Instagram: Featuring Zorbs and Hobbits

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~ Immeasurable silliness, newlywed Otayuri shenanigans.


When Yuri suggested they go Zorbing on their honeymoon, Otabek was skeptical, to say the least.

"What exactly is Zorbing, Yura?"

Yuri rolled his eyes, rolling onto his stomach from his position lying on the made bed, letting his legs kick in the air and his elbows support his upper body against the mattress. "It's fucking cool," Yuri said, in lieu of giving a definition to his fiance. "It's this thing where they put you in like a giant hamster ball and kick you down a mountainside."

At the look on Otabek's face, Yuri burst out laughing.

"Yuri," Otabek said, seriously, "You'll die." He'd always known that his fiance liked the more... extreme, side of activities, but throwing himself down a mountainside sounded a bit much, even for him.

"I won't!" But Yuri's indignant look was marred by his continuous laughter, "It's perfectly safe, I promise!"

Otabek raised an eyebrow, "Yes, I'm sure several highly-trained teenagers shoving you off a cliff will be fun and all, but I'd prefer it if we actually got to grow old together, you know, as a married couple and stuff."

"Well, you're bound to be disappointed regardless," Yuri said, cocking his head to the side and looking up at Otabek in the most dignified air a man lying half-naked on a bed like a fifteen-year-old girl can muster. A significant amount. "Because I don't plan on getting old."

"Oh really?" Otabek smirked.

"Nope," Yuri said, popping the p. "I'll stay young and pretty forever."

"Which you can only do," Otabek reminded him, "if you don't die. No Zorbing."

"Come onnnn, Beka!" Yuri whined, "You said yes to New Zealand before! You even got all excited about the Hobbit movie-set thing, and the glowworm caves!"

"New Zealand isn't what I have the problem with, I just don't want you dead before next season. Don't you want to live to beat Victor to the quad Axel?"

Yuri grinned, "Awww, you're so cute wanting me to stay alive and stuff."

"Yeah, I'm great like that." Otabek huffed, rolling his eyes.

"You are," Yuri smiled, pulling him down for a kiss, before propping himself up to look at Otabek, now sitting on the bed, head-on. "It's not dangerous, though," Yuri said, "I promise. People do it all of the time-- it's a huge tourist attraction for New Zealand. I'll be fine: you don't have to worry, and we can even go visit your hobbit caves or whatever after with minimal complaining!" Yuri raised his eyebrows and put on his best car-salesman face, "Pleaseeeee?"

Otabek stared down at him, face blank. If Yuri said it was safe, and if the research could back it up, and with Yuri looking at him like that...

"Fine," Otabek groaned, giving in as Yuri squealed and jumped up to hug him, dragging him so he lay on the bed with Yuri on his chest. "As long as I can get proof it's safe and you promise you won't die."

"Yes!" Yuri fist-pumped, "I promise! It'll be so much fun: there are all these courses and there's this one called 'The Drop' and it's supposed to be really scary because you free-fall and--"

"Yura," Otabek cut him off, "don't talk me out of this."

Yuri just cackled and pulled him into a kiss. He truly is fucked.


"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, Beka."

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