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Dark or bright, while I’m awake,
Trouble I feel, for danger’s sake,
Its fear-a thing that will make,
My sleeps micro-sleeps, and take,
My nights, change them to nightmares.

Wish I could sleep so sound,
So, my heart is without haunt,
But now, its queer fear bound,
And it happens, whenever I’m awake.

Went to sleep, hours before night’s mid,
Got a feeling someone, somewhere hid,
Scared at every faint noise, like a kid,
Seemed as if the evil jar broke its lid,
And it spreads all over, spares nothing.

Of something, never before had I met,
Nocturnal beings? Spirits? I don’t get.

Shadows surrounding me, I think,
All dark, into which I sink,
It lasted just for an eye to blink,
Looks like a stout man, could link,
It to one with a black hoodie jacket.

Yes, he’s the haunter, I see him,
Though the lights are wee dim,
Stared at that masked face on him,
Felt I, a heart stroke, my face grim,
Who can help me? I begged for sleep.

Like two in the dawn, caught lil sleep,
And now, there are dreams so deep,
Deep enough to haunt a lifetime,
They’re all buried memories, they sublime,
In your subconcious, they’re real!

The black hooded man, he’s back,
He comes for me, wanting to sack,
Has a bloody axe in his grab,
Its even smelly, blood from a stab,
He’s coming fast for me, us, everyone.

He swung it up, but I fall off a cliff,
In an unknown land, no dogs could sniff,
Woke from the nightmare, to see daylight,
Quite a relief, the day was well bright,
The rising sun, he’s hella triumphant.

Lack of nap, I hope, made me sick,
At mind, not the physical kick,
Now I’m more like a burning wick,
Memories burn-out, for its some trick,
The hoodie man- he plays them all.

Even after sun-up, saw him in the mirror,
Behind the woods, or amongst-horror,
Beneath my bed, or hiding in the attic?
Never knows, maybe in the cupboard,
Waiting to prey upon, when opened.

Void Of Morsels- PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now