Part 12

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"How does that look?"

"Oh, wow. It looks really sexy."

"This is your uniform from now on, in this apartment. A pair of panties, and a scarf. If you get cold, you can ask permission to wear more. At night, you'll sleep in panties and nothing else. Any questions?"

"No, Mistress. Thank you."

Kara paused to take a long sip of coffee. Ashley's gaze didn't leave her; the younger woman's eyes were eager and face pink with arousal.

"How does it feel to be dressed this way for me?"

"Amazing. So sexy"

"Tell me the three rules you just learned."

"Um...never sit while you're standing, keep my hair out of my face, and only wear panties and a scarf at home."

"Well done. Now, you have chores to do, correct?"

"Yes, Mistress. Can I get started, please?"

Kara nodded, and Ash hurried from the room, an excited grin on her face.


Saturday came, and they were in the car. It was late afternoon. Kara was wearing her long coat over an ankle-length, blue dress with a strap belt around the waist. It was one of her favourite dresses -- the fabric was silky, soft and light, the colour was brilliant and it showed just enough cleavage to be sexy without looking trashy. The fact that she'd been able to find matching four-inch heels made it even better.

In the passenger seat beside her, Ash had black yoga pants and a tight, black t-shirt under her coat. She was in her leather collar. On her feet she wore sneakers over black ankle socks. Kara had dressed her without a bra or panties after carefully checking in with her slave to make sure it would be only a little embarrassing and not traumatic. Just in case it became an issue later, Kara had packed underclothes for Ash in her purse.

She hadn't planned on attending the party this time around, with Peter's death too recent and Ashley's submission too raw. But the timing of the Mistress-slave agreement she'd made with Ash had been favourable, and she'd decided it might be fun AND help Ashley as well.

"So how long have you been in this club?" Ashley asked. She seemed equal parts excited and nervous. Kara could relate.

"Six or seven years, at least. It's not an official club -- more like a formal get-together with my kink-aware friends. We meet every couple of months, usually at Bev's house."

"And everyone is over forty?"

Kara chuckled. "All the dominants are, although it just sort of turned out that way. It's not a rule or anything."

They called their group the MAMMs -- Middle-Aged Mistresses and Masters. Peter had been a founding member and there were twelve couples in the club, though usually only seven or eight turned up at any given party. It was with a sudden pang of grief that Kara realized it would be the first time she hadn't worn her collar to the event. Everyone there was aware of Peter's passing, and they'd all been at his funeral.

She was looking forward to seeing her friends again, and especially eager to introduce Ashley. The young woman didn't have any close friends, and there were a couple of submissives in the group that were close to Ash's age. Kara wanted to begin building a supportive peer group around her vulnerable slave.

"Is there going to be and stuff?"

"No sex. Maybe some 'stuff', but none of it involving you. I've put you off-limits for this party so you have a chance to get used to everyone."

"When you went with Master Peter, did you have things?"

Kara couldn't help a blush and hoped Ashley didn't notice. "Oh, yes."

She caught Ash's eager smile from the corner of her eye. "Like what?"

"Well, last year we played strip poker. Or I should say the dominants played, and the submissives were the ones who had to remove their clothing."

"Did you end up naked?"

"Ugh. I love my husband, but he was the worst poker player I've ever seen. I was naked in practically no time. And after I lost all my clothes I had to do 'penalties' whenever Peter ran out of chips and needed to 'buy' more, which was practically every other hand."

"Penalties? Like what?" Ash was grinning ear to ear.

"Oh, God. Jumping jacks. Jogging in place. Kissing toes. Whoever donated the chips to Peter got to pick." Kara was beet red now, her face burning at the memory.

"No way! You did all that? Naked?"


"Did you like it?"

Kara paused, considering the question, then smiled despite her blush. "I did."

"You get off on humiliation?"

"Not 'get off', exactly, but there's a certain excitement to being naked and forced to do what someone else says. Well...not FORCED, but you know...required. Plus, it was a party. It was sexy and flirty, but no one was putting their hands on me or anything. Except Peter, of course."

"So, what am I going to have to do at this party?"

"Everything your Mistress says."

"This is so cool...going out as Mistress and slave," Ash said, and Kara could hear the satisfaction in her voice.

"Just remember, when we get there, you need to be at high-protocol. Everyone is there to have a good time, but we take this Dom-sub stuff pretty seriously; it's an important part of who we are. If someone breaks protocol, it takes a lot of the enjoyment out of it for everyone. I want you to have fun, but be attentive and obedient to me. Clear?"

