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At 25-years-old, Yuri and Otabek have been married for four years, and have, from most outlooks (homophobic ones stalwartly ignored), the ideal relationship. Except they travel constantly, Otabek on tour and Yuri moving around to dance for all of the major companies. And the fact that they haven't seen each other in over a month, due to the stated reasons. And there's also the itty-bitty, teeny-tiny problem that Yui kinda-maybe-might want the children they've agreed to wait two years to have.

But it's fine, because they're home now, and Beka's tour is finished, and Yuri's contract with the Bolshoi is complete, and now they have all of the time in the world for each other-- and to help with Mila's new baby. Which won't be a problem at all. Because Yuri can wait two years. Even if he's never been accused of being patient.


The third part in the "The Confounding and Chaotic Tales of the Plisetsky-Altins..." (Arranged) series. Can be read as a standalone, but would probably be more enjoyable if read with its companions.

For Tae! Because you are a lovely human being, a wonderful friend, and an excellent beta who single-handedly saved the smut-ish scene! Thank you, my dear, I hope you enjoy this. ♥

This is a part of The  event put on by the Superfan Discord server! This has been such a wonderful project and I'm so glad to be a part of it! Please check out the other days of Otayuri from the project's other creators! ♥

My apologies if this is riddled with typos; I got halfway through coding this in and accidentally fucking refreshed the page and it all disappeared. So, I was very frustrated, needless to say, re-coding the entirety of this 12K monster. So, without further ado, welcome to another rendition of "just fucking talk to each other!" Enjoy! :)

~~~ (This is 11K words long, btw)~~~

In life, and, furthermore, in relationships, there was an order to follow, steps to complete. One would say, if describing the latter, that the two who would later become a couple should meet (for it was ideal to know this person), then grow close, and finally begin dating. If one wanted to skip to the later steps of the relationship (for, at this point, there was a relationship to speak of) they would go in an order similar to the following: move in together, get married, and, if desirable to both parties, have children. Now, Yuri had never been one for orthodoxy in life, just as a general rule, and it made sense that his relationship's progression was even less ordinary than he himself was. Getting married first, spending a heat together second, learning names a good week later, and only after a pregnancy scare discussing what they wanted out of life, the Plisetsky-Altin couple was a chaotic storm of social rule-breaking and love. They had a plan, now, though, and it was a plan that most of society would agree was reasonable. Which seemed to be the deciding factor in the formation of Yuri Plisetsky-Altin's fuck-all desire to spit into the wind and skip to their personal plan's final step... a step that both he and his husband of four years had decided would not come for another two.

It started when they were halfway around the world from each other for six months. Now, really, this was not as drastic or unique an occurrence as it sounded: by the nature of their careers, they had to travel a lot, Otabek away on tours and Yuri signing brief, guest contracts with the foreign ballet companies of his dreams. By all means, they were accustomed to spending periods of time apart, but those intervals had never spanned any more than two months, in the past. Now, three weeks into six months of separation, not even a layover in the same city, the longing for home and each other had strengthened dramatically. Maybe that was why Yuri had taken to, as he stretched, watching as Aliona spoke with her family at the beginning and end of every day.

At first, it had only been a passing thing, a glance over his shoulder while Yuri fought the flush of movement out of his complexion (he consistently lost this battle) that happened to land on the tall, lean woman and the tiny, little girl in a pink tutu hugging her clumsily goodbye. Later, it became about Yuri's curiosity at the family dynamic that allowed Aliona's husband to walk with her to and from practice, their toddler between them, and then take said toddler to preschool. Quite the nuclear family, they seemed to be, and they intrigued Yuri, who had only ever known dancers to be either childless or to keep them away from rehearsal. That didn't seem to be the custom in the Bolshoi, though, and within the first three weeks Yuri spent there, he could tell that it was a common occurrence to see Lilianna (the child's name) at the start and finish of class, bedecked in winter boots, a puffy coat, and with a rainbow tutu poking out in between from her own just-finished ballet class. In any case, all of the dancers knew the child, and apparently her appearance was so commonplace that she felt comfortable enough to give them hugs even when her parents were at the other end of the room. Apparently, as well, Yuri looked enough like Svetlana from behind that mistakes happened.

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