Part 20

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"Ashley needs her hair and nails done, then she needs to get dressed." Kara turned back to face her naked, flushed slave girl. "I expect you dressed and made up within the hour. Then you may practice your vows. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Mistress. Very clear."


"The guests are assembling downstairs," Kara said. "Looks like it's almost a full house."

"I guess it's almost time," Ashley said, and her weak smile betrayed a little nervousness.

Kara had dressed her slave in a simple white, cotton sundress with spaghetti straps. She liked how it was form-fitting around Ash's narrow waist but flared out just a little as it draped to her knees. She was barefoot, but Jaycee had done a good job filing and painting Ashley's toenails a glittering white, and also putting Ash's hair into a tight, neat French braid that tapered off between Ashley's shoulder blades. A heavy dose of makeup had covered up the ugly tattoo on the back of her neck.

Ash still wore her black, leather collar with the silver buckle, but only for a few minutes longer. She'd be getting a permanent one before the evening ended.

The two of them were waiting in a guest bedroom in Bev Flannigan's expansive house, preparing to make their 'grand entrance'.

"Take a deep breath," Kara said. "Always breathe."

Ashley obeyed, then exhaled slowly. "I hope I remember my vows."

"If you forget, just make something up."

"Mistress! I couldn't - not for something this important!"

"What's important is what's in your heart. You'll do fine." Kara caressed the younger woman's face with her palm. Ash leaned in, enjoying the contact.

"Were you nervous before your collaring ceremony?"

"A little. It was a mix of excitement and nervousness, I think. It was hard to feel truly anxious when Peter was around - his presence was very reassuring. Plus, he looked so handsome in his suit. He even wore a tie."

Ashley grinned, and some of her nervousness disappeared. "Well, I think you've got him beat. You look incredible - like some kind of Greek goddess."

Kara had fallen in love with her long, flowing, toga-style dress at first sight. Pure white, it left one shoulder bare, gathered under the bust and then flowed loosely to her ankles. Twin slits ran up either side to mid-thigh. It was light and breezy. It felt sexy to wear it - without a bra, her breasts bounced and quivered with each step. She'd chosen low, white heels to go with it.

"Thanks. You look absolutely lovely, too. Jaycee did a great job on your hair and nails...eventually," Kara said, putting emphasis on the last word. The two slaves had spent more time giggling than dressing.

"It's not my fault! She kept tickling me," Ash said, though her toothy smile made a lie of her protests.

"Uh-huh." Kara didn't pursue the matter further.

Then there was a quiet knock on the door, and Bev poked her head inside the room.

"We're all ready down there," she said. "Oh, you both look so lovely! Jaycee's ready to take lots of pictures, and I've got the video camera up on the tripod."

"Thank you, Bev, for everything. We'll be right down," Kara said.

The older woman left, and Kara turned back to Ashley.

"Show time. Are you ready?"

"Yeah. I hope so."

Kara stepped close and pressed a slow, soft kiss to Ashley's lips, and felt the younger woman yield to the gentle touch. When Kara stepped back, Ash looked stronger.

Kara picked the leash up off the bedspread and deftly clipped it to the ring on Ash's collar.

"Okay, just like we rehearsed."

"Yes, Mistress."

Kara led her barefoot slave out of the guest room by the leash and slowly down the winding staircase.

Bev's living room was a huge, open-concept area with rich, brown hardwood; thick tan-leather couches; gorgeous floor-to-ceiling windows and a tile-and-brick fireplace. They'd moved the furniture to the sides of the room, leaving only a padded armchair in the centre with a white pillow on the floor in front of it. White flowers were arranged throughout the room - roses, irises and carnations.

Ten formally-dressed MAMM couples had shown up and stood at the front of the room. Kara's sister and her husband had been invited but had politely declined; they needed a little more time to acclimatize to the 'new' Kara. And that was fine.

Harold Sachs and his thin, dark-haired partner Phil were there too, in matching white, sequinned tuxedos. Kara couldn't suppress a grin upon seeing her oldest friend - who but Harold could affect such a dignified expression while wearing an outlandish getup like that?

Choosing him as the MC of the ceremony had been a calculated risk - he was a dear, long-standing friend, but his irrepressible sense of humour could easily shred any sense of solemnity for the evening. She'd made him promise to rein it in a little, at least until the vows were finished.

