Chapter 62

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Sahadev's POV:

The constant hammering of my heart reminded me of her, my Panchaali, this was the first time when my girl had cried because of us, we who had sworn to protect her were the ones who had hurt her. I know we were a bit too angry with her, we shouldn't have shouted, that the anger got the best of us but what could we do? She was adamant that she wants to go Panchaal, I know it's her house, where a piece of her heart would always be but she too needs to understand that they don't deserve her love, family cares for each other and those people are no family to her. My heart squeezed painfully as the image of her running out of  the room crying came flashing to my mind, a defeated sigh left my mouth, oh little flower I really wished you would understand. The constant jarring in my heart had me sighing, knowing that she's hurting my heart wouldn't be at peace, I was restless as I paced my room.

My eyes fell on the golden box in my room, a slow smile spread on my face, maybe this will help me relax and that I can go talk to her with a calm mind. I walked towards my vanity and picked up the golden box, the cold metal under my fingertips had me beaming, this box had the letters that my little flower had written when she was in Panchaal, away from us. I never really got the chance to read them, with everything that was happening I had been quite busy, let see what my little angel has return, I am sure it  would hold all the complains and anger comments about how we never came to visit her, a laugh left my lips, this girl was my life I really have noidea what I would do without her, I sighed as I picked up the letter, one that she must have written a week after she left Hastinapur.

Dear Mata and Pandavas,

I really miss you all, things here are... I don't know, not so good. I really miss you all, can you please come and take me away, no one really wants me here. I was so excited to meet pitashree, mata I expeted him to welcome me with open arms but dear mata, he hates me, don't tell this to others, specially pandavas, I know if they knew, they will hate my pitashree and I don't want to hate him. Could I tell you a secret mata? Rules here are too strict, yesterday I was just playing and maybe I shouted a bit too loudly while doing so Pitashree had punished me, I haven't eaten or drunk anything mata, my stomach is cramping and I vomited too. I was a bit sick today morning too but unlike when I was with you, here no one even asks how I am, everything here is so fast, everyone is so busy, I have no one to talk to. I miss talking with Dharmraj, arguing with Vrikodar, I miss Arjun's reassuring hugs and kisses, I miss Nakul's teasing and combing my hair, I miss Sahadev's  late night talks where I would share all my secrets with them. I miss sleeping in your lap mata, I miss Pitashree Pandu's teachings, I miss mata Madri's feeding me, I miss you all so much. . .



Tears trailed down my cheeks as the cursed organ in my chest was heavy with pain, like the weight of the world had settled on it but there was also the spark of fury that threatened to burn everything in its wake, the only thing that ever mattered the most to us is the safety of Panchaali, her happiness, I always thought that Drupad was an ignorant man, that he just didn't acknowledge Panchaali as his daughter but I never knew that he dared abuse my little innocent princess, the monster dared hurt the one person I loved more than life, the one person for whose smile we can go through any measures, she was my everything, the one without whom our life would be nothing. My hands fisted as my jaw set, a sharp pain ran through my chest as  I breathed through it with each passing moment I felt my heart break, my soul shatter and cry. "Oh little flower." The words slipped out of my mouth, my words came out muffled as I chocked on a sob, my throat tightened, my breathing coming in short pants, my poor girl, my sweet sweet little girl had to go through so much, the father who was meant to protect and love her gave her so much pain, my poor little girl, my hands trembled as they wrapped around another letter as a feeling of foreboding sunk in my stomach as I already knew that nothing good can come out of this letter, my heart already weighed with a heaviness that threatened to sink me in the sea of agony  and darkness that I feared would take me down.

Dear Mata,

I no longer wish to stay here, I want to come back home, to you and my pandavas. People here are not so good, yesterday I was locked in the dark room as a punihment, I try so hard mata, so so hard to not infuriate pitashree but I always end up making so many mistakes, I don't know how I have become so much clumsy, I keep tripping and falling, I really try to be good but nothing seems to work. I don't know how you never hated me mata? Everyone here does because I can't do one work straight. Yesterday's punishment was so scary, I cried so much mata, I begged, I shouted, I screamed and I even promised to be good but no one let me out of that dark room, it was so dark,i couldn't see anything, the spooky weird voices scared me to no end, I don't want to be here mata, please, please, please take me home...



My tears knew no bound as my heart throbbed for my little girl, the girl that we cared for like a princess was abused, freaking abused! My mind was reeling with anger as  I read letters after letters,her crying and begging us to come and take us away, the fury was just increasing but with each letter my heart was shattered even more. What hadn't that monster done with her? He had locked her up a young child in dark rooms, had prevented her from eating and drinking for days together, we who stayed in forest for years had never let even a thorn touch her soft feet and that monster had made her kneel on sharp pebbles, had made her stand for hours together in hot sun and cold nights, my fury knew no bound, my hands were itching to tear off the head of that monster, he thought he was a man? He thought that while doing all this no one would punish him? I freaking wold tear that evil into pieces, I roared as I stood up, my hands wrapping around the axe, my eyes were red as I trembled with suppressed anger, the fury was coursing through my veins like hot lava burning every last of sense. The only thing that mattered to me the most was the death of King Drupad, I wanted to hear his scream, his cries as I cut him to pieces, he would beg for death but I wont give him! He would want to die but death would be so far from him, a laugh passed through my lips, no humour laced in it just dread and evil. Panchaal raj no one can save you today from me.        




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