Part 10

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"All your tests were negative," said Dr. Lynne Noori, handing a printout to Ashley.

Kara knew it had been kind of her doctor to accept Ashley as a patient, given how busy she was already, and was grateful for the accommodation. It would have been terribly awkward to approach a strange doctor about having blood tests done for sexually-transmitted infections.

Ashley's eyes widened and the blood drained from her face.

"All of them?" Her voice was mingled horror and disbelief.

Dr. Noori looked puzzled by the reaction, and Kara rubbed Ashley's arm reassuringly.

"No, Ash, that's a good thing. 'Negative' means they didn't find anything wrong."

Relief flooded the younger woman's face. "Oh! I thought she meant negative as in bad."

It had been eleven days since Ashley's epic orgasm in the collar and leash, and the level of intimacy between them had only increased since then. There were nightly massages, with Kara giving or receiving, or both. She'd stroked her young ward to a second orgasm exactly a week after the first, and the following day Ashley had asked to reciprocate with her mouth; a bold, out-of-nowhere request that had caught Kara by surprise.

She'd been trying to bring Ash along slowly to ensure she was comfortable and had time to adjust to the changes, but the submissive woman had jumped in with both feet and suddenly it was Kara struggling to keep up. Ashley seemed more comfortable each day immersing herself in Kara's control, and eager to enjoy and reciprocate any intimacy Kara showed her.

It had been awkward to raise the issue of possible sexual infections -- Kara didn't want to offend Ashley. But Chad had forced the young woman into plenty of unsafe situations and Kara wanted to understand what risks she and Ash would be taking once they started 'exchanging fluids'. If treatment was needed or precautions had to be taken, better to know up front rather than after it was too late.

Ashley had been understanding about the sensitive topic and readily agreed to the tests, although she'd been disappointed that mouth-to-genital contact would have to wait more than a week until the test results came in. Kara had herself tested too, just to show Ashley she wasn't in it alone.

But now they'd both been given a clean bill of health, so the gloves were off, so to speak.

She was little more than five weeks into her new life as a governess, and Kara had to admit she was enjoying it. Ashley was a delightful submissive -- earnest, hard-working and enthusiastic -- who preferred a firm hand and thrived under high protocol and stricter dominance. Knowing there was a young woman eager to obey her every command was arousing and powerful. Kara found that being the one in charge brought with it new emotions: sometimes protective and maternal, sometimes hot and lustful, sometimes frustrating and even confusing.

But hitting the right balance -- finding her dominant 'voice' - was getting easier over time. She learned something new each day, and her admiration for her late Master Peter grew with every lesson. Now she understood that what appeared so simple on the surface was a lot harder than it seemed, and that being a dominant required as much dedication and commitment as being a submissive.

She hadn't lost sight of the "non-kink" goals she had for Ashley -- a job, an education, supportive peers, hobbies and interests, and eventually some counseling. She'd had success addressing some of those lofty objectives, and had ideas for how she could encourage Ashley to develop the other 'vanilla' parts of her life that had been so neglected.

And a visit to the workshop was one of those ideas.


Everything about the workshop reminded her of Peter.

The clacking of the key in the door lock. The high-pitched beeps as she disarmed the alarm system. The hum of the bright rows of fluorescent lights overhead. The smell of sawdust. The grey, paint-splattered concrete floor. The saws, drills, lathes, hand tools, saw horses and work benches. The lumber stacked up against the far wall. The finished and half-completed kink furniture stowed here and there -- wherever space could be found.

Peter was everywhere here. This was his space, his domain. The workshop was a temple dedicated to his profession and most beloved hobby. She'd joined him here, spent hours working alongside him, learning at the feet of the master until she was almost as proficient as him. But no matter how long she'd spent there, it had always felt like HIS space. HIS world, that he'd happily shared with his beloved wife.

Kara found tears welling as she surveyed the quiet work space. She hadn't come here much since his death. There hadn't been any reason, until now.

"This place is huge!" Ashley gasped from just behind her. "All this was his?"