Kara led her leashed slave girl into the room. There was a muted murmur of approval from their gathered friends. Jaycee was snapping pics with her camera. Kara sat in the armchair, and Ashley knelt on the pillow at her feet, spreading her dress out over her legs. The younger woman's beautiful eyes never left Kara's face as she knelt.

Kara had been to five or six collaring ceremonies in her time with Peter. Each of them had been different and meaningful in their own way. A couple of them had been wedding-calibre events, with long, formal vows and a catered dinner afterwards. Some had been simple affairs. One had a heavy sadomasochistic theme, complete with ceremonial whipping and an exchange of blood via pin-pricked fingers. One of them had been so 'vanilla' that a casual onlooker might not have realized the participants were Mistress and slave.

For Ashley's collaring, Kara wanted a ceremony that reflected their relationship and set the tone for their future together. The leash featured prominently in the ceremony because it was a regular part of their playtime together.

Ash, for her part, had been content to let Kara make the decisions and shape the ceremony. That, too, was part of who they were as a couple. Ashley was comfortable speaking up to express her likes and dislikes, but preferred her Mistress to do most of the heavy lifting, decision-wise.

Harold stepped forward, coming to the side of Kara's chair, facing the assembled guests.

"We're here today to witness the collaring of slave Ashley by Mistress Kara," he said in a deep, formal-sounding voice. "So if you were expecting a Tupperware party, you've come to the wrong address."

The deadpan joke got a good laugh from the small crowd.

"Harold..." Kara said quietly, but with a note of warning.

"Yes, yes, sorry," he said, waving the joke aside with his hand, then resumed his remarks. "I've known Kara for years. I was there when she'd just met Peter, and I watched them fall in love. I was at Kara's collaring ceremony and her wedding. I've seen her grow and blossom; seen her get stronger and more beautiful with every passing year. I was at Peter's funeral. And I was there at the Masquerade when, despite the depth of her own pain and grief, Kara summoned the courage and strength to save the life of our young Ashley."

Kara felt tears welling at the lovely words. She didn't want to cry so early in the ceremony! Ashley's eyes were watery, too.

"It was the bravest, most remarkable thing I've seen in all my thirty-two years on this earth."

Another gale of laughter erupted at the septuagenarian's joke. Even Kara chuckled, before she could think to stop herself.

"And now, my beautiful Kara has come full circle, and will collar a slave of her own. I've come to know Ashley well - she's a frequent visitor at my coffee shop, Bean Naughty, down on Eighth and Green. Open till three in the morning. Don't forget to ask about our dessert specials!"

"Harold..." Kara growled, to the crowd's general amusement.

"Right, right," he said, then continued. "I've seen Ashley grow, too. At first she was uncertain and jumpy, but still eager to serve; earnest and exuberant. Each time she would visit, she'd be more graceful, more comfortable, and more confident. It was obvious she had strong feelings for Kara, and equally obvious that Kara had quickly come to reciprocate those feelings. Ashley's kind heart and genuine love were slowly healing Kara's deep wounds, and my soul warmed a little more each time I saw them together."

Ashley was close to crying as she gazed up at her Mistress, and that triggered a welling of emotion inside Kara as well. Harold had them see-sawing between laughter and tears!

He cleared his throat. "Does anyone here know any reason why Mistress Kara should not collar her girl Ashley?"

No one said anything.

"Well, then, I'll pass it over to Kara." Harold patted Kara's bare shoulder gently, then returned to Phil's side, among the MAMM invitees.

The room was quiet.

Kara raised her left foot, and Ashley took it in her hands, then un-strapped and removed the white, low-heeled shoe. With a cute, pink blush, she raised Kara's bare foot to her lips and kissed the tops of her toes, her gaze never leaving her Mistress' face. Ash's hands felt a little cold and clammy, but when she started the massage, her touch was skillful and confident.

Kara took a moment to steady herself, and to bring to mind what she wanted to say. She looked down into Ashley's eyes.

"When Peter died, I was lost. I didn't know who I was anymore, or what my purpose was. I had lived for him, and with his passing, I had nothing to live for. I was trapped in a gloomy existence and there didn't seem to be any way out." The tears came then, but she didn't try to stop them, only took a moment to calm her voice.

