Chapter 24: City Of 'Love'

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"I do very bad things, and I do them damn well."

Kace Hollander's POV

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Kace Hollander's POV

What else would I expect from a professional spy, seductress, and killer. Surely I knew this was going to happen, surely I knew they would let their guards down to someone like her.

Lexa is in the lead, no fucking doubt about it. Dimitri had revealed absolutely nothing to me throughout the entire flight besides his obsession with my little devil.

She has everyone wrapped around her finger. Dimitri can't seem to get enough of her, and Elena is completely under her 'friendship' trance if she is willing to tell someone she barely knows about her family's dangerous history.

I heard the conversation between the two on the flight, letting Lexa know that Elena is soon to reveal everything. And once that happens, she'll have accomplished the first and most important step of this mission. Truly gaining their trust.

I should have killed her when I had the fucking chance.


The plane jolts as it harshly makes contact with the surface, landing through the rainy night skies of France. The arrival does not in any way bring up my mood from that stupid little devil's progress. I sit in silence with my arms folded tightly across my chest, holding strong fists and thinking about all the knives attached to my body that I easily could have killed Lexa with.

We wait until the movement comes to a complete stop before students start to stand from their seats. Lexa and Elena begin to get up from their seats in front of us, so I quickly stand and hurry my way over Dimitri sitting in his isle seat to get to Elena.

As much as I hate her company, I'm not going to let her out of my sight for a while, at least trying to do everything I can to make sure she doesn't reveal her family's business to Lexa, and reveal it to me instead.

"How was the flight?" I sweetly ask as I sneak up behind Elena, throwing my arm over her shoulder. I'm most definitely not a fan of this type of physical interaction, but Elena doesn't seem to notice.

"It was fine. I'm so excited to start our adventures tomorrow morning!" she squeals, leaning into my arm as we walk through the airport in unison with the rest of the grade.

Lexa peers at us from beside Elena, mildly lowering her eyes and clearly noticing what I'm trying to do. She picks up her speed and paces towards Dimitri who is walking next to me.

She comes in between the two of us and Dimitri wastes no time to grasp her waist and pull her closer to him.

I scowl in retaliation, not quite knowing why I'm angry at the sight of another man's hands on her. She notices my expression, and evilly smirks like the little fucking devil she is. I roll my eyes and avert my attention back to Elena, the real mission.

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