Kara nodded. "When we got married, we wanted to live in the city but workshop space is so expensive there, and neighbors don't appreciate the noise. So he found this out-of-the-way industrial park and leased this space. We're surrounded by factories and warehouses, so no one cares about the noise."

"And you know how to work all this stuff?"

"Yes. He literally taught me everything I know about carpentry. But even after fourteen years I don't have half the knowledge he did. I'm competent, but Peter was passionate about it."

"That's so cool," Ashley said, and the awe in her voice was hard to miss.

Kara shoved the keys into her coat pocket and wandered deeper into the workshop.

"Normally we'd be in work boots if we were building something, but your winter boots should be okay for now. Just watch your step."

"What was it you wanted to show me?" Ash said, following behind.

"I'm thinking of getting a booth at Ero-Con in June, and re-starting the business. I've been getting lazy since Peter died and I need something to fill my time productively."

"You're going to sell this stuff?"

"Sell, and also take custom orders. The custom orders bring in the most money."


"Once Peter got an order for a working, medieval-style rack... a slab that a prisoner gets chained to and his arms and legs get stretched in opposite directions. The guy paid almost twelve thousand dollars for it."

"No way!"

"Wealthy kinksters will pay for quality, stylized work. The rack was the centrepiece of a pretty impressive dungeon."

"So you want me to help out at Ero-Con?"

"If you like. And if you want, I'll show you how to build things, too."

"That would be awesome!"

Kara smiled at her ward's enthusiasm, then led the way further into the cluttered work space. "Let me show you some of the finished works. Ever seen stocks?"

"I think so."

Kara stopped in front of a waist-high, padded bench connected to a headboard that had three small circles cut into it. She un-clasped a latch and half the headboard lifted open on a hinge.

"Take off your coat and lie on your stomach on the bench. Put your neck in the middle hole and your wrists in the holes on either side."

Ashley carefully did as requested, leaving her bent double, rear end presented to her governess.

"I'm going to lock you in, just so you can experience it. If you feel uncomfortable, say the word and I'll open it right away, okay?"


Kara closed the top of the headboard, careful not to pinch Ash's skin or trap her hair, then locked the latch.

"What do you think?"

Ashley made a half-hearted attempt to free her wrists but quickly gave up. "I guess I'm stuck."

"Mmm. And this cute bum is thrust out here, ready for anything I wanted to do." Kara rubbed her hands over the back of Ash's yoga pants, then slipped her fingers under the waistband and slowly drew them down to mid-thigh, along with her panties, baring her pale ass.


"Just demonstrating," Kara said, allowing plenty of tease in her voice. "Tell me if you want out." She ran her fingernails lightly over the smooth skin, then allowed her fingers to caress the inner swells of her cheeks and drift lower to her soft inner thighs.

"Feels amazing." Ashley parted her legs as much as the waistband would allow.

"It's a very submissive position to be in. Everything is available to my eyes and my fingers. I'm free to enjoy this tight little bum hole..." Kara's gently teased the sensitive ring with the nail of her index finger, amused by the way it tightened and released reflexively.

"Yes, Miss."

"I can tease these pussy lips..." Kara traced her finger lower, stroking Ash's outer labia. Already the smooth contours of her ward's pussy were becoming familiar; Kara had spent many long minutes tormenting that sensitive flesh in the weeks Ashley had been staying with her.

Ashley gasped and strained against the waistband, fighting to spread wider.

"Or even this naughty clit..." She licked her middle finger to wet it, then reached down to give light feather-touches to Ash's already-engorged pleasure centre.

"Please...don't stop."

"Hungry already? You just came three days ago."

"Yes, Miss, very hungry. I'm always hungry for you. Please?"

"Hmm, maybe a little longer then."

"Oh, thank you!"

Kara obliged the younger woman for almost another minute, drawing out sighs and wetness, then let her fingers drift away from her hard clit. Ashley groaned her disappointment but didn't complain.

"Of course, having a bare bum so nicely presented lends itself to a spanking as well. Shall I demonstrate?"

Ash hesitated, but only for a moment. "Yes, Miss. Please?"

Kara stroked her palms over the soft flesh in front of her. "Very well. Maybe a light spanking, just so you get the full experience. I want you to count each one, and tell me whether you want the next one harder, softer or the same. Clear?"


