Chapter 6: I Am Not Trying To Die

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Brook's Point of View 

 A tan bandage is wrapped around my arm twice then is cut off from the roll. "Thanks", I saw with a smile then looking down at my slashed arm. 

"No problem baby" a colored nurse says to me with a nice smile. She grips my hand tight and helps me up to my feet. She walks me over to Jake who is getting looked upon after suffering a huge blow to the head with a beer bottle from Austin. 

Jake is getting his cut patched up when I walk over to him and smile at him. "Sorry about Austin, he is just very stressed", I claim rubbing his arm. 

He looks up with charm in his brown sparkling eyes. (Kylie looms and peers around the corner of the hospital watching them). "I lost it, and I am so sorry for scaring you! We should have focused on" Jake gets cut off and interrupted. 

"Catching the killer" Detective Abby finishes sitting on the edge of the nursing bed. Austin now approaches us as we here the Detective lecture us if we are in trouble call the police. "Right Kylie" she says loud and clear and Kylie walks over from the other hallway. 

"Yes mom" she says side hugging her. 

"Yeah but that doesn't mean hurting someone else" Austin adds on with a grin.

"Wow, how do you know about that?" Kylie asks twisting her hair and giving me a concerned look. 

"We are friends, we communicate" Jake argues. Detective Abby shuts the curtains giving our area a bit more privacy. 

"Okay stop you guys. Listen if Brook kicked the man and he fell and hit is head then whoever attacked her will have some type of bump or cut on the back of their head" she continues. 

"Mom Jake and Austin got in a fight so we wouldn't know, I hit Liv in the back of the head so..." Kylie claims crossing her arms. 

"Your right, but now if any of your other friends have something then it'll be very suspicious" Detective Abby says looking at the clock to see it's almost midnight. 

"Well that leaves looking at I guess Madison and maybe Cole as he seems to be on the killers hit list..." Jake says using hand motions. We all get up as we have permission to leave as everyone has minor injuries and no charges were placed for the fights obviously. 

I start to think and then I announce, "Wait...we need to check Kylie; she has been pretty interested with us since moving here!" We all stop and stare at Kylie as she gets a nervous look on her face. 

Kylie gets turned around from her mom and has to lift up her dark brown hair. She is checked for cuts or scratches and nothing and she also has no bumps on her head as we all feel around. "We will have you all the station tomorrow to check on you guys but for now just go home and rest" Detective Abby says with a smile and holding my back and letting me lead out of the hospital. 

Kylie's Point of View

I find myself staring out of the window from my room to outside. The lights shine on the pool's light blue water. Everything looks so peaceful and I step back and close the window curtains. I shot my door as well before finding myself lying in bed. 

My body hits the bed hard and the blankets cover my exhausted body and pillow rests my overworked head. I reach my arm over the nightstand and turn off the lights to make my room pitch black. 

Suddenly a loud thud can be heard from downstairs. I lift the covers up and find myself on my feet and running to the stairs. Each foot hard hits the steps coming down with force. My hand on the edge of the railing whips my body and I continue and move faster when a scream echoes throughout the house. 

I make it past the wall and into the living room to see my mom on the couch getting stabbed by the killer. I scream and grab a stool and hit the killer in the back. "Fuck" I shout with a furious and enraged face. 

I reach for my phone as the killer swats it out of my hand. He grabs my wrists as I look over to see my mom lifeless. Tears fall to the floor as I look into the black eyes of the killer's mask. He throws me over the sofa and my body hits the wooden floorboard hard. I get up and run for the front door. 

The killer grabs my hair as I let out a blood curling scream. He by my hair whips me into the wall many times. Each time my body creates a bigger hole into the wall. I count 9 times of hitting something until I lose consciousness. 


Smoke fills my lungs as my eyes are open and I can see orange flames surround me. It is so hard to breathe, I crawl to front door which isn't indulged in fire. I make it out to see my house being wrecked by the fire. I look back now poking my head up to see all of it. My house being torn and taken. 

Fire erupts from the roof and the house crumbles as if it just exploded. Water fills my eyes as I let out a sigh of air. I choke on the smoke in my lungs as I whisper as I am out of breath and with no voice "Mom". 

Liv's Point of View 

"You are only coming with me because you know Lilly" I claim as I park my car. We arrive to Lilly's house that is run down. We walk up to her front porch with flashlights. 

"I know trust me, I am not trying to die" Cole claims with a chuckle. I hit him in the side which makes his laughter stop. 

"Two of my friends are dead, no jokes" I reassure him that just because it happened and they are gone does not mean the pain is away. 

We both jump when Lilly opens her door holding a beer. "Hey guys come in" she hugs us with a drunk look on her face and an even drunker smile. 

"It's 1 am and your by yourself drinking Lilly" Cole asks walking into her house. I follow as Cole sits down on a chair and it breaks under his weight. 

"Haha" laughter comes from Lilly, she points and laughs almost falling over onto me. I push her back to her feet as Cole gets up wiping the dirt of hiss butt. 

I pull Cole over to the side, "Maybe we should come back when your friend isn't tipsy" I whisper in his ear. Lilly offers us drinks and I refuse but Cole takes it making me roll my eyes; I think this is gonna be a long night. 

"Lilly when I met you at the party you didn't really drink or do drugs what happened! Are you okay" I question scared for her well-being. 

"Totally dude I am fine, just need to let loose and have some fun once in a while you know?" she says sitting on her couch. 

"Or all the time" Cole adds making Lilly chuckle. I am just thinking what the hell happened to this girl. As she gets up and leaves I ask Cole. 

"She ran away from home three months ago because she said her parents were neglectful, her parents were so rich she felt as if they forgot they had a daughter so she left and is now staying in this abandoned home" Cole fills me in. 

"How sad!" I say shedding a tear. 

As she enters the room with more booze, she sits next to Cole acting very flirty. My head hurts a little at the sight making me question my intentions and jealousy. My thought is interrupted by a ding. Cole looks at his phone and finds himself on his feet with his eyes glued to the screen. 

"Liv, we need to leave, come on!" he demands grabbing my arm as well as Lilly's. We exit the house and go to the car and he ignores my questions. "Liv, detective Abby is dead". 

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