"Yes, Mistress. Always. I promise."

"I intend to have you on the leash this evening. Is that going to be a problem for you?"

Ash was silent as she thought it over. "As long as I'm with you, it'll be fine. Maybe embarrassing at first."

"Let me know if it gets to be too much."

There was another pause.

"You're not going to...give me to anyone, right? Like, I'm just with you tonight?"

"Tonight and every night."

Ashley's relieved sigh was audible, and Kara reached over and patted her thigh reassuringly.

"Relax. Enjoy this. And let me know right away if any of it feels wrong. Understood?"

"Yes, Mistress."


Bev Flannigan carried her fifty years with the grace of a queen, her brown hair streaked with silver, her blue eyes lively and bright. The dress she wore was black, elegant and accentuated her modest curves perfectly. She answered the door of her expansive country home and her face immediately lit up in a delighted and welcoming grin.

"Kara! I was so glad to hear you were coming! I haven't seen you since...well..."

"The funeral," Kara finished with a sad smile. "I'm so sorry for not being in touch sooner. Things were rough, for a while."

"No wonder! Peter was such a beautiful soul..." The hostess covered her mouth with both hands, trying to reign in her emotions.

Kara didn't want to get bogged down sadness -- not tonight of all nights. She merely nodded, then gave a gentle downward pull on the thin chain she held in her left hand. Beside her, Ashley dropped quietly to her knees on the cement doorstep, eyes downcast, cheeks blushing pink. She was accustomed to leash commands after all the practice she'd had at the apartment.

"I'm proud to introduce Ashley Mallory. She's been with me since the Masquerade at the beginning of February."

"Welcome to my home, Ashley, it's lovely to meet you."

"Eyes up, and greet Mrs. Flannigan," Kara prompted.

Ashley looked up into the other woman's face. "Hello Mrs. Flannigan. Thank you for inviting me."

The woman nodded, then shivered. "Oooh. It's so chilly out here -- spring hasn't come yet! Come inside, please." The other woman stepped inside and motioned them through the door. Kara briefly tugged up on the leash to get Ash onto her feet, then stepped inside. "Artie! Coats!" Bev called in a voice that was demanding but somehow not abrasive.

"Right away, Mistress," he said, descending a winding staircase to their left. He wore a thick, black leather collar, a tight pair of leather pants, and nothing else. Kara marveled at his perfectly-muscled arms, chest and abs. Truly impressive for a man of almost sixty.

"Looking incredible as always, Artie," Kara said, not trying to hide her admiring tone.

"Mrs. Meadows! Please, let me have your coats. It's wonderful to see you. The Mistress and I were hoping you'd come."

It was jarring to hear him call her by her last name instead of just 'Kara'. Removing her collar had changed the dynamic completely.

"This is Ashley," Kara said, then looked at her slave. "You may greet Artie."

"Hello, Artie, it's nice to meet you. You look amazing!"

"The Mistress keeps me busy," he said, with a subversive wink, then gathered their coats and begin fitting them with hangers from a nearby closet. Kara and Ashley removed their shoes.

"Everyone's gathering in the kitchen. Please, come in." Bev led the way, her heels clicking on the expensive ceramic tile in the hallway.

Kara leaned close to Ashley. "You did well."

"Thank you, Mistress," she whispered back.

"Mrs. Flannigan is a psychiatrist and Artie is an orthodontic surgeon. Wait until you see this place -- I'm sure someone will give you the grand tour."

"It's huge!"

"In the summer we'll go outside and you can see the grounds. They own all the land around here."

The kitchen was enormous, decked out in gleaming, white tile on the floor and black-and-white tile patterns on the walls. The counters were solid, black marble, and the high-end appliances were a uniform jet black in colour. A sizable crowd of people was milling around, picking at plates of pastries and finger sandwiches while cradling delicate wine glasses or gripping frosted beer mugs.

From the looks of it, the two of them had been among the last to arrive, and their entrance caused a chorus of greetings and well-wishes. From the corner of her eye, Kara saw Ash shuffle a little closer to her.

Leash in hand, Kara made the rounds and the introductions. It had been a good turnout -- eleven couples! She purposely saved the youngest couple for last.

"And this is Mr. Sato," Kara said as they stood in front of a handsome, powerfully-built man in a black three-piece suit who was just a couple of years younger than Kara. He was a police officer, a deputy chief.

