Dark or bright, while I’m awake,
Trouble I feel, for danger’s sake,
Its fear-a thing that will make,
My sleeps micro-sleeps, and take,
My nights, change them to nightmares.Wish I could sleep so sound,
So, my heart is without haunt,
But now, its queer fear bound,
And it happens, whenever I’m awake.Went to sleep, hours before night’s mid,
Got a feeling someone, somewhere hid,
Scared at every faint noise, like a kid,
Seemed as if the evil jar broke its lid,
And it spreads all over, spares nothing.Of something, never before had I met,
Nocturnal beings? Spirits? I don’t get.Shadows surrounding me, I think,
All dark, into which I sink,
It lasted just for an eye to blink,
Looks like a stout man, could link,
It to one with a black hoodie jacket.Yes, he’s the haunter, I see him,
Though the lights are wee dim,
Stared at that masked face on him,
Felt I, a heart stroke, my face grim,
Who can help me? I begged for sleep.Like two in the dawn, caught lil sleep,
And now, there are dreams so deep,
Deep enough to haunt a lifetime,
They’re all buried memories, they sublime,
In your subconcious, they’re real!The black hooded man, he’s back,
He comes for me, wanting to sack,
Has a bloody axe in his grab,
Its even smelly, blood from a stab,
He’s coming fast for me, us, everyone.He swung it up, but I fall off a cliff,
In an unknown land, no dogs could sniff,
Woke from the nightmare, to see daylight,
Quite a relief, the day was well bright,
The rising sun, he’s hella triumphant.Lack of nap, I hope, made me sick,
At mind, not the physical kick,
Now I’m more like a burning wick,
Memories burn-out, for its some trick,
The hoodie man- he plays them all.Even after sun-up, saw him in the mirror,
Behind the woods, or amongst-horror,
Beneath my bed, or hiding in the attic?
Never knows, maybe in the cupboard,
Waiting to prey upon, when opened.
Void Of Morsels- Poetry
PuisiEvery attempt I made at poetry has been collected inside this book. All good, and bad. Inside, are those poems directly related to my life and otherwise. Thank you, most valuable reader, for taking your time here.