Part 4

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When I arrived home, I jumped into the shower and when I got out I saw I had some text messages from Katelyn.

One that caught my eye read

Hey babe I’m sorry about how I acted the other day, you mean the world to me and I think that spending time apart has really opened my eyes on our relationship. I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else other than you, I’m coming home early because I can’t stand being away from you. Love you so so so much XOXO – Katelyn”

I guess she was to drunk last night to remember what happened, or she’s just a lying bitch. I decided to not reply. I shut my phone off and started to walk over to the living room when I noticed the front door was open. As I went over to close it I was blinded by a pair of hands covering my eyes.

“Guess who?” They asked kissing me all over my neck.

“Um I don’t know who?”

I decided to play it safe, if it was Katelyn and I said Demi I’d be dead and other way around. But I figured Demi wouldn’t act like this since we just met as she knows my predicament.

“Your girlfriend silly” Katelyn said turning me around giving me a big kiss on the lips.

She pulled me to the bedroom and the kiss got heated quickly, I felt her tongue swipe my bottom lip asking for entrance and I hesitantly allowed. She pushed me down onto the bed and slowly climbed on top of my body, her hands ran up and down my body eventually taking off my shirt. Her lips kissed my neck reaching my sweet spot I let out a soft moan, she moved her lips down to my breasts, then down to my stomach, and reaching the hem line of my shorts which quickly got ripped off. Her fingertips ran from my knee to my inner thigh close to my area. She rubbed my area from the outside of my underwear with one hand and her free hand removed her bra along with mine.


After a little we laid there, I was mentally slapping myself in the face. I can’t believe I just did that after she cheated on me. I’m so stupid, fuck. I quickly got up and got dressed and walked out to the beach and broke down in tears. I heard Katelyn coming up behind me but honestly I didn’t care, she came and sat down beside me.

“Why’d you just leave?” Katelyn asked with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

I just kept looking down at my hands.

“Seriously? I fucking come home early for you, surprise you and have sex with you and you just leave me there alone?” Katelyn asked with anger now evident.

“Such a selfish bitch” She added on as she stood up.

I couldn’t take anymore, I stood up quickly to match her height. My hand rose up and slapped her across the face. Before she could move I whipped out my phone and let her listen to her voicemail she had left me. Her expression didn’t change one bit, it’s like she didn’t care if I knew what she had done.

“How can you just stand there?!! Do I not mean anything to you?!” I started to scream.

She didn’t move she just stood there looking at me, her lips curled into a small smirk. She knelt down on one knee and reached into her pocket and pulled out a small box. A ring shimmered in the moonlight as she stared at it and then in my eyes.

“Jess.. I love you with all of my heart. I messed up I’ll admit that but each time you took me back and that’s how I know you still love me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Jessie Rose will you marry me?”

I stood there astonished, what the fuck is happening?

“Are you fucking crazy?”

Her expression turned confused. I should be the only one that’s confused here.

“You think I’m going to marry you after you treat me like shit and cheat on me?! To answer that NO I’m not, I’m leaving you.”

I grabbed my phone and car keys and ran out the door in tears. I slammed the keys into the ignition and drove off, in my rear view mirror I saw Katelyn giving me the middle finger. I drove to the liquor store and bought four large bottles of strong alcohol. Before I began to drink my problems away I drove to my favorite park and considered calling Demi, but decided not to bother her. Many sips later I wandered off to an open clearing in the field and just laid there staring at the stars.

Demi’s POV

It was about 2 in the morning when I heard a knock at my door. It was Marissa and Westley.

“Hey what’re you guys doing here so late?” I asked curiously.

“Jess is missing. According to Katelyn she came home early and some shit went down and Jess left. This happened earlier this morning after she came home from breakfast and no one’s heard from her, I know she’s an adult but when she gets really upset she seems to act out so I’m just really worried.”

They told me more about how they’ve driven around looking for her everywhere they could think of, but they didn’t mention one place she described to me when she was upset the other night.

“There is a park she mentioned the other night to me where she usually goes to get away. Can you guys just follow me in my car?”

“Yeah sure, but we have Katelyn with us she’s in the car”

“Why would you bring her?! Obviously Jess was trying to get away from her!”

“We went by her house to get more details and she insisted on coming and we couldn’t get her out”

“Ok whatever hopefully Jess doesn’t freak out”

I jumped into my car and drove as fast as I could to the park. It was a large park but I knew exactly where Jess was but didn’t tell the others because I wanted to talk to her first. I told them to call me if they found her and I’d do the same, I took off running in the direction of where she was. You had to climb up a hill first before reaching the clearing in the field, once I reached the top of the small hill I saw Jess laying there surrounded by bottles. I ran as fast I could and when I reached Jess she was totally out of it, crying her eyes out. It broke my heart to see her like this, I knelt down beside her.

“Jess it’s me Demi” I said quietly, she turned her head and looked me in the eyes. Her eyes were red and puffy, clearly filled with pain.

// Decided to update today, hope you all had a great day! :) Will be uploading next parts soon.\\

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