Chapter 1 : The Will~

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* ominous music playing/ crashes of thunder and lighting in the sky*

A limo drove into an entrance of a huge historic mansion, inside a little boy weeping hugging his father's Persian. Who licked his head, and purred trying to comfort the boy. A man lay dead in his bed, blood spewing from his neck as a look of shock, was on his face.

" papa....." ash cried

a police officer, walking back and forth as the maid, joy went to comfort the poor boy

" there, their little one. it will be alright," she said in a french accent

Pikachu sat dead on the ground, ash's only friend. Footprints lead to the window......

a woman and her husband walked out of the limo, followed by her daughter

a young man walking out with his partner. As their daughter and pet followed.

meanwhile, a young detective pulled in, and he stood out of his car, with a white suit on.

 he began to walk inside, as the last of the family arrived. Everyone gasped as he walked inside, he paid them no mind.

"I don't get it..........why kill him, and not the kid?" a voice asked

" what do you mean kid?" another voice asked

" you seriously forgot about the brat! who holds the money!" the voice snapped

"I thought he was bluffing!" the other voice retorted

" well maybe he is, but the brat dies tonight just to be safe....." the voice said

" Alright, " another voice said


" hey there sport....." a voice said

ash looked up to see, Gary

" Hello......." ash said

" bet you're sad, your gonna have to go back now, aren't ya?" Gary snickered

"Gary, please leave him alone!" Delia sighed looking at her makeup.

" you know this boy?" a lush accent asked as he walked in

Delia gasped and smudged her lipstick, before rushing over to the young detective,

" hello, name's........" Delia purred

" not important!, now who is this, I like to know."  the detective asked

' name's ash.....I'm 4 years old, who are you?" ash asked sniffing as tears remained on his chubby cheeks.

the young detective smiled, " my name's Mewtwo, I was called to look after you while your father's will is being enforced, you have quite the reputation ash, I saw you on the tele." Mewtwo said

" you, d-did. they say I did it.......b-but I didn't! I LOVED PAPA!!!" ash sobbed

Mewtwo's eyes melted as he hugged the poor could someone blame a 4-year-old?! besides, the camera showed him being in his room the entire night. 

giovanni had it installed to monitor ash's sleep since ash often had nightmares.......

unfournatly he didn't have cameras everywhere, meaning the culprit was not found, and as such he was called in to solve it, protect ash, and bring who did it to justice, his employer, though was unknown.

the butler, butch was currently talking to the chef, who was known as Domino.....

meanwhile, James was brushing his daughter molly's hair.....

brock was combing his own hair and slicking it back as they all prepared to hear about the will.......

Mewtwo walked with persain, and ash as they entered the study room along with everyone else.

joy was there getting champagne for all the adults, as the lawyer Mr. fuji got his records straightened up. amber's pet cat mewouth was playing with her brother Gary.

yellow her cousin sat next to her while blue sat next to her, and red to him.

green was busy combing her hair while sitting next to her mother Delia, while oak was smoking.

Mr. Fuji then read the will which of course made everyone glare and yell and cuss at ash, making the poor boy cry........ causing Mewtwo to scowl........

" vultures! is that what you all are, you only came to feed off his money!" joy the maid yelled

" he's my ex-husband!" Delia yelled

" so you cheated on him with oak!" brock yelled, " besides he is my brother!"

" He's my uncle!" misty yelled,

" he's my grandfather!" Amanda yelled,

" he's my stepfather!" Serina yelled,

" he's my godfather!" May yelled

" he's my dad! " dawn yelled sitting next to her mother

" enough! all you have come for is his wealth! not regarding his heir is in danger! the boy is 4 years old and his life is in danger! there has already been an attempt! so can you all shut up!"  officer jenny yelled

causing the group to shut up.......

fugi sighed and explained how ash got all of this, even though he was adopted, Giovanni had an affair young with a woman named Miranda! and she gave ash up....and how Giovanni choose him since he actually cared for him, not his wealth....... he also explained how his servants would also be able to stay and take care of ash and share in the wealth.......

" I need the money to go to college!" may and neesha yelled

Mewtwo scowled and shook his head, fuji then took out masks, and since each person in the mansion was to wear them and stay at the mansion, until the end of the game.......

fuji said that it would take a few weeks, and if they made money he put aside for them would be given to them. that's when Fergus the Gardner came in late, he sat down as they all argued........ Corey appeared a few more minutes late smiling as well. Corey was the caretaker, of the mansion.........

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