The Battle of the Yuris

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~So, I also post on AO3 (same username, how many times have I mentioned this? Lol) and my friend on there, Venom, and I joked that Yuri would pull a Tonya Harding on Yuuri as "the only way to take out Katsudon. Beka, get the crowbar." "No!" and, well, it had to be written. So, I bring you the slightly shitty, entirely silly fic "The Battle of the Yuris."

(Be warned, this has not been proofed. Read with forgiveness! ♥)


Medal after medal, gold after gold, win after win by a fraction of a point; for the past year and a half, Yuri Plisetsky and Yuuri Katsuki have been alternating between gold and silver at every competition they attended, losing only to each other. The media loved it: every sports news outlet reported their 'rivalry', playing up the drama of what they had deemed 'the podium family' to the viewers. Every time they saw the skaters-- at competitions, when they stalked their rink during practice, on TV interviews, they asked them about the rivalry, and, again and again, the skaters had to reiterate that there was no rivalry.

After almost two seasons of this, and with the Olympic season looming over them, Yuri was sick and tired of this ridiculous rivalry business. If they wanted to find out who was the better Yuri, fine; he'd give them what they wanted. But there was only one way to do it.

The Battle of the Yuris.


Unbeknownst to half of the competition, Yuri composed a series of challenges by which they would settle once and for all who was the better skater. The obvious test, seeing who skated the same program better, was eliminated right off of the bat. Yuri had grown almost six centimeters during the first two months of the off-season and anything involving balance or jumps was completely out of the question.

(In truth, he was beyond infuriated with this, especially since it was Olympic fucking season! You have to be fucking kidding me! Why do I have to grow NOW?! And the indication that he'd end up towering over both Victor and Otabek at what his doctor expected to be 188 centimeters was no consolation. His body was betraying him at the worst time and he thought the fact that it was ruining his first Olympic season was quite enough: it didn't need to tamper with the Yuri competition, too.)

So, writing off anything on the ice, Yuri looked to their off-ice training regimen for ideas, which was where he found the first challenge.

"Oi, Katsudon!" Yuuri looked up from where he was pulling his water bottle out of his gym bag, seeing Yuri waving to him from near the treadmills. "Come run with me."

Yuuri quirked an eyebrow; it wasn't unusual for Yuri to want some company while training, but the boy would never openly admit to enjoying it-- let alone ask for it.

"Okay," he said, secretly pleased that Yuri seemed to be warming up to him, and made his way over to the vacant treadmill next to Yuri's.

Immediately, Yuri began running, jacking the speed up as high as it could go and sneering at Yuuri when he stumbled over his feet to get started.

"Come on, Katsudon," he smirked, his breath barely hindered by the breakneck speed he was pelting along to. "Gotta get back in shape for the season!"

Yuuri rolled his eyes; he'd grown used to Yuri's now almost routine jabs at his weight. It was the off-season, he was allowed to gain a few pounds. Still, though, his time training with the Russian teen had helped him embrace his competitive side and he simply pushed up the speed on his treadmill until it was maxed out like Yuri's was.

They ran for a while, long enough for both men to find themselves gasping for breath, pouring with sweat. To Yuuri's surprise, though, Yuri showed no indication of stopping even when he was red faced and puffing, sweat pooling on his forehead. Yuuri, likewise, was in a bad condition, but, impressed and motivated by Yuri's determination, continued to match his pace.

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