Part 21

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"I'll hold you to that," Ash said, then signed her name with a flourish.

Kara hugged Ashley again as Bev and then Harold signed the agreement as witnesses. The contract held no legal weight, but the formality and ritual of it lent authenticity to the proceedings.

Jaycee found them in the dining room and hurried up to talk to them.

"Mrs. Meadows, may I please borrow Ash for a little while? Artie said he'd show us the bondage wheel he bought for Mrs. Flannigan's dungeon."

The young slave wife was most of the way done a big glass of white wine, and had a reckless, mischievous glint in her eye.

Kara wrapped the leash around her hand a few times to take in some slack. "Oh, no. Once you two get going, I'll never get her back again. Maybe after the guestbook signing."

Jaycee sighed. "Yes, Mrs. Meadows."

Kara gave her a mysterious smile. "Besides, I guarantee you'll want to sign the guestbook."

Jaycee caught the smile, then glanced at the suddenly-blushing cheeks of Kara's newly-collared slave.

Her face broke into a wide grin. "Oh, this is going to be good!"

They ate, drank and mingled for the next hour. Kara made the rounds with her barefoot slave accompanying her on the leash. Ashley looked comfortable - happy to engage in small talk, eager to enjoy the food and drink and quick to laugh at most of Harold's jokes.

"Are you just about ready?" Kara whispered to her, when they had a rare moment alone.

"Yes, Mistress."

"No second thoughts?"

Ash shook her head. "It's weird. It's going to be super-embarrassing, but...I'm kind of eager for it."

"It's supposed to be sexy and fun. If you find you're hating it, you'll let me know, right?"

"Yes, Mistress. Always."

Kara gave her another kiss, then raised her voice to address the room. "Please assemble in the living room for the signing of the guestbook."

As the guests made their way to the living room, Kara hurried to the hall to fetch the coloured body pens from her purse.

Leash in hand, she led Ashley into the crowded room and stood her facing the assembled guests.

"I hope each of you will do us the honour of signing the guestbook to commemorate this occasion," she said, then grasped the right spaghetti strap of Ashley's dress and slowly slid it off her shoulder, letting it hang.

There were good-natured hoots from the crowd. Ashley was already flushing an alluring, deep pink.

"One by one, I'll ask you to come up and select a coloured pen." She held up her handful of body markers, then casually slid the other strap off Ash's left shoulder. She walked behind the blushing young woman.

"Please don't feel that you all have to pick the same colour - we have eight to choose from."

Kara took the top of Ashley's sundress and slowly peeled it down, baring Ash's small breasts, rib cage and flat belly. Kara had put an adhesive bandage over each of the younger woman's nipples, barely concealing them, and didn't pull the top of the dress down far enough to reveal the tattoos. Ash was sensitive about them and Kara didn't want to truly humiliate her freshly-collared slave girl.

The sudden semi-nudity caused another chorus of cheers and whistles.

"I'd also like to remind everyone that when you're signing, please touch with the pen only; hands, fingers, lips, tongues and other 'appendages' are strictly off-limits." Kara said it jokingly, but the underlying message was clear to everyone. Games like this weren't uncommon among the MAMMs and limits were always meticulously respected.

"Mrs. Meadows, are we allowed to sign your 'guestbook' anywhere?" Jaycee asked, grinning ear-to-ear.

Ashley's audible groan caused a ripple of amusement to roll through the guests.

"Below the neck and above the navel, please," Kara said. "Would you like to get us started off, Jaycee?"

"Oh, thank you, Mrs. Meadows. I would LOVE to!" the young woman said.

She walked over and selected a pink marker, then regarded Ash with a devious smile.

"Arms up, please."

Ashley hesitated, then raised both arms above her head, exposing her smooth armpits. Jaycee popped the cap on the marker, then pressed the felt tip lightly to Ash's left underarm.

The younger woman squealed, dropped her arms and flinched away at the ticklish contact. Her breasts shook with the sudden movement, causing an amused uproar from the group. Kara found herself chuckling and was thrilled to hear Ash giggle too, red-faced though she was.

"Mrs. Meadows!" Jaycee said in mock consternation. "Slave Ashley seems to have broken posture without permission."

"Oh, you'll get yours!" Ashley vowed, then raised her arms a second time.

Jaycee brought the marker close to Ash's defenseless armpit again, then paused. "May I please sign my full name, Mrs. Meadows?"

"Of course," Kara said.

"Thank you, ma'am." Jaycee turned back to Ashley with an evil grin. "Jaycee Elizabeth Constance Sato."

