Part 9

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The crowd was so loud I could barely hear Demi talking to me as we walked underneath the stage to the platform she would rise up on.

“You’ll do great, see you after” I shouted to Demi giving her a quick kiss before she left.

I watched her walk onto the platform turning around back at me with huge smile present on her face waiting for when she would rise up to see and hear all of her Lovatics in the crowd cheering for her.

The show was an hour and a half long and I was alone at the moment, I wasn’t sure where everyone had gone to.

“Oh there you are Jessie! Everyone’s over here” Maddie exclaimed pulling me with her.

Guess I spoke to soon.

An hour later 

“THANK YOU GUYS I LOVE YOU STAY STRONG” I shouted sending out multiple air kisses before lowering down from the stage.

As I lowered down I was followed by two large security guards, soon arriving in a group of people. Hugs were exchanged between all of us before my eyes wandered off and caught a tall male figure standing at the other side of the room staring at me. Staring back and forth at this mysterious figure my brain finally registered who it was, my ex-boyfriend, Wilmer. My legs moved towards him and before I knew it we were wrapped in each other’s arms, pulling away his head tilted and his lip pursed out giving me a hard and painfully long kiss on my mouth.

“Sorry I just had to do that” Wilmer whispered into my ear sending chills up my spine.

Before I could answer I was greeted by Jessie, well this is going to be awkward. I stared intently at Jessie watching her jealous filled eyes scan Wilmer, and her hands bunched into fists. My hand quickly made its way to her back and began to rub it gently trying to calm her down, it seemed to work just enough so her hands loosened their tight grip against her pants and now was replaced with my hand.

“Love, who is this?” Wilmer asked.

I was about to speak but Jessie cut me off.

“Her girlfriend actually” She said angrily, and then wrapped her hand tightly around my waist pulling me close to her body.

“Girlfriend? Well nice to meet you” Wilmer replied sticking out his hand at Jessie, but Jessie just stood there glanced at his hand and looked back at him.

“Well we actually have to go now, so bye” She said before dragging me away to my dressing room.

She quickly closed the door and took a moment before looking at me.

“Who was that?”

“My ex-boyfriend Wilmer” I muttered avoiding any eye contact.

“I hate him”

“You don’t even know him” I reasoned.

“I don’t need to, he kissed you, I hate him.”

I let out a little laugh before bringing our lips together, we stayed there for a few minutes, letting our lips move to a rhythm.

“Yeah but that kiss was nothing like ours, he’s my ex and that’s what he’ll always be” I breathed out before bringing her down to sit with me on the couch, sharing one more kiss.

“Mmm good, you were remarkable by the way” Jessie whispered and began to kiss my neck and made her way to my jaw line, ending up on my lips.

Her warm hand stuck underneath my shirt resting on my stomach, it slowly made its way over to my left side which was starting to tickle, but before I could react I felt another hand land on my right side and squeezed causing me to squeal.

“AHH JESSIE S-STOPP T-THAT TICKLESS” I screamed as Jess climbed on top of me tickling me everywhere, my loud laugh filled the room, and Jessie decided to stop as soon as I began gasping for breaths.

“Sorry babe I just love hearing your laugh”

My heart nearly stopped as I heard the word babe escape her lips, I don’t know why but I loved the sound of it coming from her. We laid there for a little longer cuddling until we were interrupted by Marissa and the rest of my family.

“Oh sorry to bother you guys but I ran into someone!” Marissa exclaimed before inviting in, oh god, Wilmer. Not again.

Right as he stepped inside Jessie’s familiar distrustful look covered her face. I think Marissa had noticed my worried look and sent me a sorry expression back. But it was too late Wilmer was already on his way over once again to hug me right in front of my girlfriend. We embraced but this time it was a lot tighter than before, it only lasted a few seconds before Jessie grabbed me back but it felt like forever.

“Jessie have you met Wilmer?” My mom said.

“Yeah we did. Sadly.” Jessie said whispering the last part quietly to herself but I had heard her.

“Oh my god! I have a great idea, what if we all go out tonight for dinner? We can all catch up what do you say Wilmer?”

My mom and her wonderful ideas, I looked back at Jessie but couldn’t make any eye contact because her eyes were staring at Wilmer.

“Sounds like a great plan, I should probably get back to the hotel to clean up. Meet you guys at dinner, bye love” Wilmer said giving my hand a tight squeeze before exiting the room.

This is going to be a long night.

// Will probably be uploading part 10 tomorrow! :) \\

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