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"What will it take for you to love me?-"

"Should I become like Jennette?-"

"If I do, then will you call my name dearly as you do hers,-"

"and watch me with warmth in your eyes?"

"Will you hold me in your arms... Without pushing me away?"

"Such a thing won't happen until the day I die."

"Why is that?-"

"I'm your daughter too, father.-"

"I was by your side much longer than Jennette."

"You fool."

That piercing glare full of contempt. His voice digging into her ears was more cruel than ever.

"There was never a day I considered you my daughter."  
~~~                                                                                   ~~~                                                                                     ~~~

A girl with golden locks and blue jewelled eyes is thrown into a cell, wincing at the pain, she dryly laughed at the irony of this situation.

She was a princess, that much was obvious but she wasn't treated like one.

She is to be executed seven days from now.

The poisoning incident wasn't even investigated.

People wanted someone to blame for the poisoning of the empires' Lovely Princess.

So they found her

Princess  Athanasia.

She was called many things such as the Outcast Princess. The reason she was given such a name was that Athanasia was deprived of love and care, to everyone she made the perfect suspect, after all, Jennette had all that Athanasia ever wanted...

Her Father's Love...

As she stared at the mold filled ceiling. She spent years studying, trying to become Claude's perfect daughter. Someone fit to become Obelia's next Empress. While Jennette had spent years opening herself up to people, blindly trusting them. Jennette had been naive.

Athanasia knew how fucked up most of the nobles were. They want Jennette to become the next Empress, so she'd be their puppet ruler.

Athanasia knew the Empire would fall if someone like Jennette ascends the throne. The Empire would fall apart.

So Athanasia knew what had to be done.
~~~                                                                                    ~~~                                                                                   ~~~

She could hear their footsteps approaching at a rapid speed heading straight towards her cell. Athanasia clenched her teeth 'they must've noticed magic coming from my cell, this is my only chance. 

It's either now or never.'

Doors burst open as guards rushed in followed by court mages. Only to see the princess fading away.

With a smile full of sadness...

'It was foolish of me to want something I never had...
Goodbye Father.'

And she disappeared, to never come back.

Or so they thought.

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