Ashley's pitiful whimper could be heard by all.


"That's totally not her name," Ashley said with a grudging smile. "I bet she just chose the longest names she could think of." She lifted her left arm and tried to make out the pink writing in the unreliable light from the oncoming headlights as they passed.

The two of them were in the car, a few minutes away from their apartment. It was after midnight; the streets were dark and the traffic sparse on the way back from Bev's house.

Kara laughed. "I'm sure Mr. Sato would want to be informed if his slave wife had shown dishonesty. I understand he's pretty strict about that."

Ashley's grin betrayed a vengeful glee. "Yeah...I should probably let him know, the next time I visit. Honesty is one of the Five Principles, after all."

"And now one of the seven Articles."

"Yes, Mistress. Oh! You remembered my old collar, right?"

"It's in my purse. I hope the new one's not uncomfortable?"

"It's not that. I love my permanent one! It's just...I don't want to lose the leather one. It's special."

"You never forget your first collar," Kara said with a wistful sigh.

"Never. That's the collar that saved me. I'm going to keep it forever."

Kara nodded. "I felt the same way, until I met someone who needed it more."

Ashley reached over and ran her hand along her owner's arm. "I love you, Mistress."

"I love you too."

They arrived, Kara parked in the underground lot and they rode the elevator up to the apartment. Kara let them in the door and flicked on the lights.

"May I speak, Mistress?"

"Of course."

Ashley gracefully knelt on the hardwood floor in the hall.

"May I please be allowed to lick your beautiful pussy before bed? I really want to make you feel good, especially tonight."

"Mmm. I think that sounds lovely."

"Thank you Mistress. Also, may I please have the strokes I earned from my demerit during the Inspection?"

Kara paused to consider. "Take off your clothes."

"Yes, Mistress. Right here in the hall?"

Kara nodded and Ashley stood up and eagerly pushed the straps off her shoulders, wiggled out of the sundress, then peeled her white thong down and off.

"Just leave it on the floor for now. And remove the bandages from your nipples."

Ash set the clothing aside. Scrawled across her armpits, chest and stomach were twenty-four signatures in a rainbow of bright colours. The ink from the body markers was non-toxic and temporary - the signatures would fade over the next three days or so.

"You're the prettiest guestbook I've ever seen," Kara said, then fished around in her purse for her phone.

"Thank you, Mistress. It tickled so much! I almost peed myself."

"Are you comfortable if I take some pictures for our private collection?"

"If they're for you, I'd love it."

Kara raised her phone. The light in the hall was excellent, and she clicked a couple of pictures of Ash's full torso, then began taking some close-ups to capture the individual signatures, including a few with Ash's arms up over her head.

"What do you think?" Kara asked, handing the phone to her slave girl.

Ashley took a few moments to swipe through the pictures, then giggled.

"It's something I'll never forget, that's for sure. The whole evening was crazy! Crazy...and wonderful." She impulsively wrapped Kara up in a tight hug, and Kara squeezed her back just as hard.

After a minute, Kara stepped back.

"Remove my dress," she said; a command.

"Yes, Mistress." Ashley went behind her and unzipped the dress, then slid it down her Mistress' body and knelt while Kara stepped out of it, leaving her in just a pair of white panties and her low, white heels.

"Crawl to the living room, then wait for me at Inspect."

Ashley crawled over the hardwood on all fours. Kara admired her bum from behind, and enjoyed the teasing peeks of her labia between her thin thighs as she moved. Her slave seemed to enjoy crawling, and absolutely loved being on the leash. Kara made a mental note to add 'pet play' to the list of kinks she and Ashley would try together. It was becoming a long list. But then, they had lots of time.

She stopped by the kitchen and selected a hard, plastic spatula from a drawer next to the stove. She swung it through the air a few times. It was a lot lighter than an oak paddle; it would produce a good sting and some nice colour, but probably not much bruising. Perfect.

When she got to the living room, Ashley was already standing with her feet apart and her wrists crossed behind her back. Kara stepped in front of her and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, savoured it for a few seconds, then stepped back. She reached down and began a slow, feather-light fingernail tease of Ashley's smooth pussy.

"Wider," she said. Ashley moved her feet further apart immediately. The hunger in her eyes was obvious; two weeks of unfulfilled lust were reflected in her beautiful, emerald gaze.

"This officially belongs to me now." Kara lightly pinched Ash's smooth labia between her thumb and index finger.

"Yes, Mistress. My pussy and everything else. All yours."

