Unlikely Places

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~ ANOTHER Otayuri Mpreg, a mafia AU, and, yes, I am thoroughly DISGUSTED with myself for writing this. Oh well. Here you go!

(This isn't really relevant but when I post Otayuri mpreg it'll always be Pregnant!Yuri because, yeah. No one cares but I thought I'd put it out there ♥)


"I don't like this," Otabek murmured as he and Yuri made their way into the building, taking in their surroundings and talking under their breath.

"I know you don't," Yuri replied, "but it's necessary. There's nothing either of us can do about it; we both know this is the only option, and we've been working for so long."

"I know," Otabek put an arm around his husband, gently pulling him closer. "But you shouldn't be here; it's not safe. I don't know what they were thinking; sending you into this, in your condition." Yuri rolled his eyes gently; if they'd been over this once they'd been over this ten thousand times and Otabek still vehemently hated the idea. Not that Yuri could truly blame him.

"It was my idea," Yuri reminded him, slowing the pace slightly, "this is the best cover we have; if we have a shot in hell, this is it." And when Otabek didn't meet his eyes, "I'll be careful, I promise."

Stopping and bringing his hand up to his husband's face, Yuri tilted it down toward him where he stood a good half-a-head shorter than him, and brought him in for a kiss. Otabek's arms fell around Yuri's middle and he softened under his lips.

"I just worry," he murmured, breaking the contact and pressing their foreheads together as he gazed down. Yuri followed his eyes and set a gentle hand against his abdomen, swollen and keeping them a good foot or so apart as it rested heavily between them.

"It'll be fine, I won't even be there for the takedown." Yuri smiled softly as Otabek's hand met his own on his stomach and a kick met the contact, "I'll be in the offices, where it's safe,"

He rolled his eyes at the last part, not at all keen to be missing the action but aware of the necessity of it. They were already taking a huge risk as it was, not that he'd voice his acknowledgement of that fact before Otabek, of course.

"There you two are! I thought we'd lost you," The couple broke apart as the voice called out and they looked up to see Jean-Jacques Leroy striding toward them with a broad smile on his face. Yuri suppressed an eye roll;

Of course, it was him.

"Nope," Otabek replied, "We're here,"

"It had to be him?" Yuri whined under his breath to his husband who just sent him a raised eyebrow, though the amused glint in his eye betrayed him. He'd always had more patience with JJ's antics than Yuri had. On more than one occasion Yuri had actually hit him; it was far too convenient to just blame it on the extensive training they had to undergo, but anyone who knew them knew the truth. JJ never seemed too phased by it.

"I'm glad you are," JJ replied, turning with a motion for them to follow him, which they did. "You need to be briefed and given the outfits you'll wear." This time Yuri did roll his eyes:

Briefed? We've been on this case since day one -- three damn years ago -- and were the ones to plan and execute this whole fucking thing. Briefed? Please.

While JJ was busy chattering away ahead of them, Otabek didn't miss this subtle motion and shared an amused grin with Yuri as if to say: I know; silly.

Silly is one way to put it, Yuri thought, stupid is another, but he stayed silent.

They arrived outside one of the multitudes of conference rooms housed inside the building and JJ opened the door for them, as if they couldn't have done it themselves-- they've only worked here for seven years, but stood back to let them pass. Yuri couldn't help but smirk; he wasn't allowed in, not high enough security clearance.

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