𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏

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Although you confidently claimed that Aoba Johsai would win, the match was intense and at that point, you felt really nervous.

"Was Karasuno High always this good?" You nervously bite your finger nails. Witnessing how Oikawa was playing better than you've ever seen him--let me tell you: you've never actually watched him play lol--you were not afraid of them losing. Once he stepped on the court, every player was playing differently than how they usually would with you. It was like Oikawa was bringing the best out of the boys. Also, the tension and concentration Oikawa brought onto the court was just too much for you. 'Thank goodness we changed back to our own bodies before this game! I don't know if I would've been able to lead the team!' You quietly sigh in relief until you hear the whistle blow for a timeout. Immediately, you start distributing water and towels to the boys. "You're doing amazing Kindaichi-kun! Keep it up," you build the courage to say to the tall giant.

Hearing your encouragement causes his entire face to beat red.

"T-thank you, L/n senpai!"

Nodding, you move on to the next person.

'I guess he really gets nervous around girls,' you think and silently giggle to yourself until you come face to face to Iwaizumi and Oikawa. 'Just say a few encouraging words.' You silently nod at your brain's suggestion. "Oikawa-kun, you play so beautifully," you accidentally blert. 'Awh shoot. I was just supposed to say that he was playing good.' You blush.

Taking a large sip from the bottle, he throws you a big grin.

"Thanks, F/n-chan!" he chuckles.

"Oi, Oikawa--don't get too full of yourself!" Iwaizumi scolds.

"You're also doing an amazing job, Iwa-ch--I mean Iwaizumi-kun! Sorry, I'm just so used to calling you 'Iwa-chan' now," you hesitantly chuckle as he shakes his head.

"You can continue calling me that, F/n. You're my friend." He gives a cute grin before they hand you their bottles and head back to the court.

Watching them resume, your grip tightens on the bottles and you feel your heart warm up.

'I can still be friends with all of them?' you happily ask yourself and smile.

Once again, you were going to bite off all of your nails. It is the third set and the score has gone past 25.

'Please, Kami-sama! Please let them win!' you silently pray. Thankfully, God was on your side that day and when Kindaichi blocked the last spike, you jumped out of your seat. You were about to run over to them and huddle with the team--as you were used to doing--but refrained yourself when you saw Oikawa huddling with the team instead. 'Right... That's Oikawa's job,' you think but feel a tap on your shoulder.

"I can see you really want to join them, L/n senpai! Let's go together. We're all a part of the team!" Yahaba points as you happily nod.

'He's right. We're a team and we're all friends.' Excitedly, you throw your arms around Kunimi and Kindaichi. For some reason, you had grown an attachment for the two first years since you had never experienced having younger siblings. Being in contact with your body causes them to blush.

"Nice job, first years! You guys are so dependable!"

Nervous, the two thank you as the others watch in envy--especially Oikawa. However, he was too happy to be angry at anyone seeing how you were celebrating with the team.

"You're not going to compliment us on our skills, L/n-chan?" Matsu pouts as Makki nods in agreement.

"Ehhh? It's your job as senpais to do good. Why do you guys need a compliment?" you tease as irk marks appear on their temples.

𝒔𝒘𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒅 | 𝒐. 𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒓𝒖Where stories live. Discover now