12. Fire Family

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Quickly Grillby's Pov:

"Hey bro, nice to see you again. Come in!" Magma said stepping aside.

"Grillby!" Lizz tackled me into a tight hug.

"weres Sans?" I pointed at Sans.

"come on Sans I gotta show you something!" She grabbed Sans by the arm and pulled him to who knows were.

"Come on I'll help you unpack." Magma said as he walked outside to my car.

Sans's Pov:

Grillby's sister dragged me into the house as soon as she saw me, the house was big and I saw Fuku on her phone on the couch. Grillby's sister mouthed something to her and dropped me on the floor.

"Hey Fuku." I said waving at her from the floor, her eyes widened and ran to me with a wide smirk.

"What's with that look?" I said while she picked me up and she screamed at a door leading somewhere different in the house.

"HE'S HERE!" A few seconds of silence passed and the house was quiet, out of nowhere 6 other female elementals ran in the living room screaming like wild fan girls crowding around me. R.I.P. Me.

"HE'S ADORABLE! AHHHHHH!" A pink element said.

"HE'S LIKE A MARSHMALLOW!" A few other girls screamed, a few minutes of screaming before they picked me up and took me to a room upstairs.

"Uh, where are we going now?"

"HE EVEN SOUNDS ADORABLE!" Some of elementals screamed together.

"Were going to Jackie's room, we have a lot of questions to asked you." We came to a door that was shut that had a sign that said 'Jackie', on of the girls kicked open the door to a very large room. There was 3 male elementals sitting on the floor, in the room there was a karaoke machine, 4 couches, a big tv, beanbags, and more doors.

"Put him down. He looks like he's gonna throw up."A white male elemental said, they lightly put me on a dark blue beanbag and sat around the room all facing me.

"So What's You Name?" A black elemental asked me before taking a sip of beer.

"Oh, my name's Sans"

"Like The Font?" A grey female asked, I nodded.

"Thats Weird." A green male elemental said out loud, all the girls throw there shoes as him.

"How about you guys till me your names?" They nodded.

Here's a chart:

Blaise: 20 - Pink - Female - 1st Cousin

Agni: 19 - white - male - 2nd cousin (brothers with Aidan)

Aidan: 19 - Black - Male - 2nd Cousin (Brothers With Agni)

Cyra: 20 - Blue - Female - 3rd Cousin (Sisters to Britt & Elidi)

Britt: 20 - cyan - female - 3rd cousin (sisters to Cyra & Elidi)

Elidi: 20 - Sky Blue - Female - 3rd Cousin ( Sisters to Britt & Cyra)

Jackie: 18 - Green - Male - 4th Cousin

Idalia: 16 - Grey - Female - 5th Cousin

Mirri: 14 - orange - female - 6th cousin

Fuku: 17 - Green - Female - Niece

{That was long}

"Good thing I wrote that down." I said with a paper in my hand. I didn't know Grillby had that many cousins. We spent 30 minutes talking and telling jokes.

"Omg Girls I HaveA Idea!" Elidi said out loud waving all the girls to her. She whispered something and they all looked at me with a sinful grin, and nodded.

"You Should Run Sans." Jackie said pointing at the door.

"I don't know this house where- Woah-" Next thing I new one of the girls grabbed me and picked me up. She ran into a room with the girls right behind her giggling and laughing. Fuku ran into the closet and threw out a small dress, I should've listened to Jackie. Not even a minute later I was in said dress.

"it looks amazing on him!" Britt gasped, I was a blushing mess

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"it looks amazing on him!" Britt gasped, I was a blushing mess. We then heard someone coming up the stairs.

"Sans?" It was Grillby, The girls giggled.

"in here~" Britt had gotten up and looked out the door. She opened the door and Grillby walked in.

"What Did You Do To Sans This Time-" Grillby blushed a royal blue while looking at me bottom to top, slowly backing back into the hallway shutting the door behind him.

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