Chapter 6

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"What." Lucas's eyes snapped to her blue- jeweled ones, She; as in Athanasia nervously looked at the ground, a habit she harbored since she was little, Lucas sighed as he gently used his index finger to make Athanasia look at him. She was faced with his blazing ruby eyes staring at her own. She couldn't help but feel the heat on her cheeks, as she felt his breath in her face, so like any normal person she used this time to stare at Lucas's handsome face.

"Athy, why, just why did you think that was a good idea..." Lucas gently told her, yes he was mad, but it wasn't something big enough for them to argue about, and Lucas's main concern was that Felix is working with Claude. Besides if Felix did something stupid, Lucas wouldn't have a struggle in disposing of his corpse.   

Athanasia took a deep breath, before finally gathering the words she wanted to say, "I told them that I'll think about it, I know I could simply just not agree, and either decide on killing him, or erasing his memories. But like Felix is talented in using a sword, and It'd be such a waste if I didn't agree. And if he did plan something, which I highly doubt, because he honestly looked so sick of dad."  

Athanasia noted that Felix's loyalty to her father was decreasing, and that proved to be a problem because if he ever came to serve her, there is a chance of betrayal from his side. 

"So Lucas, what do you think? Should I agree or-" Athanasia asked hopefully before Lucas cut her off, being his usual cocky self, which made Athy briefly notice that he finished his work phase otherwise known as focusing Lucas time.

"You want him to train you. so why are you asking me." 

" Bro, It's called a conversation!" Athanasia somewhat pissed of that he cut her off added.

And finally, after countless debates, they came to a conclusion together. 

 Which was kind of tough...

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Emperor Claude stood in the middle of the room, a bottle of wine in hand, as his jeweled eyes glowed with murderous intent, who this woman who appears in his dreams, she had blonde luscious hair, with pink eyes, she looked like that girl. The girl he killed. As he was about to throw the bottle of wine in the ground, he felt his knees go weak. The only thing stopping him from falling to the ground was his gold engraved desk. He felt a lump in his throat, as he coughed, blood splattered to the ground, his face was pale, but nothing mattered at that moment other than that woman. She left him, not only as a lonely man but as a lonely father, a father that couldn't deal with the loss of his wife so he treated his daughter like shit. And now he lost the thing that reminded him of her, their legacy, Athanasia.

The doors to his room opened and there came Jennette, dressed do lavishly despite her public announcement that she plans to donate most of her money; ahem, ahem I mean Claude's money. 

" Hey, Daddy!" After Claude heard her high pitched voice,  he felt no pain whatsoever, nor did he recall what he was thinking a few seconds prior.  

Behind Jennette came Felix looking a bit worried after seeing the blood in the ground that Jennette either didn't notice or didn't care enough. 

Although Felix's loyalty was more shifted to Athanasia, he still felt worried about his childhood friend. So Felix feeling somewhat guilty tried to help him up but stopped after seeing Claude stand up as if nothing happened.

 He decided that he needed to report this to Athanasia. "She'll probably know why," he muttered quietly, lucky for him Claude didn't hear. 

If only he knew how this information will greatly benefit Athanasia...

~~~                                                                                           ~~~                                                           ~~~

Ijekiel Alpheus walked through the halls of the Emerald Palace yet again, this was the second time today?! As he passed through the halls he wondered and thought about how the ring shined whenever Jennette felt sad or wanted something. The pattern kept repeating more and more. Today he was going to try something different. He finally reached the double doors of Princess Jennette's room, it was kind of rude and suggestive to invite guests to the bedroom, more so the opposite sex. But since Jennette was a Princess, her behavior was excused. 

Ijekiel bracing himself, took off the ring and put it in his pockets, before knocking on the door three times. He entered when he heard her high pitched, probably rushed 'come in.' when he opened the door he heard the sounds of jewels clashing, again most likely from her overly- lavished dress.

For two hours he listened to Jennette talk, Which FYI is time-consuming, he could've done a lot of things in that time, let me list a few: Take a shower, train, do some paperwork, and most importantly, research about that ring. 

He stayed a bit more till he saw that noon was close, and noted how he probably should get going. And as he stood up to leave, trying to ignore Jennette's sad eyes, he felt paralyzed. 

'What's happening to me! What is this!'

 A/N (I tried to scream, but my head was underwater! iykyk)

Ijekiel felt his mouth forcefully open, and utter the words he didn't want to say, and he felt his limbs forcefully move towards Jennette. 

He and everyone else were her pawns...

No, he couldn't be sure, there was a probability he was hallucinating because of all the days, he's been awake trying to find out why the ring glowed around Jennette. Before jumping to conclusions, he should at least know why, and how this ring worked.

Finally, the exhaustion of the past days caught up to him and all he could remember was Jennette screaming his name before he found himself drifting out of consciousness.


Hey guys, hope you liked the chapter~

I apologize for taking a break, it was hard for me to post since It was difficult to multitask between school and other things; including writing.

Anyways hopefully I'll upload more. 

Don't forget to comment and vote~

It motivates me~

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