part twenty five ♡

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elouisedowney i already hate 2018 and it's only 12:25

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"have you saw tom?" elouise frantically asked the guests with tears in her eyes, that worried a lot of people. "please i need to talk to him"

"elli, what the hell happened? why are you crying?" robert placed his hands on her shoulders, as a way of trying her calm down.

"i didn't mean to. he just showed up and kissed me and i need to know if tom saw it happen. i can't loose him dad, i can't"

"who showed up and kissed you?"


"i'm gonna kill him one day. come on, let's go find tom" robert guided her throughout everybody until he saw the familiar british man sat outside near the pool. "he's sat by the pool, el. don't beat yourself up about this, explain to him what happened"

elouise nodded, as she took a breath and walked to her boyfriend. "tom? i need to talk to you"

"thought you were too busy playing tongue twister with pete"

"that's not what happened, you know i'm not that type of person" arabella sighed before sitting next to him.

"if you're not that type of person then tell me why i saw my girlfriend kissing her ex at midnight?"

"tom, can you just listen to me? i went outside looking for you, i hadn't seen you for twenty minutes so i went to the driveway to see if you were there and that's when i saw pete. he started telling me that he wanted me back and how he was sorry but i kept telling him no. i told him no because i love you tom, there's no doubt about that but he didn't take no for an answer so he kissed me as soon as he heard people cheering"

"i think we need to break up" tom admitted, not daring to look up to the girl who's heart was breaking.

"what?" elouise croaked out, tears falling from her glossy eyes. "break up?"

"i think that we're two people that were together at the wrong time. i want you to be happy el but i know that you're not at your happiest anymore and it's because of me. i'm sorry" he apologised, getting up from his chair and heading back into the house.

elouise felt like her world had came crashing down on her, like she had nothing left of herself now that tom was gone. millions of thoughts ran through her head. what would've happened if she never went outside? what if tom believed her? what if she tried harder?

nothing could stop the tears running down her face. nothing could stop the pain she was feeling inside. nothing could stop her heart breaking.

but what she didn't know was that sebastian, anthony and chris had watched the whole talk play out, making them feel even worse for her. the three men made their way over to elouise, embracing her in a hug as soon as they got close enough.

"what happened out here?" anthony questioned the girl, with red bloodshot eyes.

"we saw tom leave and you crying from the kitchen so we came out to see you" sebastian smoothed down the stray hairs off her face.

"he broke up with me" elouise confessed, trying her hardest to not carry on crying. "it's because pete kissed me and he thinks that i wanted to, but i didn't. he showed up and as soon as he did, i pushed him away from me"

"do you want us to talk to him?" chris asked, feeling sorry for elouise.

"no thanks. i'm just gonna go to bed and drink champagne to forget about tonight" elouise let out a light chuckle, to try and hide the pain.

"but you're only twenty" anthony laughed.

"i'm twenty one in a month and i've just been dumped, so please let me drink tonight but don't tell my dad"

"i'm sure he won't mind just for tonight if you do but please don't do anything you'll regret in the morning" chris held his hand out for her to grab, pulling her up from the chair.

"knowing me, i'll write some songs. thanks guys, i'm gonna go say bye to dad"

as soon as elouise reentered her father's home, she could see robert in the corner of her eye approaching her. "i need to ask for a favour"

"what is it, lou?"

"can i please have a bottle of champagne to take home?" she looked at him with hope in her eyes.

"only for tonight though, because of what happened"

"thank you, i love you" she wrapped her arms around his torso, placing her head on his chest while he kissed the top of her head in a fatherly way.

as soon as she got home, she was greeted by an overly excited toulouse which made her smile. "hey my baby, shall we go and see mac and myron tomorrow? yeah" elouise bent down to stroke him, all while talking in her baby voice.

all she wanted to do was drink and forget about tonight and that's exactly what was going to happen.

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