Easter Special

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(The Avengers are online)

Nat: Uhm, can someone explain all these Iron Man eggs in my bed?

Makayla: Yeah. There are like TONS of them.

Ellie: Tonyyyy......

Tony: They aren't just Iron Man!!!!

Clint: -_-

Tony: Okay okay, they're only Iron Man.....but look inside!

Skylar: Holy shit....

Steve: All of them have a dollar in them!!!! I'm rich!!!

Ellie: Bruh!

Bruce: Aw Tony, you shouldn't have.

Tony: Well I just wanted to give you guys something.

Thor: It's a grand present.

Skylar: Hellllll yeah it is

Clint: It's going to take forever to open these up.

Steve: Well we should do that later and have some brunch! It is Easter.

Makayla: Yeah but how am I getting out

Tony: Oh I forgot about that..

Bruce: You should think things through before you actually do them.

Thor: Don't worry my friends. I will find a way.

(Thor has logged off)

Clint: Alright, it's time to fly. WHOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO

(Clint has logged off)

Nat: Oh my god, what an idiot.

(Nat has logged off)

Makayla: swEET JESUS-

(Makayla has logged off)

Steve: Okay, well....I'm just gonna call Sam....

(Steve has logged off)

Tony: Oh, I know! I'll have JARVIS get you guys

(Tony has logged off)

Skylar: Okay, am I the only one getting worried about all the crashes and screams.

Bruce: Definitely not.

Ellie: Yeah what the hell is going on?

Skylar: Oh well, all worth it for pancakes.

Ellie: And all this cash, like hot damn.

Bruce: I think one fell into acidic medicine......

(Bruce has logged off)

Skylar: Acidic medicine? Acidic????

Ellie: Well that's not medicine......

(JARVIS has logged on)

JARVIS: Hello Miss Ellie and Miss Skylar. I'm here to take you to the kitchen.

Skylar: Haha sweeet. Thanks Jarv.

Ellie: Yeah, thanks!

JARVIS: Anytime

(Everyone has logged off)

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Hey guys! Do this is just a little special for Easter, so sorry it's really short...I came up with it quite quickly. Anyways, happy Easter and Bunny day! (if you play acnl lol)


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