Kara drew back and paused. She'd never struck anyone before, and wasn't sure how much force to put behind her blow. She decided to start gentle and let Ashley guide the proceedings. The first spank was soft; little more than a tap.

"One. I can take it harder, Miss."

Kara struck again, swinging with more force. Ash's bum quivered under the stinging slap, then turned a very faint tint of pink.

"Two. That stings a little. Maybe just a touch more?"

The third swat caused a mild stinging in her palm. The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed in the empty workshop.

"Three. I think...I like it just like that."

Kara delivered the fourth smack, then a fifth and sixth, getting a good feel for how much strength to put behind each one. When Ashley had counted off the sixth, Kara returned her fingers to her pussy and found it wetter than she'd left it.

"Someone enjoyed that."

"Yes, Miss."

"You like being spanked?"

There was a brief pause. "I like it when YOU spank me."

Kara bent and gave a slow kiss to each of Ashley's buttocks, then eased her panties and yoga pants back into place. She tripped the latch on the headboard and lifted the top half, freeing her ward.

"How did it feel to be helpless?"

"It was hot," Ashley said, beaming her an excited smile. Her face was slightly flushed. "But I wasn't really helpless since I knew you'd let me out if I asked."

"Always. I'd never do anything against your will."

Ashley grabbed her hand and held it fondly. "This is neat, though. You built this?"

"Yes, I did this one, almost by myself."

"What else have you got here?"

"Let's see..." Kara led her by the hand to a workbench. "Oak paddles of different sizes and weights. These ones," Kara indicated mini-spatulas, "are for delicate areas; breasts, inner thighs, pubic mound. They give you one hell of a sting but don't leave any real bruising, although they mark up your breasts pretty nicely for a day or so."

"You tested them out?"

"It's more accurate to say they were tested ON me," Kara said with a rueful smile, then picked up a paddle with a face the width of a salad plate.. "These big boys are strictly butt paddles -- they can produce some pretty serious pain and bruising."

"Those were tested on you as well?"

"Oh, yes. It was...memorable, let's put it that way."

"Do you like being spanked?"

Kara gave her a wink. "I enjoyed it when HE spanked me, yes."

"But were you into serious pain?"

She hesitated, unsure of how much she wanted to reveal. But she was a governess, after all -- educating Ashley was part of her duty.

"When I was really aroused...totally absorbed in the moment and feeling Peter's control strongly, pain became...something else. Something I wasn't afraid of. I didn't LIKE it, exactly, but I kind of craved it. The pain added to the depth and intensity of the moment. When I was in the zone like that, he could smack me with one of these big boys and it would pull me in deeper, force me to let go and surrender whatever emotions I was withholding from him. It didn't have to be a paddle -- sometimes he'd slap my face or hurt my nipples."

Kara looked at Ashley and found her paying rapt attention to her words.

"But it had to be done right -- just the perfect amount, at just the perfect time. And I had to be good and heated up -- if he'd smacked me with one of these big boys right off the top, I'd have hated it and probably would have safe-worded immediately."

" had a safeword?"

"Yes, right from the very start. 'Yellow' when I needed him to ease off a bit, and 'red' when I needed a hard stop. Not too original, but easy to remember."

"Did you use them a lot?"

"At first I 'yellowed' a fair bit. As Peter and I got more familiar with each other, he became a lot better at reading my comfort level and pain tolerance so I didn't need it as much. But it was always available to me."

Ashley was quiet for a few moments, processing the words.

"Do you think we could try that? With the pain, I mean, and forcing me to surrender all my emotions to you? I think...I kind of get like that, too. Not with Chad, but with my first Master. And that first time with you...I liked hurting my nipples. It kind of made the feeling stronger. Maybe I'd like it even more if you did it."

Kara was quiet as she thought it over. On one hand she was happy to hear Ash expressing her preferences -- that had to be a positive sign; an indication of emotional health. But Kara didn't know if she had the skill or the confidence to balance the pleasure and pain properly. Even Peter hadn't done it right every time -- there had been plenty of false starts and safewords, and even some hurt feelings once or twice. They'd been together for years before he'd mastered it. But once he was an experience like no other. She wanted Ash to have that.