"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Sato," Ash said, accustomed to the greeting routine by now.

"A pleasure to meet YOU, Ashley. Please say hello to my slave wife, Jaycee," he nodded toward a much younger, black-haired woman dressed in a shimmering and ornate Japanese kimono. The woman made a deep bow.

"That dress looks so beautiful!" Ashley said, her voice awe-filled. "It's the prettiest thing I've ever seen."

"Thank you! That's so nice of you to say, Ashley," Jaycee replied with a bright smile. "If you want, I have a few that are a little small on me -- you could borrow them. I have one that would be just perfect with your lovely eyes."

"Really? That would be so cool."

The two of them seemed to be hitting it off well, as Kara had hoped.

"John, would it be okay if Jaycee took Ash on a little tour of the place?" Kara asked Mr. Sato.

"Absolutely." He turned to his wife. "Get the young lady a drink and get permission from our hostess to show her around."

"Yes, Master." Jaycee made another deep bow and took Ash boldly by the hand.

Kara unclipped the leash from Ashley's collar. "I'm going to mingle. I want you to accompany Jaycee and take a look around. Understood?"

"Yes, Mistress." She looked uncertain but not uncomfortable.

Kara watched as the two of them slipped through the crowded kitchen, hand in hand. Mission accomplished.

"This was a great idea. Jaycee doesn't have anyone her age that's in the lifestyle," John said.

"I'm amazed, given how friendly she is."

"Yeah, well, with my job being what it is, we've got to be...selective...about how we roll."

Kara nodded, then smiled and gestured toward an ice-filled tub brimming with bottles of beer. "Can I buy you a drink, officer?"


"That was unbelievable!" Ash gushed. The two of them were in the car, heading home just after midnight.

"It was great to see everyone again," Kara agreed. "And you made a really good impression. You seemed to fit right in."

"Everyone was so nice. Not like I expected at all."

"Oh? What were you expecting?"

"You know...the Dominants would be sort of mean, and the submissives would be trying not to make them mad."

"It's not like that at all. What did you think of her dungeon?"

"Scary, but also really cool. It had a dark, serious kind of vibe to it. Artie must live in constant fear that he'll end up down there." By Ash's tone, Kara couldn't tell if she was joking or not.

She chuckled. "Actually, he's the one who keeps buying new bondage toys."


"Yes. Peter even made him a few pieces. Did you see that rope-and-pulley system in the one corner? Peter made that. They bought a bunch of paddles from us, as well."

"The 'big boys', I bet. Man, I pity poor Artie."

"I pity him, too. And envy him, a little."

Ash was quiet for a few moments. "You miss it. Being submissive, I mean."

It was Kara's turn to lapse into silence, sifting through her feelings. "I wouldn't change one moment of my fourteen years with Peter. I had so many unforgettable experiences, and felt such warmth and love from him," she said, then reached over and tickled the back of Ash's neck with her fingertips. "But at the same time, I wouldn't change one moment of my time with you, either. I've enjoyed your submission a great deal. Being your Mistress is challenging and fun."

Ash snared the tickling hand and brought it in for a slow kiss, then rubbed her cheek over Kara's knuckles. "I love you, Mistress. Thank you for bringing me to the party."

Kara sighed inwardly, still not knowing how to react to Ashley's bold -- and maybe too-soon -- declarations of love.

"I'm so flattered that you feel that way about me after just a few weeks. I love that you're comfortable and that you feel cared for and fulfilled."

"Totally. A million percent."

"You seemed to be getting along with Jaycee. The two of you were giggling like a couple of grade school kids."

"That might have been because of the wine. I felt bad that Mr. Sato took her over his knee and spanked her in front of everyone, bare-assed."

"Well, he did tell her to tone it down. It's not like she wasn't warned."

"Yeah, but it was me that kept winding her up."

"Maybe next time I'll have him spank you, too."

"You wouldn't!"

Kara smiled mysteriously. "No? I guess we'll see, won't we?"


Kara lay in bed, unable to sleep. The party had stirred up the sadness and nostalgia inside her and it was keeping her awake. Seeing her kink friends without her husband and Master by her side had been different. Maybe even lacking, in some important way. That was no slight against Ashley, who had done everything expected of her, as she always did.

Still, tonight more than most nights, Kara felt Peter's absence acutely. Her memories of attending the party with him were sweet ones, and she allowed herself to steep in them until the ache became too much to bear.

