chapter three

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"I will be home a little late today," Jung Lee sighed.

"Again?" came the voice from the other side of the line.

"I'm sorry, Darling. The work is just pilling up and it has to be done before the comeback." Jung Lee knew that it was always the same. A comeback came and for weeks he would come home late. His wife didn't like it at all but he had to.

"Just don't overwork yourself," Jung Lee's wife sounded worried.

"I won't. I promise," he replied while placing a pile of paper on the small table by the window.

"Don't come home too late."

"Good night, Darling," Jung Lee ended the call already reading through the first page of Dynasty's schedule for the next weeks. As Dynasty's manager, he was responsible for coordination between the group and the company and a big chunk of practically everything else, especially marketing. Up until now, everything had gone smoothly for the next comeback but Jung Lee had his doubts it would continue that way.

A few members of the staff and even Jong-Hun had come to him and told him Kien was pushing himself too much. He didn't sleep, worked out and practiced all the time, and the consequences started to show.

Kien made mistakes and started to look so bad that even the makeup couldn't hide it. It was a good thing if the Idols pushed themselves. The company liked to see dedication but not when this dedication compromised their performance. It would backfire.

Jung stood up and walked back to his desk. He opened his calendar for tomorrow and pushed a few things around so he had time to speak with Kien. It would not be long since he had not enough time to even do his regular work but he felt it was necessary. Dynasty had to work. He had put too much work into this group for it to come apart now. This was his last chance.

Kien leaned against the mirror, eyes closed, and breathing heavily

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Kien leaned against the mirror, eyes closed, and breathing heavily. In the background, the music still played but Kien had to stop. He had practiced for the last ten hours and his legs couldn't hold him up anymore.

Slowly he slid down the mirror until he sat on the ground. He grabbed his hair and pulled at it. His head in between his knees, breath still huffing.

He couldn't do it anymore. It wasn't working. Whenever he had worries in the past, getting his mind off of things by working his body helped. This time it wasn't bringing him anywhere and he knew it.

He had realized it yesterday when he collapsed just a few meters away from where he sat now. One moment he was dancing, then his vision went black and when he woke up again he found himself lying on the ground. The same song was playing but he had it on repeat so he couldn't tell how long he had been unconscious. Thank god, he had been alone. The others were already worried. They didn't need to see the physical proof of his exhaustion.

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