"How did it feel to go the extra week with no release?"

Ash started breathing through parted lips. "I wanted it so bad, especially the second week - it was a really urgent need. But...I could feel your control so strongly, and you were always in my thoughts, especially when my pussy was throbbing. I loved that part."

"Hmm. Maybe once every two weeks from now on?" her voice was low and teasing as her fingernails tormented Ash's pussy lips.

Kara expected a protest, but her slave surprised her by smiling. "I freely yield to you my body, mind and heart, Mistress. I'll always accept whatever you decide."

"It's no fun if you're so agreeable," Kara said, then gave her another long kiss, withdrew her hand and stepped back.

"Touch your clit. I want you riding your edge."

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you." Ashley brought her right hand around front, wet her fingertips between her pussy lips and started rubbing her clit in slow, tight circles.

Kara looked down into her slave's eyes and watched the hunger grow into desperation. Ashley's breathing was fast now. Her cheeks were pink, and a flush slowly spread down her neck and upper chest. The scent of her arousal was faint in the air.

"I'm...there, Mistress."

"Mmm. Don't you dare come."

"Never, until you say."

Kara slowly walked around behind her slave girl, then lightly tapped her right buttock with the spatula. Ash unconsciously pushed her bum out a little further.

"It's time to address your demerit," Kara said, slowly rubbing the flat of the spatula over both the pale, soft cheeks. "You will continue to edge as I deliver each set of three strokes. Remember to breathe."

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you."

Kara tapped the right buttock to signal the start, then whacked it three times. The spatula made a satisfying smacking sound. Ash's fleshy cheek rippled, shook and clenched with each blow, then immediately bloomed pink.

Ashley moaned quietly, then breathed deeply. Her fingers were busy between her legs the whole time.

"Good?" Kara asked; a quick check-in.

"Oh, yes. It's perfect."

Kara patted Ashley's left buttock, then delivered three stinging slaps that brought a gasp from the younger woman, followed by a slow breath.

"Please may I pause, Mistress? It's getting away from me..." Ash's voice was desperate.

"Work your nipples with both hands."

Ashley's hands immediately went to her breasts. "Thank you, Mistress."

"Pinch hard; don't be lazy."

Another deep groan was the only response.

"Three more," Kara said, then tapped the spatula against the right buttock again. She hit harder this time, knowing Ash's increasing arousal would welcome the added sting. And she was right; her slave girl pushed her ass back against each blow, seeking contact rather than flinching away.

"Yes...ooooh yesss," she said, her voice almost a sigh.

"Fingers on your clit again."

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you." Ashley's hand dropped down between her legs again.

Kara signaled, then spanked Ash's left cheek three times. The young slave's legs were visibly quivering with the effort of holding back her orgasm. Her ass cheeks were a lovely deep pink, verging on red.

Kara tossed the spatula onto the couch, then made a slow half-circle around the younger woman before facing her again.

"Hands on your head."

"Yes, Mistress." Ashley stacked her hands on top of her head.

Kara reached out with both hands and grabbed Ash's nipples, then pinched hard and began to roll them between thumb and forefinger. Ashley moaned and arched her back, pressing her breasts into Kara's hands.

"These belong to me, too."

"Oh, yes. All yours, Mistress."

"Ask me to pinch harder."

"Oh, God...please pinch harder, Mistress. Hurt my nipples."

Instead, Kara released them. "Show me. Show me how you like to hurt them."

Ashley took a nipple in each hand and pinched them almost flat, then pulled them away from her chest and rolled them.

Kara found her slave girl's swollen clit and continued to look deep into her green eyes as she rubbed it gently. Ash was barely able to control her hips; she knew she wasn't to move while her Mistress enjoyed her.

"Nipples hurt?"

Ashley nodded. Her eyes were unfocused and dreamy.

"Want to stop?"


"Go harder, then."

"Yesssss. Thank you, Mistress."

"They're going to be sore all night. They're going to throb and ache."

"Oh, yeah," she breathed. "Can I come, Mistress? Please?"

"No. Your Mistress comes first. Always."

Ashley groaned but nodded.

"Would you like to remove my panties?"

"Yes, please."

"Do it without using your hands. Rub your clit the whole time."

Ash lowered herself to her knees on the hardwood as her fingertips went to work on her slippery, engorged clitoris. She pressed her face against the front of Kara's white panties, and it took a couple of tries to get the waistband between her teeth. She bent lower, trying to tug the tight elastic down but it snagged on Kara's wide hips. She groaned her need and frustration as her fingers kept her on the edge of a long-denied climax. Ash shifted to her right and carefully bit down on the panty waistband on Kara's left hip. She was able to tug it down a few inches. She urgently repeated her success on Kara's right side, and in less than a minute the panties were pooled around her white shoes.