She reached down and stroked Ashley's cheek. "You fixed all that, Ashley. You gave me a purpose. You gave me a reason to live. You filled my life with energy, emotion and intimacy. You challenged me with a new role and helped me to grow. And through my relationship with you, I forged an even deeper connection with my departed husband and Master."

Ashley was crying now too, silently. Her hands were warmer now on Kara's feet.

"You're a beautiful woman with an unbreakable spirit and a heart free of malice and deception. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for being patient with me as I learned and made mistakes. Thank you for serving me with such devotion. Thank you for loving me, and making it so easy to love you back. Thank you for accepting my collar this evening."

There was silence after Kara finished. She sniffed and wiped her eyes. Thank God for waterproof makeup.

Ashley sniffed back tears as well. She raised Kara's left foot and gave it another slow kiss, then rested it in her lap. She removed Kara's right shoe, kissed her toes reverently, and began to rub and knead her foot expertly.

A moment later, she spoke.

"You saved my life, for real. I'd be dead if not for you. I'd have died at the Masquerade, or maybe froze to death after I ran away from Chad. You took me in and gave me someplace to stay, and you were so was like meeting an angel. That's how it felt to me, anyway. And you said you could get me back to that warm, submissive place inside me did! Like, for three years I suffered and struggled and hoped, but as soon as you became my Governess, you got me there right away."

Ashley raised Kara's foot and gave it another long kiss, which wasn't part of the ceremony but seemed to be something she needed right then.

"And even though you used to be a submissive, I could see you were working hard to be a great Dominant. Working so hard, just for me. And you became, like, the most awesome Mistress ever. When you take control...and your Domme does crazy things to me! I can't get enough of you. And you're calm and so smart; I can trust you to know what's right. I know when I put myself in your hands, it's going to be great. Never scary or anything like that."

Ashley raised Kara's foot and gently rubbed her tear-streaked cheek over it.

"So, thank you for all those things. Thanks for letting me be who I'm really supposed to be. Thanks for showing me all sorts of stuff, and making me feel happy all the time. I love you and I want to serve you forever."

Ashley planted another soft kiss on Kara's right foot, then lowered it to her lap and started to put the white heels back on her Mistress' bare feet. There was only silence in the room.

Harold stepped forward again, this time holding a small silk-wrapped bundle. He handed it to Kara, then faced the guests.

"A collar is a symbol of ownership, representing both the slave's desire to be owned, and the Mistress' desire to claim the one being collared. It's a pact; a long-term commitment. It's serious and meaningful. We'll now begin the vows and collaring."

Harold stepped back and Kara rested the silk bundle on her lap. She leaned forward and gently unbuckled Ashley's leather collar, then removed it entirely and detached the leash. It was easy to read the conflicted look in her slave's lovely eyes - she'd been emotionally attached to that collar since the afternoon Kara had given it to her. Kara could empathize with the feeling.

Kara stroked Ash's face again before speaking.

"Ashley Mallory, I desire to claim you as my slave. I pledge to love you, protect you, guide you and nurture you. I will rule your body, mind and heart. I will set high standards for you, discipline you if you falter, and encourage you to improve yourself for the future. And I will do everything in my power to help you achieve your highest potential and reach your dreams. Do you accept my collar?"

Ashley's emerald eyes overflowed, and it was a few moments before she could compose herself enough to speak her vows.

"Kara Meadows, I accept your collar and acknowledge you as my Mistress. I freely yield to you my body, mind and heart. I pledge to submit to your will, obey your words and devote myself to your well-being and pleasure."

Kara couldn't help a big grin; Ashley had remembered - and spoken - her lines perfectly.

Kara unwrapped the new collar from the silk covering and showed it to Ashley for the first time.

An inch-wide band of high-gloss, stainless steel with an inset o-ring at the front; the collar was beautiful without being flashy or ostentatious. Much like Ashley herself. Best of all, the Allen-key screws were tucked away on the "skin side" of the collar; from the outside it appeared to be a smooth, shiny, unbroken band of steel. It was a 24/7 collar, and could be worn in bed and in the shower, wouldn't be damaged by water or sweat and wouldn't be abrasive or allergenic against her slave girl's soft skin.

Kara kissed the collar, then fastened it around Ashley's neck. The measurements had been perfect - Kara knew her slave liked the collar a little on the 'tight' side and had allowed just enough room between the collar and her neck to allow for proper washing. It took a minute to tighten the twin screws with the Allen key, then she sat back in the armchair.