At last she kicked the covers off and rolled out of bed. She thought about throwing on a robe but the apartment was already a little warmer than usual -- with her slave's new, skimpy "dress code", Kara had been keeping the thermostat up a notch or two to prevent any chills. She padded out to the kitchen clad only in her panties.

Some Chamomile tea would hopefully send her off to sleep.

She tried to be as quiet as possible as she filled the kettle and switched it on, and grabbed a tea bag from a cupboard. It was three in the morning, and Ash had retired to her bedroom almost two hours ago. Hopefully she was sleeping peacefully.

The memory of Ashley laughing gleefully with Jaycee at the party gave her a smile. There was no question that Kara's fondness for her new slave was strong, and growing, and with good reason. Ash had a wonderful blend of optimism and earnestness, and an appealing innocence that had somehow survived a long and horrifying ordeal. It gave Kara hope that she herself would one day be whole again -- if Ash had come through a three-year nightmare with her spirit intact, perhaps Peter's death wasn't insurmountable, after all.


Kara turned to find Ashley standing in the kitchen doorway, topless in a blue pair of briefs, squinting against the brightness in the room.

"You're out of uniform," Kara said, disarming the comment with a wink at the end. "I'm sorry if I woke you."

"Is everything okay?"

"Just a little restless tonight, I guess."

Ashley considered for a moment. "Can I please massage your feet as you drink your tea? Maybe that would relax you."

Kara was about to politely decline -- surely Ashley needed her sleep -- but stopped herself. Ash was eager to serve, and Kara should allow her the opportunity to do so. A foot massage would feel lovely. More than that, some company would be welcome in the melancholy night.

"You know, I think that would help a lot. I'll come to the couch after I get my tea."

Ash seemed surprised by the response, then flashed a smile that looked almost grateful. "Yes, Mistress. Thank you."

When Kara entered the living room with her teacup, Ashley was standing in front of a pillow next to the couch, and didn't kneel until her Mistress was seated, as per the rule.

The couch cushions were cold at first against Kara's bare back and legs -- a strangely sexy sensation. A sensual reminder that she was sitting in her living room in her panties at three in the morning, drinking tea and having her feet serviced enthusiastically by a naked young woman.

In that instant, Kara truly felt like the Mistress that Ashley needed her to be. It was an epiphany, of sorts. A powerful moment of clarity.

Kara leaned back into the couch, breathed a contented sigh and allowed her slave to work her magic, enjoying her practiced touch and the warmth and intimacy of the act. Accepting Ash's gift of submission, taking pleasure in it, and -- just as important -- allowing Ashley the joy of serving well.

No words were spoken; none were needed. Kara finished her tea in comfortable silence.

"That felt wonderful. You've become so good at this in such a short time."

"Thank you for letting me massage you, Mistress. I really love it." Ashley pressed a slow kiss to the top of her Mistress' foot.

"Time for bed now," Kara decided. She stood, and Ashley immediately rose, too. "Please rinse my cup and wait for me naked in my bed. I need to use the washroom." She handed the cup to a surprised Ash.

"In...your bed?"

"You heard me," Kara said, flashing the young woman a quick smile before leaving the room.

She peed, washed her hands and rinsed her mouth, and when she entered her bedroom Ashley stood attentively next to the bed, naked.

Kara didn't hesitate but stepped boldly forward and gathered the younger woman into a gentle embrace, kissing her and running her palms up and down Ash's bare back. Even when she broke the kiss, Kara didn't step back but continued to hold Ashley close.

"You're incredibly important to me," she whispered. "I'm grateful to have you in my life."

It wasn't an impulsive 'I love you', but Kara wanted her young partner to know her strong feelings were reciprocated.

Ash's arms came around Kara's waist and squeezed tight. "I love you more than anything, Mistress."

They held one another a few moments more, until the weight of the early hour grew tiring. Kara turned off the light and pulled her naked slave girl down onto the mattress beside her. It had been too long since she'd shared her bed, and the feeling of a soft, warm body next to her was comforting and welcome.

"I'd like you to rub my stomach until I fall asleep. That would feel heavenly," Kara said, stretching out on her back under the bed sheet.

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you." Ash whispered.

Kara slowly drifted off to the calming feel of Ash's slow caress on her belly.


Over the next week, Ashley took to the workshop with enthusiasm and a surprising competence.

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