"How comfortable are you with safe-wording?"

"I guess if you needed it, I should probably have one too, right?" Ash said.

"It would help me a lot if I could trust you to use them. We'll talk about it in more detail before start thinking about pain."

Kara held Ash's hand and led her around the large workshop, pointing out the danger spots, where the fire extinguisher was and what each of the tools did. Ashley paid close attention, and it seemed the younger woman might have a genuine interest in the work.

She knew Ash could get into carpentry with a one-year college diploma and a four-year apprenticeship, but she'd need her high-school equivalency to get into college. Kara had been thinking of ways to 'nudge' her towards getting her education; maybe an interest in carpentry would provide the motivation Ashley needed?

"Maybe on the days you're not at the bakery you'd like to join me in the workshop? There are a few pieces that are almost ready -- they just need sanding or staining or painting. You could start there and learn your way around, then start using the power tools. What are your thoughts?"

"That would be so cool!"

"Naturally, you'd get a share of the profit from anything we sold. I'm not expecting free labour."

"Oh, come on. I could work free for ten years and it wouldn't make up for what I owe you. Just put it towards rent or my share of the expenses. How's that?"

"Hmm. I'm not sure if that's fair or not. Let me give it a bit more thought."

"I know whatever you decide will be perfect."


It was Wednesday evening, the day after the workshop visit. Kara was in black Lycra -- a black Lycra bustier and open-crotch thong with five-inch black heels. She carried a black, leather crop, a pair of chrome handcuffs and the chain leash that Ash had become so fond of in the last couple of weeks.

She walked through the open door into Ash's bedroom to find her ward naked in her collar, sitting up straight on the side of her mattress, waiting as instructed. The way her eyes widened and mouth dropped open when she got her first glimpse of Kara's outfit was a genuine, wordless compliment.

"You look amazing," Ashley said in a quiet, awed voice.

Kara flashed her an appreciative smile. "We're going to be trying some new stuff tonight. As always, if anything makes you uncomfortable I expect to hear about it right away. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Miss."

"I'll be putting handcuffs on you. Any time you want me to remove them, I want to hear you say it in plain English. I'll let you out immediately, no questions asked. Understood?"

"Yes, I understand."

Kara stopped in front of Ashley and gently stroked her cheek. Ash closed her eyes and pressed against Kara's warm palm. And then the tender moment was over, and Kara clipped the chain leash to Ashley's collar. A gentle downward tug on the leash had Ashley sliding off the mattress and onto her knees.

Kara put her through her paces for a minute or so, kneeling, standing, up on her toes, back to kneeling, all directed wordlessly by little pulls on the leash. Ash's pretty green eyes never left Kara's face the whole time.

Then Kara got the younger woman kneeling and tugged downward again.

"Hands and knees," she commanded.

Ashley quickly complied.

Kara turned and walked toward the doorway. A faint pull on the chain had Ashley crawling behind her on the hardwood. She'd never made Ash crawl before and Kara was careful to walk slowly and remain alert for signs or reluctance from the younger woman, but there were none.

She led her crawling submissive to the living room, then silently tugged her to a standing position. Kara walked around behind Ashley and leaned in close to her left ear.

"How did it feel to crawl for me?"

"It was so hot, Miss. Thank you."

"Put your wrists behind you."

Ash did so immediately and Kara took her time fastening the cuffs to one wrist, then the other, making sure they were tight but not pinching.

She walked around in front and again ran Ashley through the stand-kneel-stand-toes routine by tugging the leash, coaxing her more deeply into a submissive state. Finally she tugged Ash into a kneeling position on her cushion in front of the couch. Kara put a double-folded white towel down on the couch cushion before standing in front of Ashley, heels shoulder-width apart. The open crotch of her black thong framed her smooth mound and labia perfectly, right in front of the younger woman's face. The panties been Peter's favourite.

Kara used the tip of the crop to stroke Ashley's shoulders and arms as she knelt, then tossed it onto the couch.

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