Chapter 11: Nothing Like High School

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Kace Hollander's POV

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Kace Hollander's POV

I'm forced to wake up to the painful sound of my alarm ringing through my ears. I spend 5 more minutes in bed, letting it ring until the little shit gets on my fucking nerves.

I groan and roll around, grabbing my phone and throwing it against the wall. But the fucking bullshiter still decides to ring. I snap back into reality, realizing that my mission starts today, so I go against my body's wishes and roll out of bed.

I pick up my phone, noticing that it's not cracked due to my weak 'wake up' strength, and check the time. 4 fucking 30 in the moring. Dammit, why couldn't I have just left to my apartment near the house yesterday so I wouldn't have to wake up this fucking early for the drive?

My father decided to buy me apartment closer to the school, seeing as we live over an hour away. Back when I actually went to high school, our grand base was much closer to the school. But after the incident with the Callero's, we made the smart decision to move farther.

I take a shower and throw some casual clothes on, ready to start the drive. I grab my bags and head out of my room, tip toeing across the long, dark hallway as to not wake anyone up.

I am greeted by the guards guarding the front door, and step outside. But after I close it behind me and walk a few steps, I hear it open again.

"Kason Hollander, where the hell do you think you're going without telling us goodbye?" an annoying voice calls from behind me.

I turn to face my mom scowling with her hands on her hips, my sister Juliana crossing her arms with her eyes almost fully closed from exhaustion, and my brother Preston, with his hands in his sweatshirt pockets and his eyes completely shut. It's obvious that my mom woke them up to say bye to me.

"Guys I need to go. I'm already running late," I lie in annoyance. My mom can be way too clingy sometimes.

"Okay, can I go back to bed?" Juliana asks, her voice raspy.

"No, not just yet," my mother responds walking towards me. "I'm going to miss you, son. You better call me right when you get there and with ever chance you have," she says again, hugging me and kissing my face. I cringe and lightly shove her away.

"Juliana, Preston, say goodbye to your brother," she strictly tells my siblings. They are in no mood to argue with her, so they both come up to me and hug me goodbye.

"Bye brother, call me," Juliana tells me, still hugging me chest. She's one year younger than me, and we've always been pretty close for siblings.

"Can I have your room?" Preston slyly asks, once he pulls away from me. I roll my eyes.

"Hell no. It better be exactly the same when I get back," I respond. Juliana chuckles bit.

Finally, my mom lets me leave and I head in my car. I'd normally use one of the drivers to take me, but that would just draw unnecessary attention and I'm supposed to pose as a normal high schooler.

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