was a million times better than Master Chad and his friends who just did whatever they wanted without asking her, even if it was scary or painful.

"Mmm. Please do. You've got a great touch."

It was sliding her slippery hands over Miss Kara's bum that really kicked Ashley's arousal into high gear. Not only was it a really sexual place to touch someone, but as she worked she would get peeks of her owner's asshole and pussy. It was so hot to have her fingers literally inches from Miss Kara's most intimate places, and she couldn't stop imagining how her owner would feel and smell and taste.

Even when she was massaging Miss Kara's smooth legs, Ashley kept sneaking peeks up between her thighs, getting a naughty thrill at seeing her owner's bare pussy. Ashley was sure her own slit was dripping wet by the time she finished with Miss Kara's feet.

That night, in her own bed, she was sorely tempted to touch herself to release the huge build-up of lust, but resisted. After everything Miss Kara had done for her, it wouldn't feel right to betray her that way.

Thursday she went in for her first shift at the bread factory. It wasn't really work, more of an introduction to her co-workers, a long discussion about safety and proper dress, a meeting with someone from the union and signing a bunch of forms. She did do a bit of work but it was mostly cleaning and sweeping. She didn't have enough experience to actually work the ovens yet. But she was getting paid, and that was important.

The only bad thing was she had to leave her collar at home -- she felt vulnerable and uncomfortable without it. The collar was a lifeline that connected her to Miss Kara.

Ashley's feet were a little sore after her eight-hour shift so her owner massaged them as Ashley lay in bed.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday were normal days; Ashley only worked on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Ashley got in lots of massage practice on Miss Kara each night.

It was while she was finishing the massage on Sunday that Ashley decided she couldn't hold out any longer. It was time to ask permission to have an orgasm. She'd been really horny all week and even though she'd been good and not snuck any touching in, she was almost at the end of her willpower.

When did she last have an orgasm? Had it been back before the Masquerade, almost a month ago? She remembered lying on the floor in front of the television in Chad's apartment, edging herself and begging to come as one of his friends recorded it on his phone.

God only knew how many awful pictures and videos of her were floating around out there. Miss Kara would be totally disgusted if she knew all the things Ashley had done. Ashley had plenty of orgasms in her three years with Master Chad, but every one of them had cost her in some way.

"Um, Miss, may I please ask a question?"

"Always," Miss Kara said in a peaceful voice. She was lying still, letting Ashley's massage "soak in".

Ashley hesitated and felt her cheeks get hot. "Could I please have permission to touch myself tonight?"

There was a long silence and Ashley worried that she might have made a mistake by making such a bold request. Then Miss Kara rolled over and sat up, facing her. Ashley's gaze dipped lower to drink in the view of her owner's now fully-exposed pussy.

"You need my permission?"

"Well...I mean, if a slave comes without permission, it's basically like stealing from her owner, right?"

Miss Kara was quiet and looked at Ashley thoughtfully.

That was another cool thing about her owner. She didn't just blurt out the first thing on her mind, or react in random ways. She always gave her decisions a lot of thought. That was one reason why Ashley trusted her Governess to know what was best for her -- she was SO smart!

Finally, Miss Kara gave a sly smile. "You can have permission to touch yourself whenever you want, Ash."

"Thank you, Miss."

"Or," she continued, "you can decide to give that part of yourself to me. Then I would be completely in charge of where, when and how you're allowed to come."

"I have to choose?"

Miss Kara's smile got bigger, and even looked a little wicked. The sight of it made Ashley's heart beat faster and put an excited quiver in her belly.

"Yes, you have to choose. Either you can control this part of you, or you can give it to me. And let me tell you, if you give it to me, I plan to be very strict."

"Oh, wow." Ashley realized she was breathing harder. This was so awesome. Miss Kara was hardly ever strict!

Even while her mind was still processing the options, her heart already knew what the decision was.

"I want you to have that part of me, Miss. I want you to have all of me. And...thank you for being strict. Please be as strict as you want."

Miss Kara chuckled. "You might regret saying that. I've been going easy on you so far while we get to know each other. But it looks like you're ready for more."

Ashley nodded eagerly. "Please, may I have more, Miss?"

Her owner winked, then caressed Ashley's cheek with her fingertips. Ashley loved that gentle, loving touch -- Miss Kara was the only one that had ever touched her in that special way.

