𝒎𝒚 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈

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"Oi! No running, Izumi!" you yell at your younger daughter who is running towards the large stadium. "Let's try to keep up with your sister, yeah?" You turn to your older daughter who obediently nods and runs hand in hand with you.

"Mama, Kiyori! Hurry, hurry! I want to see daddy play!" Izumi excitedly yells as you try your best to keep up with the hyper child.

"Mama, I'm getting tired," Kiyori pants and tries her hardest to keep up with you both.

'Oh my goodness... Why does one child have to be so hyper and the other so mellow?' you ask and pick Kiyori up. "Hold on tight to Mama. We need to keep up with your sister!"

Finally, the three of you reach your seats which are on the first row. Tiredly, you plop on your seat as both of your children--twins--excitedly lean towards the railing. Music starts to play, signalling that the players are coming out, and you straighten your back to search for your husband.

"Oh! There's daddy! DADDDDDD!!" Izumi loudly yells as Kiyori places her hands over her ears.

"Umi, you're too loud."

"If I don't yell loudly, then daddy won't see us, Yori!"

"Now, now; no fighting, girls. Look! Daddy's waving at us." You point at the 28 year old man wearing the number 13.

Crazily, the girls wave towards their father who excitedly waves back.

'My whole family is chaotic,' you think to yourself but smile when he specifically looks at you and waves. Gladly, you wave back before he starts warming up. 'My husband looks so handsome in his jersey.'

Immediately after high school, Oikawa was invited to join Argentina's professional volleyball team, Club Atlético San Juan. He felt awful for having to leave you in Japan as he left to fulfill his dream, but you had reassured him that it was fine. "No matter where you go, our souls will always be connected and our love for each other will never fade" is what you told him before he left. Of course, it was difficult to only see him during the big holidays, but knowing that Oikawa was fulfilling his dreams was worth the wait for you. It wasn't until seven years ago that he had proposed to you.

He immediately insisted that you move to Argentina with him which scared you at first. However, you couldn't deal with the idea of being married with a beefy prince who lived miles across the ocean from you. Of course, he also was such a good persuader that you couldn't object to his proposal to move in with him. The volleyball idiot loved you so much he had saved so much of his earnings to provide for you when you were searching for work in Argentina and for the wedding. To make it even more chaotic, your prince charming had gotten right down to business and got you pregnant with twins. He was such a sweetheart during your pregnant days though.

On late nights of you just crying for no apparent reason, he'd rub your tummy and whisper sweet things into your ears until you fell asleep. He also learned to cook for you and made sure to feed you with good nutrients in order for your guys' daughters to develop well. Even to this day, he takes care of you and the girls so well. His girls--including you--were his joy and pride.

Successfully, Oikawa's team had won and he immediately ran towards the bleachers once it was over. The railing was the only thing separating him from you three.

"My baby girls are here to cheer on their papa!" he happily sings and embraces the twins.

"Daddy, you were so cool! You need to show me how to serve like you!" Izumi jumps up and down.

"Nice game, daddy," Kiyori calmly congrats and kisses Oikawa on the cheek.

If you three were Oikawa's pride and joy, the girls and Oikawa were your everything. They only brought the best out of you.

"Hey, aren't you going to congratulate me, sweet stuff?" Oikawa gives you a smirk as you roll your eyes.

"Good job, Hun. You did amazing like usual." Leaning forward, you try to give Oikawa a kiss on the cheek before he aims his lips onto yours instead.

"Does that mean I get a prize later?" Oikawa innocently asks as you lightly smack his head.

"You'll get dinner. That's your prize."

Pouting, he lightly whines before resting his face between your hands that cuff his cheeks.

"I love you so much, baby mama."

Blushing, you roll your eyes again and pat his cheek.

"That's not going to get you the prize you want."

He pouts again before you kiss his forehead.

"I love you too. Now go get changed so we can all head home together," you finish.

"Hai, hai! Bye girls. Daddy loves you all!"

"Love you too daddy!" they sing back before Oikawa joyfully kisses their cheeks and hurries back towards his team.

Date: 25 September 2020

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