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- ˏ ˋ  I'm not okay, I feel so scattered ˊ ˎ -

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- ˏ ˋ  I'm not okay, I feel so scattered ˊ ˎ -

The music was overwhelmingly loud and colorful shining lights were creating a purple ish light trough out the club. Music was loud, but so was the people surrounding Wooyoung, San and the rest of their friends who was having a grand time together, watching Yunho's weird drunk antics and dance moves. Being a dance major, you would think he would have some dance skills even if he was slightly tipsy, but Yunho looked like a fish on land, flopping around, but at least it was entertaining.

San was actually quite enjoying himself as the alcohol was coursing through him. He was just waiting for the moment it would come back and bite him in the ass. Which took no less than about three hours after the last shot went down his throat.

"Hey San, are you feeling alright?" He heard a soft voice call out to him, as well as a warm hand came to rub circles on his back. San didn't really dare to look up, as he is sure he would throw up if he did, so he kept his head down, only humming in response. He was drunk off his ass, and he probably reeked of alcohol from far away. The warm presence beside him came closer, a warm palm coming to lay against his forehead to lift it up, while another one was on his neck to stop him from snapping his head back and getting whiplash.

When he looked up he saw next to nothing due to his entire field of view being blurry. He could feel bile rise at the back of his throat, but he fought against it as the person beside him scanned his face. San knows he probably have cheeks that's dusted with the same shade of red as fresh tomatoes, and that his eyes are blood shot. That's how he looked before when he got drunk like this for the first time so that's probably how he looks now too.  "I think it might be time for you to go home San, you're obviously gonna be badly hungover tomorrow and it's better to get you home before you get sick" San looked up and could finally pair a face together with the voice that was talking to him. Actually, he could pair two.

Yeosang and Seonghwa stood tall over him, both looking equally concerned and welcoming as they talked in soft voices with warm pitying smiles on their faces. San could lie and stay here, passing it of as if he was just warm and slightly tired, but he's sure he would probably slur his words, which would give him anyways. He doesn't know if he did or not, but he's pretty sure he hummed in agreement. If he gets sick, he will just ruin the night for Wooyoung, who he could see in his side view was enjoying himself with the rest of their friends at the dance floor a little longer away from where San was currently seated.

He could feel Yeosang hooking his arm around him before helping him stand up, taking his other one to put behind his neck to help hold him up. "Go tell the others that we're leaving, I'll get us a taxi" Yeosang said to Seonghwa over the music before dragging their intoxicated friend out of the club and into the fresh night air of Seoul.


When Seonghwa and Yeonsang entered Wooyoung and San's house, they were quick to enter the bedroom, partly ignoring the state of mess that it was in, however they noted it for later as they laid San down on the bed. The now blonde male had already thrown up in a trash can while waiting for a taxi, so Seonghwa went to get a bucket while Yeosang helped San change into a hoodie and sweatpants, not looking as the younger male changed as San asked for a bit of privacy due to, 'feeling embarrassed' about being almost naked in front of someone else.

Both Yeosang and Seonghwa agreed to staying here to look after him in Wooyoung's place, as the younger was frantic about how he didn't want San to be home alone when he was intoxicated and not thinking straight, so they wanted to make sure the younger was fast asleep before they left him alone. "Where's Woo?" San asked after he got painkillers handed to him by Seongwha, and a glass of water. He had to get a little help taking them due to his hand shaking, but after he had swallowed the pill, he laid down and folded the duvet over him. "He's back at the club, he asked us to stay with you and take care of you til he comes back" Yeonsang explained as he turned off the lights, leaving only a little light from the lamp on Wooyoung's side of the bed on, just so that San would be able to see the bucket if he felt sick again.

San hummed, feeling his cold body warm up under the thick duvet, making him close his eyes in appreciation. This was the last time he was gonna be able to feel this type of warmth, so he savored it for all it's worth, curling up into a little ball and closing his eyes.

The next time San wakes up, he could feel an arm draped over him, and fingers intertwined with his own. He could already smell the cologne even through his roaring headache and dizziness. He knew exactly what to expect when he looked behind him too see a familiar raven haired male spooning him while sleeping tightly beside him. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He brought a hand up to move some of the black locks out of the sleeping males face, taking in his beautiful peaceful sleeping face. "I'm sorry for everything that has and is going to happen, but I hope that you understand that this is just for the best....for the both of us".

Or maybe it was just for his own best.


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