"Time for bed now -- you've got chores and then work tomorrow and I want you well-rested. And keep those fingers far away from your hungry pussy, do you understand? Maybe tomorrow after your shift we'll see how I feel about letting you have some fun."

"Yes, Miss," Ashley got off the bed, then paused in the doorway. "You've got a beautiful, sexy body. Thank you so much for letting me massage you."

That night her pussy throbbed and her heart pounded in anticipation of the next night, and when she eventually fell asleep, it was with a smile.


Miss Kara picked Ashley up the next night after her shift at the bakery.

It was after eleven and Ashley was a little tired but not too much -- she was still just doing minor stuff and not really pulling her weight at work. All part of getting trained.

Rather than heading for home, Miss Kara drove downtown.

"Your collar is in the glove compartment. Put it on, please."

"Oh, thank you, Miss."

Miss Kara reached over and rubbed her leg. "You're on high protocol until further notice."

"Yes, Miss." High protocol! That hardly ever happened!

Ashley snatched her collar out of the glove compartment and buckled it around her neck, not too tight but a little tighter than Miss Kara had done it. Ashley liked to feel it was there.

Her owner parked in front of a coffee shop in the north end of town. It was late -- close to midnight -- but the dimly-lit interior was pretty busy -- there were about twenty tables and more than half of them were occupied even at that hour. Some of the patrons were single guys staring into laptops while sipping mugs of coffee, but there were couples and even foursomes. Ashley was startled to see that some of the men and women were collared. The place was obviously kink-positive.

"Kara! I can't believe it!" A man's voice called out from behind the counter. It was an old guy who looked kind of familiar but Ashley didn't recall ever meeting him.

Miss Kara beamed as the old man came around the counter and they shared a warm hug.

"I'm sorry I've been away for so long, Harold.'s been hard. This was kind of 'our' place, and without Peter..."

"You're ALWAYS welcome, my love," he said, holding both her hands in his. He seemed to notice Ashley for the first time, and his eyes quickly took in the black, leather collar around her neck. "And who do we have here?"

"This is Ashley. She's with me."

"WITH you with you?"

Miss Kara smiled and nodded. "Ever since the Masquerade."

The old man looked at Ashley more closely and his eyes widened, then a broad smile broke across his face. "My dear, how could I not have recognized you? You gave us all quite a scare."

"Mr. Sachs helped save you that night at the Masquerade," Miss Kara said, noticing Ashley's confused look.

"Oh! Um...thank you, Mr. Sachs. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. That night was kind of a blur," Ashley said.

"Small wonder! Please, both of you take a set. Kara, will it be your usual?"

"Make it two, and I'll take a slice of pecan pie, too."

Miss Kara led her to a booth near the back of the cafe. Ashley sat across from her, then looked around at the decor. There were a lot of posters of black-and-white movies on the walls and the tables were all lit with candles. A really moody sort of vibe to the place.

"Ashley, where are your eyes supposed to be in high protocol?" Miss Kara said, and there was a firm edge to her quiet voice that Ashley didn't recognize.

"Oh! I'm very sorry, Miss. Eyes on you, or the floor at my feet." She locked her eyes onto her Miss Kara's.

"And where are you supposed to be when I'm seated?"

Ashley's eyes went wide, but she quickly wiggled out of the booth and knelt on the fake hardwood next to Miss Kara's chair, looking up at her Governess. "I'm very sorry, Miss."

"It looks like your 'high protocol' needs a bit of work."

"Yes, Miss. I'll do much better, I promise." Ashley wanted to look around and see whether anyone else was watching her kneeling in a public place, but she kept her eyes where they belonged -- on her owner.

"Unless you think I'm bring too strict?"

Ashley saw the faint smile on Miss Kara's face, and despite her embarrassment and shame at forgetting the rules, she found herself fighting to conceal a smile, too.

"No, not at all. Thank you for being strict, Miss."

Miss Kara took out her phone and spent a few minutes staring into the screen, ignoring her. Ashley didn't move or look away, even when her knees started to complain at kneeling on the cold, hard floor.

