Part 15

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Two Weeks Later

Jessie POV

I flicked the button on and the sound of sirens replaced the silence of the streets. I am on my way to a disturbance call at the Palm Bay Club; a well known club to our division.

I pulled up to the club and was greeted by a frantic young woman.

“Over here officer” She said pulling me around the corner to the back entrance.

I was a little uneasy about the situation, I didn’t see anyone here, and the club didn’t even look open. We turned the corner and that’s when it all went blurry.


Something wet hit the side of my face, I cocked my head to the right but before my brain could register what I saw I felt something hard hit me and my body felt like a ragdoll as I flung back, smacking the pavement. I glanced over and all I could see was a pool of red.

“Oh my, oh my god!” I let out finally seeing the scene beside me. My shaky fingers grasped my radio.

“It’s o-officer R-rose, a young woman h-has been shot, re-requesting paramedics at Palm Bay C-club.” I stuttered out, trying to catch my breath.

It didn’t take long until a sea of red and blue blurred my vision.

“It’s going to be ok, they’ll take care of you” A familiar voice spoke to me.

I looked around before the ambulance doors shut and that’s when I saw a yellow bag being carried away into another ambulance, and tears poured out of my eyes.

Demi POV

I was sitting on the couch scrolling through Twitter with the news playing in the back. It was all the same sad stuff but as I sat there something caught my attention.

“Breaking News, there has been a shooting at the Palm Bay Night Club. Two female victims, one unknown and the other a cop from the 15th Division, no further information on the situation.”

Oh my god. I quickly dialed Jessie’s number but I was sent straight to voicemail, I called about 4 more times before I decided to call the station. But I didn’t have the chance because they were calling me. The only words I made out were Jessie Rose. Involved in shooting. On her way to the hospital.

At the hospital

“Jessie Rose, where is she!?” I shouted at the man at the front desk, he frantically typed in her name and told me she was on the third floor.

I ran as fast I could through the hallways and when I reached the doors I was greeted by the staff sergeant.

“Ms. Lovato, she’s going to be ok, her vest took the gun shot. She did suffer a bit of a head injury from the fall but she’ll be released tonight.”

“Oh thank god. But the other girl who was involved w-what happened to her?”

“She was pronounced dead at the scene, look Officer Rose, I mean Jessie witnessed something terrible so I just want to let you know she might be a little different for awhile, and will be required to take time off of work.”

“Ok, um can I see her?” I asked. I was so relieved Jessie wasn’t hurt but I just don’t know how she’ll be mentally.

“Sure through that room”

“Thank you”

I made my way to her room and stopped at the door way. I stared at Jessie and she didn’t even look at me, the nurse was cleaning her head but Jess looked straight ahead.  I slowly walked to her side, and kissed her gently on the forehead. She didn’t even move, or blink, she just sat there and her eyes they looked so empty.

“Baby it’s me Demi” I spoke rubbing her arm with my hand.

“She hasn’t said anything since she got here, give her some time” The nurse said as she finished up, she sent me a soft smile that I’m guessing was supposed to be comforting but it looked so sympathetic. She left the room leaving us in dead silence.

It reminded me of the time I had to clean Jessie’s head and she couldn’t stop swearing because of the pain, but now her face didn’t show the slightest bit of emotion. We sat in silence for the rest of the night, we were now home but I still felt alone.

Weeks passed and it barely got better. We spoke only 5 times at the most everyday and that was in the morning and at night deciding what she wanted to eat, Jessie went to work only two times a week to see a counselor. They’ve been telling me she was getting better but from the way she’s acting around me, it doesn’t look like it.

Three months have gone by and nothing is changing. She is at work now but comes home late or never comes home and stays at the station all night. We can’t stop fighting, every conversation is an argument. I’m becoming depressed and it’s taking a toll on me. I can’t do this anymore. I know she witnessed something awful but I can’t feel this way every day.

Jessie finally came home and I came to the realization that we desperately needed to talk.

“Jessie I need to talk to you” I said coming out of the kitchen.

“What is it?” She asked placing her stuff down, and walking over to me.

“I don’t know if I can do this anymore”

“Do what?”

“This. We never talk, and if we do we argue. We don’t kiss, cuddle, or do anything anymore. You’re always at work or working late, and if you do come home you go upstairs and sleep. I know what happened really affected you and I understand that but it’s negatively affecting me and I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried everything to help you cope with this pain, I’m always here for you but you keep pushing me away, and every day we are drifting further apart. Jessie I love you so much but I can’t do this anymore, I just t-think we should break up.” Tears rolled down my cheeks as I awaited Jess’ response.

“No Demi please don’t leave, I need you. I’m so sorry I am getting better I promise, I just need a little more time. P-please don’t leave I love you.”

“You’ve said that every time we fight, I know you love me but Jessie you need to focus on getting better. But I’m sorry I can’t do this”

The tears stopped coming out of Jessie’s eyes but now they were filled with anger. This look was way too familiar.

“So you’re just going to FUCKING LEAVE? You’ve got to be kidding me. I’m going through a hard time and you’re going to be a bitch and just fucking drop me like that.? You know what whatever I’ll pack my shit I don’t even want to be in this house anymore.” Jessie shouted at me.

I broke down in tears as she stormed upstairs, and it didn’t take her long to come back down with a packed suitcase. I stood still in the same place I was before.

You could notice Jessie’s whole body was fueled with anger. 

“I hope you’re fucking happy with yourself!” She spat out, she grabbed my arm and pushed me out of the way causing me to fall back into a coffee table.

“FUCK” I shouted out.

Jessie’s eyes snapped out of her angry trance and for once she looked like the old Jessie.

“Demi oh my god I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to! Demi!” She said running over to me to help me up, but I pushed her away.

“Get the fuck out”

“Demi please I’m so sorry, oh my god what did I do..” Jessie backed up into the door, tears poured down her face, but I didn’t care I don’t feel safe anymore.

“I said GET OUT!”

My voice startled her and she gave me one more look before turning around and walking out.

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