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I Could feel the heat radiating from the sun in the most intense manner, making me feel feverish all over. I was drenched in my own sweat. Oh! and I forgot one minor detail : I couldn't feel my legs. They had turned to Jelly and I felt like I was walking in water while wearing pencil heals. All thanks to darling Scarlet Merlot, She is my nemesis and the most irritating, self obsessive and stuck up person ever to step on Earth. By the way my name is Jade, Jade Stone, the extremely popular kid, the girl who is good at literally everything, from dancing to giving speeches to studying and basically anything you can think of. So... are you impressed! Well don't be ... 'cause I am the total opposite of everything mentioned above, I am the kind of girl who lurks in the shadows, completely afraid of coming out her own tiny shell and also I am far from being perfect at everything, in fact the one and only thing that I am actually good at is gymnastics. The one thing that makes me shine, that makes my face glow and morph into a smile whenever I am doing it. Anyways coming back to the  'me not being able to feel my legs ' situation.

 So it all started when I was in the girl's changing room minding my own business and changing into my leotard(FYI it was this vibrant light blue and cyan coloured one, definitely my favourite). I was getting ready for my after school gymnastics practice. The practice was amazing as always and I felt fresh with renewed energy. I came back to the changing room and placed my leotard hanging on top of the door. Then things went wrong , I just changed back into my school uniform when I saw my leotard slip and vanish down the other side of the door, I unlatched the door and saw that my leotard was missing. So naturally being the nervous , fretting, self doubting girl I was , I started to panic and ran out the changing in a hurry, as I came to the bend of the corridor, I noticed that my leotard was dumped in the dustbin , I immediately took it and naturally had to scrunch up my nose in disgust as my precious leotard was stinking of stale bread dipped in avocado milkshake(yuck!). I tried to dust it off, when I heard someone laughing behind me. I turned  and guess who was there? Yes, obviously it had to be scarlet Merlot, with her tiny pretty face, her turned up nose, her blonde hair and a distracting , cunning and scornful gleam in her green eyes, and I immediately knew that I had been a goat that was sacrificed, simple translation, I was tricked by miss cunning Scarlet Merlot.

 Suddenly, a surge of energy flowed through me like the strong currents in rivers. I did not know what had gotten into me (It was anger) but I, the timid, scared and supposedly calm person, scrunched my back into a sort of ball and threw it at Scarlet and surprisingly she fell down with such force that a tiny crack appeared on the tiled floor. I couldn't believe what I had just done or the fact that a simple push from a weakling like me could have that much force. Then as expected things got bad to worse from there, my teacher Mrs Kent saw me shove Scarlet and I was immediately called to the head's office , of course I tried to explain the trick and Scarlet's constant snickering but no one listened, as all the teachers knew the complete flip side of Scarlet's personality, a responsible, caring and helpful girl, so I was the one punished.

 My punishment: Running around the school(which was huge) twelve times, if you are wondering why twelve , well it's because our headmaster Mr Crookling (hilarious right!) thought that twelve was a lucky number. also, me being the 'lucky' person, Mrs Kent the teacher who reported me was co-incidentally my gymnastics coach too and for the finishing touch of the cherry on top , I was also banned from doing gymnastics for a month. Now you might think this punishment was too hard on me just for pushing another girl, but I forgot to mention one little thing, my push made Scarlet fall to the ground and bruise her head badly and of course the tile cracked too, so considering all the facts I guess I deserved the punishment , but that does not mean that Scarlet was not wrong, she was definitely wrong and I was definitely angry and fuming :) So, anyways, coming back to the present, now you know why my legs turned to jelly and why Scarlet Merlot is the person I want to kill wholeheartedly !yippee!

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