Can You Even Christmas

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(The Avengers are online)

(Nick Fury is online)

Nick Fury: Alright motherfuckers, ugly sweater party is at 6. Don't be late Tony

(Nick Fury has logged off)

Tony: What makes him so sure I'm gonna be late?

Skylar: Really...?

Steve: You are actually wondering why.

Tony: Uhm yes

Nat: God you're stupid. You're late to everything Tony.

Tony: I am not!! Oh wait. Yeah I am.

Bruce: tsk tsk

Ellie: Lol

Makayla: Just tell you guys now, my sweater is badass.

Skylar: Why's that?

Makayla: Cause it fucking lights up

Clint: oo damn.

Thor: I got you all gifts wrapped in gold paper :)

Ellie: Aw thanks Thor.

Thor: Anytime lady wolf.

Skylar: Ah shit I didn't wrap

Makayla: I gave you those bags to put them in.

Skylar: yeah well....

Makayla: You fucking lost them

Skylar: I'm sorry, my rooms a fuckinn mess

Steve: You still have time to wrap.

Bruce: Does she really?

Clint: Depends.

Skylar: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

(Skylar has logged off)

Ellie: oh god, I fear for her.

Makayla: Eh, this happens every year. She'll be fine.

Nat: I can't wait to break out the eggnog.

Clint: Mmmm yes

Thor: What is eggnog?

Tony: It has alcohol in it and that's all that matters.

Makayla: Not all eggnog.

Tony: No. ALL eggnog.

Makayla: okay....

Ellie: My favorite part of Christmas is putting all the bows on my head.

Thor: This sounds like fun, maybe I'll join.

Bruce: Well I for one can't wait for fruitcake. It's been too long.

Makayla: Ew you like that stuff?

Bruce: Yeah.

Makayla: -w-

Steve: I'm going to get all my presents downstairs. See you guys soon:

Tony: I guess I'll go too cause I 'don't want to be late'

(Steve has logged off)

(Tony had logged off)

Nat: Ahahahaha I can hear Skylars struggle to wrap gifts.

Makayla: Oh boy....I'll go help her.

Ellie: I will too. I gotta find my gifts....

(Makayla has logged off)

(Ellie has logged off)

Thor: Well, it is time to tell Heimdall to send me down. I will see you all soon.

(Thor has logged off)

Bruce: Woah, I didn't know he was in Asguard.

Clint: He had then install wifi.

Nat: Now how in the hell does he have wifi.

Bruce: No clue. Well I guess I'll go gather my gifts. See you guys soon.

(Bruce has logged off)

Nat: Eggnog?

Clint: Eggnog.

Nat: :)

(Nat has logged off)

Clint: Meet you under the mistletoe

(Clint has logged off)

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Happy Holidays to everyone!!! Hope you all enjoy yourselves.


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