"Two cinnamon-spice lattes with whipped cream, and a slice of pecan pie," said Mr. Sachs, coming up beside Ashley's kneeling form. He put both drinks and the pie in front of Miss Kara, then turned and walked away, like it was no big deal that Ashley was kneeling on the floor.

Miss Kara put her phone away, then took a slow sip from the latte.

"Have a seat, Ashley." Miss Kara nodded to the spot opposite her.

"Yes, Miss." Ashley quickly rose and resumed her seat in the booth, eyes never leaving her Governess.

Miss Kara slid one of the drinks in front of Ashley but kept the plate of pie where it was.

"You're free to drink. It's hot."

"Thank you, Miss."

"Since you've given me control of your eager little sex, and we're obviously becoming more intimate with one another, I decided it was time for a check-in. How are you feeling about everything that's been happening the last two weeks?"

"Great. Everything has been incredible."

"You seem to be okay with the nudity and massages. Any concerns there?"

"No way! Massages are my favourite thing ever."

Miss Kara smiled at her obvious enthusiasm. She picked up her fork and used the edge to cut the tip off the pecan pie, then held the piece out for Ashley. "No hands," her owner said, again with that firm undertone.

Ashley leaned forward and opened her mouth and Miss Kara fed her the forkful of pie. It tasted sweet and buttery, and the crust and pecans gave it a texture that was both chewy and crunchy. Being hand-fed by her owner in public was thrilling and sexy and even a little humiliating, but in a good way. It made her feel a bit like a treasured pet.

"You find the massages arousing." Miss Kara didn't make it sound like a question, and Ashley felt her cheeks flush, though in the dimness it probably wasn't noticeable. Had her lust been so obvious to her Governess? She'd tried to keep the peeking discreet.

"Yes, Miss. Very."

"Even though you're not totally into girls?"

"I'm not into girls, but...I'm really into YOU. You're a hundred times better than a normal girl...the most amazing person I've ever met. Your body is really sexy and I love touching it." Ashley hoped she wasn't sharing too much, but Honesty was one of the Five Principles, after all.

Miss Kara looked surprised by the bold confession, then leaned across the table to tickle Ashley's cheek with her fingers. Ashley closed her eyes and savoured the contact. Too soon, Miss Kara sat back in her seat and took another slow mouthful of latte. It was a few moments before she spoke again, and Ashley was careful to maintain eye contact the entire time and not let her gaze wander. It was harder than it sounded!

"So you're okay with things becoming a little more intimate?"

"Yeah, totally."

"Would you be comfortable with my hands on you? On your breasts and bum? Between your legs?"

Even the idea of it made Ashley hot, and she felt that familiar tingle in her sex.

"Yes, that would be great! I mean...I'm comfortable with it."

"Penetrating your pussy?"

Ashley nodded. She could feel heart heart racing, and just thinking about Miss Kara's fingers inside her made her slippery.

"Penetrating your ass?"

"Okay...but maybe gently?"

"Gently it is," Miss Kara agreed.

"Thank you, Miss."

Her owner took another sip, then put down her mug and looked into Ashley's eyes.

"I want a kiss," she said in a tone that was quiet but firm.

Ashley was shocked by the out-of-the-blue command and at how directly it had been delivered. Miss Kara was different a good way. Confident and strict, but without losing that calm gentleness that Ashley found so safe and reassuring.

A thousand times better than Chad. A million times better.

Ashley scooted out from the booth and came around to Miss Kara's side. Her owner reached up and hooked her index finger through the D-ring on Ashley's collar, then used it to guide her down, making her bend at the waist. When their noses were a few inches apart, Miss Kara held Ashley motionless with the collar.

"Hands behind your back," her owner said, in a voice barely louder than a whisper.

Ashley quickly obeyed. Miss Kara looked deep into her eyes, and their faces were so close that her owner's steady gaze was all she could see; those eyes were her entire universe at that moment.

Ashley was practically vibrating with excitement. Her skin was warm and she had to breathe through her mouth to get enough air. She was soaking wet, for sure.

There was silence for a moment, then Miss Kara whispered.

"I like my kisses warm and wet, with soft, yielding lips. And slow...nice and slow. You don't pull back from me; I decide when the kiss is over. Do you understand?"

"Oh, yes, Miss." Ashley whispered back, enthralled.

