Chapter 3

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Three months have passed since Athanasia began her training with Lucas. So far so good. She can now teleport with a location in mind, summon fake money, make things float, and change her appearance.

"I'm going to leave for the village soon, want me to bring you  a souvenir?" Athanasia asked Lucas as she changed her appearance from a girl with blonde hair and blue-jeweled eyes to a brunette girl with hazel eyes.

Lucas narrowed his eyes as a scowl took over his features and he said, " Why would you want to go to the village? I can bring you everything and anything you need.-" Lucas clicked his tongue before continuing, "People these days never fail to annoy every fiber of my being with how deep the level of hate and betrayal they have towards each other."

"Bruh, not everyone is like that." Athanasia bluntly said as she sucked a lollipop, "And to answer your question, I want to see the living conditions of the people." Athanasia said determinedly with a tiny bit of excitement.

What Athanasia said was true, she wanted to learn more about her people. A good ruler, in Athanasia's opinion, is virtuous, wise, and humane. They must care for their subjects and regard all of their opinions.

Not gonna lie, Athanasia also wanted to explore. Sure while she was at the palace she went on a few places with Lucas, or 'dates' in Lily's opinion.

"You know you just don't have to go."

" I know I don't have to, but I want to," Athanasia said as she had a staring contest with Lucas.

"Hmph, Fine. Go. But don't go believing gibberish." Lucas stubbornly said.

"Mmm Kay bye." Athanasia waved as she teleported.
A girl with brown hair and hazel eyes was awkwardly strolling through the market place, the place was packed with people, Athanasia was feeling lonely, everyone had someone with them and she now wanted Lucas by her side. Someone to enjoy her time with.

Athanasia felt her eyes stinging when she saw a father-daughter pair. They were both smiling happily; lucky to have each other in their lives. She imagined the life she could've had with Claude. A life where they were there for each other, a life when they'd be happy together as a family. Her moment was cut short as her attention was snatched away by high pitched voices gossiping. She rubbed her eyes, preventing her tears from streaming down her face.

"Did you hear Princess Athanasia's sudden death-"

" Yeah, they found her body bruised and bloody."

"And it turned out that it wasn't Princess Athanasia's fault that Princess Jeannette was poisoned, investigators have found-"

"How did you know?"

"My brother in law is a guard at the palace and he told me."

"They stopped the investigation issued to find the real culprit."

"I wonder how the late princess was-"

"I heard that she was a beauty."

"Do you think the royal family set it up to frame her-"

"Or do you think that it was Princess Jennette's plan all along-"

" Or maybe it was suicide."

"Umm, ma'am and sir you'd better lower your voice. Royal guards can arrest you if you speak of this incident, they have arrested a few dozen already-"

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