𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚

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It's already 4pm and Oikawa was still not home. Iwaizumi had to leave earlier to do some chores for his mom--like the good boy he is; so, you were alone. Instead of just sitting around, you walk around his house and notice that there were other rooms, but when you woke up earlier, no one was home. It wasn't in your nature to invade other people's privacy, so you decided not to look through the rooms. However, you were curious if his family lived with him and from the looks of it, it looked like they did. In the living room, you see many pictures of Oikawa and his family. All of them were very cute in your opinion and brought a small smile to your lips.

"They look so happy," you admire the pictures and feel your stomach twisting at the thought of your family. You stop when you see a picture of Oikawa holding an award with Iwaizumi and some other kids in the picture. Looking closely, you notice some of the others were some first years at Seijoh. That was probably the biggest smile you have ever seen Oikawa have, and it was a smile that could make anyone feel happy for him. "What a volleyball idiot," you chuckle to yourself as an idea pops in your head. Standing up and you look at the time that reads 4:30pm. "I need to go find him!"


For hours straight, Oikawa has been playing volleyball in the school gym that he snuck in. Using your body to play was more difficult than he thought--let's just say... you don't exercise that much.

"What is wrong with F/n-chan's body? It's so... so weak!!" he cries as the side of his stomach aches.

It has already been thirty minutes and you're still running around town, looking for Oikawa. Unfortunately for you, he didn't bring a phone. Thankfully though, you weren't as tired as you usually would've been because of how much stamina Oikawa's body had.

"Where is that guy? Has he even eaten?" you ask aloud as you hold onto a bag of food you bought not too long ago. You found Oikawa's wallet and guiltily used the money in it since you didn't have your wallet. "Where would I go if I was Oikawa?" you think to yourself as your finger taps on your chin. Looking down at your outfit, you remember how Oikawa's closet consisted of a lot of workout clothes. "THE GYM!!" Running to school as fast as you can, you run to the gym to see the lights are on. "OIKAWA-SAN!" you yell as you open the door. Oikawa is in the middle of doing a jump serve when you catch his attention and the ball hits his head. You both stare at each other's flustered faces from running/practicing too much. Both of your guys' noses have blush on it as you both are sweating like pigs and now, it is awkward. Building courage in yourself, you lift the plastic bag in your hand. "Food." You couldn't even speak proper Japanese due to how flustered you are, but it was enough for Oikawa to understand and for some reason, your flusteredness gave him butterflies.


You both walk out of the gym to the stairs and sit down. Taking out the onigiris from the bag, you hand him his share as you keep your share on your lap. You then hand him a water bottle and keep one for yourself.

"You bought this?" Oikawa asks.

"I... I used your money; sorry," you embarrassingly say and feel blood rushing to your face.

Laughing, Oikawa replies, "That's okay. Thank you for buying me food though, F/n-chan." Happily, Oikawa takes a big bite out of the onigiri and large sips from his bottle. Unconsciously, you watch him as you both eat. Catching your eye, Oikawa stops eating and gives you a smirk.

"Is my face so beautiful that you need to stare?"

You scoff, "Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's my face." Oikawa blushes at his failed attempt to tease you and continues to eat as you chuckle. Grabbing your water bottle--you have only taken one sip from--you set it next to Oikawa. "You already finished your first bottle, so here's mine. You can keep it."

"You don't need to F/n--"

"It's okay, really," you interrupt him and continue to eat and stare at the sunset. Once you guys are finished with dinner, you both head back into the gym. "Are you going to practice more?" you ask.

Oikawa shakes his head.

"There's really no point in practicing at the moment," he depressingly says.

Taking your phone out, you read the time and see that it's 7:30pm.

"Hurry Oikawa-san! We need to clean up!" Quickly grabbing as many balls as you can, you throw them into the basket.

"W-why?" Oikawa asks while he follows what you're doing.

"It's 7:30!"

After you both finish cleaning up, you guys race to the corner you both ran into yesterday night.

"I'm not exactly sure how we're going to do this?" you hesitantly ask. The idea sounded nice earlier this morning, but now, it was kind of awkward.

"Just run into me, F/n-chan!" Oikawa cheerfully says.

You look down at him and laugh.

"Maybe you should run into me, I'm bigger than you." Oikawa nods and as you both are walking towards each other, the whole situation--if you were to watch from a third pov--looked/felt stupid. Out of desperation though, Oikawa harshly runs into you causing you both, but mostly him, to harshly fall on the floor.

When you open your eyes, you see him still tightly closing his eyes. The whole scene broke your heart.


"Please... Don't say anything right now," he says while his eyes are still shut as if he were trying to convince himself that once he would open his eyes after a long time, everything will be normal.

Coming from a family who never showed love or comfort, it was nerve racking for you to even consider comforting him, but from all of your psychology/child development classes and books you've read though, you knew it was the thing he needed most. So, you got up, kneeled in front of him, and hugged him.

"Then I won't say anything," you simply say as you rub his back. To him, he felt like everything in his life was crashing down. Oikawa did live with his parents, but they had gone on an important business trip that would last for two months, so he didn't have his parents' comfort. On the other hand, he felt like he hadn't been improving in volleyball as much as he wanted. On top of it all, his crush liked his worst rival. All he really needed right then and there was a hug and you perfectly read his mind. After 5 minutes of staying like that, Oikawa finally opens his eyes to see his face in front of his.

"Let's go back home," he says as you nod. Walking back to Oikawa's house was quiet and peaceful. When you guys get there, Oikawa tells you to take a shower in his bathroom as he will take a shower in his parents' room. As you close the door of the bathroom, you look in the mirror and realize that there was a problem.

"I-I can't shower!!!" You are now a blushing mess and then realize that Oikawa would see your body. Immediately, you barge into his parents' room and knock on the bathroom door. "D-Don't look at--"

"Calm down!" Oikawa opens the door. "We need to take a shower eventually, F/n-chan! Don't be so shy; I already saw you this morning," he slyly says which causes you to blush.

"Y-you're disgusting!" He gives you a smirk and leans towards you as you back away.

"Bet you were drooling over my abs." At that moment, you didn't really care if he was in your body, so you knocked his head. "OUCH! What was that for, F/n-chan?!"

"Shut up! Let's just quickly shower!" you walk away with blush across your cheeks.

Date: 15 June 2020

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