And then Miss Kara used her grip on the collar to pull Ashley into a kiss. A gentle, tender press of the lips that felt loving and meaningful and passionate all at the same time. Not her first kiss from a girl, but the first one that meant something. Ashley's thinking mind faded into the background and she floated along on a wonderful mix of excitement and peace. She never wanted to leave that place.

When she felt the gentle tug of her collar backing her off, breaking the kiss, she was lost of a moment. How much time had passed? She realized her eyes were closed and she opened them to the sight of Miss Kara gazing deeply into her.

"Tell me how you feel," her owner said in a low voice.

She tried hard to find the words, but after a moment nothing had come to her. "I melting," she said at last.

"That was a good kiss. I plan to do it more often."

"Yes, please. And...thank you."

Miss Kara let go of the D-ring but Ashley didn't budge.


Ashley knelt on the floor, eyes still fixed on the other woman. She didn't care anymore if someone else was looking. Only her owner mattered.

Miss Kara cut another mouthful of pie. Ashley's mouth was open and waiting, her hands still clasped behind her back as the delicious food slid between her lips. She chewed and swallowed quickly, eager for whatever would come next.

Her owner smiled down at her, then her expression became a little sad.

"Peter and I used to come here a lot. It's open late and we know the owners and a bunch of the regulars. The food and drinks are great, too."

"Thank you for bringing me. This is really amazing."

The earnest gratitude got her another smile, but again the happiness faded from Miss Kara's face.

"It's been less than two months since I lost him. That's barely any time at all. I'm still grieving. Still healing. Still hurting. To be honest, I didn't know how much of myself I'd be able to devote to you, or even how much of me was left after losing him. I didn't know if I'd feel disloyal to his memory by exploring an emotional, intimate relationship like this so soon after his passing."

She paused and took another sip, and then her smile returned. Ashley was relieved to see it.

"But I think -- no, I know -- that he'd be okay with this. It's healthy and affirming. And if you're comfortable exploring a bit further and getting more intimate, then I am, too. I'm eager to walk this road with you."

Ashley had never felt so many emotions at the same time and she had trouble sorting them out. Miss Kara was so cool and so perfect! The idea that she was excited to spend time with Ashley made the younger woman feel...well, a bunch of things. Grateful, honoured, eager and touched.

"I'm totally, one-thousand percent comfortable," Ashley said, hoping the intensity in her eyes could make up for how lame the words sounded. "I'll explore anywhere you want, and do anything you want. This is the most amazing thing ever."

Miss Kara grinned, then nodded to the seat opposite her. "Finish your drink and the pie. I'm looking forward to getting you home."


They didn't get home until after one in the morning.

Ashley had work tomorrow -- well, today, technically -- but not until mid-afternoon, and she was sure Miss Kara would allow her to sleep in a bit, even during high protocol.

She undressed and put her clothes in the laundry, noticing the wet patch on her panties. No surprise there; she half-expected to find the crotch of her pants soaked through with her juices too. Everything about the evening had hit her sweet spots -- her collar, the atmosphere in the coffee shop, the high protocol, the kneeling, being hand-fed by her owner. The kiss. God, the kiss! Even thinking about it made her pussy throb. Her fingers ached to stroke her clit. She needed a hard come now more than ever.

Instead, she took a quick, hot shower, dried herself off and got into her bed clothes -- plain white panties and one of Miss Kara's old t-shirts. It fit loose, and it was comforting to wear something from her owner, especially since wasn't allowed to wear her collar to bed. She sat on the mattress and was just starting to un-buckle her collar when she head Miss Kara in the living room.

"Ashley, come here please."

And there was THAT tone again. Commanding and gentle at the same time. Something new that Miss Kara had dropped on her that evening. Just hearing it made her heart race!

Ashley hurried to the living room and found Miss Kara leaning against the couch expectantly.

"Yes Miss?"

"I'd like another kiss." Her owner beckoned her with one finger.

"Yes, Miss," Ashley said with an eager grin, then stepped in close and crossed her wrists at the small of her back. Miss Kara made no move to grab her collar, so Ashley went up on her toes and pressed a soft kiss against her owner's lips, making sure not to pull back or break the kiss until Miss Kara did so a few moments later. Ashley could feel a quivering tension in her abdomen, and the pulsing between her legs grew urgent and demanding.

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