Ashley fingered the smooth, metal strip. Her eyes were wide and wet.

At last, Kara picked up the leash and looked deeply into Ash's eyes.

"I now claim you, Ashley. You are my slave, now and forever," she said. The leash clicked into place around the o-ring on her slave's new collar, and Kara used the thin chain to draw Ashley in for a soft, slow, deep kiss. Her young slave returned it happily.

The guests clapped and cheered and wolf-whistled. Harold stepped forward to speak again.

"I will now read the seven Articles in the Mistress-slave contract. After each Article, Mistress Kara and her slave Ashley will indicate their acceptance of the terms. With the verbal agreements in place, both Mistress Kara and her slave will sign the contract, with myself and the lovely Mrs. Flannigan as witnesses," Harold announced, holding up the single-page contract.

Kara stood up, leash in hand, as Ashley knelt on the cushion beside her.

Harold cleared his throat and adjusted the glasses on his nose. Kara uttered a silent prayer that he would read the Articles without undue comedy.

"First, the Article of Exclusivity: Mistress Kara will not have other submissives, nor will Ashley serve other dominants except in the presence of Mistress Kara."

"I accept," Kara and Ashley spoke in unison.

"Second, the Article of Dominance: Mistress Kara accepts her authority over Ashley, and shall exercise this authority in a manner that prioritizes Ashley's safety, security, health and emotional well-being."

"I accept."

"Third, the Article of Submission: Ashley accepts Mistress Kara's authority over her, including her Mistress' right to set and strictly enforce rules, administer discipline, and to make decisions regarding Ashley's behaviour, dress, sexual activity and lifestyle. As of January 1, Mistress Kara will additionally assume control of Ashley's career, financial affairs and long-term best interests."

"I accept." The final sentence had been the result of long discussion with her over-eager slave. Kara hadn't wanted control of Ash's finances, but in the end they'd agreed to 'phase in' that language at the beginning of the next year. It was still a huge responsibility, and Kara hoped she'd be ready for it when the new year rolled around.

"Fourth, the Article of Obedience: Ashley will obey Mistress Kara at all times. Ashley reserves the right to safeword at any time."

"I accept."

"Fifth, the Article of Honesty: both Mistress Kara and Ashley will communicate honestly and avoid deception."

"I accept."

"Sixth, the Article of Diligence: both Mistress Kara and Ashley will execute their roles and responsibilities to the best of their ability."

"I accept."

"Seventh, the Article of Openness: both Mistress Kara and Ashley Kara will embrace experimentation, learning and understanding. They will continue to grow in their respective roles and in the relationship they share."

"I accept."

"Ladies and gentlemen, both Mistress Kara and her slave Ashley have accepted the Articles in the agreement. We are all witness to the oath they've taken this evening. And with that, I declare the ceremony complete. Ashley shall now be recognized by all as the slave of Mistress Kara."

There was clapping and cheers. Harold leaned over and gave Kara an affectionate peck on the cheek and patted Ashley's shoulder. The other guests crowded around, offering kisses, handshakes and well-wishes. Kara tugged up gently on the leash, bringing Ashley to her feet to receive the congratulations.

"Folks," Kara called, raising her voice above the din. "There are drinks, sandwiches and snacks in the kitchen. We'll mingle for an hour or so, and then I'd like to invite everyone back to the living room for a very...unique... guestbook signing."

The guests slowly filed past, and Kara and Ashley spent several minutes shaking hands and expressing their thanks.

"You guys did great!" Jaycee said, wiping away tears as she approached.

"I was sure I'd forget my lines," Ash said, beaming with mixed pride and relief.

"Your collar is so beautiful!"

Ashley was absently running her fingertips over the smooth steel. She looked up at Kara. "This is beyond amazing. Thank you, Mistress, for everything."

"It never needs to come off," Kara said, pressing kiss to Ash's forehead. "Everyone will know you're properly owned now. We're officially 'out' as Mistress and slave."

"It's like a dream."

Kara shared another embrace with her happy slave girl.

They went with Harold and Bev to the dining room. Kara signed the Mistress-slave agreement, then handed the pen to Ashley.

"Once you sign, there's no going back. You're mine for good," she said.

Ashley touched the pen to the page, then paused and closed her eyes as though savouring the moment. When she opened them again, they were bright and eager.

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