Kara grabbed the top of the French braid in Ashley's hair and roughly pulled her slave's face against her smooth pussy.

"Mouth closed. Breathe deeply," Kara commanded. "Work your clit harder."

Ashley sucked in air through her nose, then exhaled and took in a second lung full.

"Do you smell how wet I am?"

Ash have a long, low moan, then inhaled again. "Yes, Mistress. You smell so good."

"Whose job is it to keep my pussy wet from now on?"

"My job."

"I want to hear you say it."

Ashley took another long sniff. "It's my job to keep your beautiful pussy wet, Mistress."

"You're my pussy slave?"

"Yes, Mistress. I love being your pussy slave. Please...can I lick you? Your beautiful pussy?"

Kara stepped out of her panties.

"Pick those up and crawl into my bedroom."

Ashley lowered her head and grasped the panties gently between her teeth, then turned and crawled towards the bedroom. Kara walked behind her, heart pounding, a powerful, throbbing need between her legs. She could see the glistening wetness on Ashley's smooth pussy lips as she crawled.

When they got to the bedroom Kara left Ashley on her hands and knees, white panties still held between her lips, while Kara stripped the comforter off the bed.

She made a quick trip to the closet and spread a towel out on the bed sheet; things were going to get messy and no one wanted to sleep in a puddle. Once the bed was ready, she took the panties from Ashley and tossed them in the hamper.

Kara lay on her back in bed.

"Time to please your Mistress, my pretty slave. Come up here."

Ashley stood, and Kara was treated to the sigh of her beautiful lover, naked but for the gleaming, steel collar permanently affixed around her neck, her gaze hungry, her nipples stiff and red, her smooth pussy wet, pouting and available.

"I want your mouth on my beautiful pussy, and your hips above my face."

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you."

Ashley crawled onto the bed and carefully swung one leg over so her knees were on either side of Kara's shoulders. The sweet scent of her slave's arousal suffused the air around her, and Kara breathed it in, enjoying the strong, familiar aroma.

"May I begin, Mistress?" Ash asked, her head poised between Kara's parted thighs, her voice low and rough with need.

"Mmm. Please begin. Nice and slow. We have all night."

"All night and every night," Ash agreed.

Ashley's tongue was hot, slippery and unhurried as she dragged it down Kara's outer labia, first on the right and then again on the left. Never rushing, focused on making each stroke perfect even as her own arousal threatened to tip out of control.

Kara pulled Ash's hips lower, then began to kiss her slave's inner thighs and pussy lips, deliberately avoiding her clitoris. At the same time, she stroked her fingers over Ashley's tight anal ring, not seeking to penetrate, just giving a gentle caress.

"I need you so bad," Ashley gasped. Her hot tongue continued to coax Kara ever closer to an orgasm. Her pussy slave was well-trained indeed!

"Soon. Don't rush it. Let it build."

"Yes, Mistress."

Ashley's patient strokes quickly brought Kara to a boil, and soon she was lifting her hips to meet every lick. She held out for a few more minutes, denying herself the quick release her pleasure-seeking pussy desired, but her slave's skillful mouth soon wore down her resistance.

"I'm ready," Kara whispered.

Ashley moved her focus to her Mistress' clit, enveloping it in her soft, warm lips and lightly bathing it with her tongue.

Kara grabbed Ash's buttocks and pulled the younger woman's hips down hard against her mouth, sucking her slave's clit gently. The sounds of Ash's appreciative whimper drove her own lust to its peak.

Kara's orgasm came from deep down and locked the muscles in her hips, thighs and belly for a few moments. As pleasure blasted through her she bucked her hips and ground her clit into Ashley's practiced tongue, drawing out the pleasure for as long as she could.

"Mistress...please...can I...?"

"Yes...come for me." Kara doubled her effort, trapping Ashley's sensitive bud between her teeth and lashing it with a soft, slippery tongue.

Ash came almost instantly, mewing in her throat and rolling her hips forward, pressing down urgently on Kara's mouth. Two weeks' worth of pent-up need squirted out over Kara's forehead and nose. She closed her eyes against the mini-torrent while lapping away at the wet pussy above her, loving the taste and the erotic sensation of being showered in her young slave's hot, long-denied climax.

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